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Status Updates posted by JackieChan

  1. L4D2 10v10 down until further notice. Thanks, Valve!

  2. Lol, best I ever did. http://db.tt/6Qf3HYyk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheDude


      Wow. Yet another confirmation i really suck at BF3

    3. JackieChan


      I recorded the game too so you can see it if you want when I get it uploaded.

    4. MattKemp


      thats right, we have a BF3 server, huh?

      I think I should play it


  3. Lol, someone on Game Tracker accused the L4D2 GC server for being non-steam warez. Looks like we have yet another loser against our server.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BrohamMC


      lolz and ok


    3. MPG1770


      I bet you a pint Jackie that it's your nemesis server (ZI) doing this - everyone knows GC is the best

    4. BrohamMC


      yep thats right GO GC

  4. Lol, someone was getting mad at me for killing them with the MAV in BF3 and kept sending me messages. I simply reply with, "mad cuz u bad bro" and block him. I ended up going 82-25.

    1. shaftiel


      I'm sry Jackie... please unblock me

    2. lousiest
  5. LOL. I just realized that I unknowingly played with Radical in CSGO matchmaking last night...but it was his brother who uses his account...

    1. TheDude


      ...so... you didn't unknowingly play with Radical...?

    2. JackieChan


      It was his brother, not the actual Radical.

  6. Made milkshakes. It brought boys to the yard. Then Chris Hansen showed up and asked me to take a seat.

    1. chick82
    2. lousiest


      what is up with all the milkshake references?

    3. Cake


      tsk tsk tsk

  7. New custom campaign added. Check the topic for more information.

  8. Oh Bag of Crap, why must you taunt me every time there is one of you on Woot?!?!?!

    1. Flitterkill


      The best for me was a couple years ago when I had got a BOC and then two days later it disappeared from my account history...

    2. Biggs


      Maybe they oversold them?

  9. Outlast and Outlast: Whistleblower are free in the Humble Bundle store for 48hrs.

  10. Remember back in the CSS days when we all played that NEOTOKYO mod? It's on Steam now.

    1. shaftiel


      Yes. I remember

    2. VooDooPC


      I really wish I could get back into the game because of my love affair with Ghost in the Shell.

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      dont you people realize unless an Akira type event happens?

  11. Removed "I Hate Mountains" from server 2 and it hasn't been down for an extended period of time from what I've noticed. Interesting...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackieChan


      Nope, like a week ago.

    3. crasx


      l4d2 iz no fun 2 fix

    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      it seems like it has been up all weekend, so maybe that did fix it.

  12. Server #2 is back up. Will be monitoring for crashes.

  13. Server #2 is going to remain offline until I get home from work. Going to see if downgrading Sourcemod back to 1.5 is going to help with all the crashes.

  14. Server is working again.

  15. So I bought a new video card which came with a free copy of Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. So glad they are redeemable on Steam...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. looneypumpkin


      Tomb Raider was incredible.

    3. Girlzilla
    4. ValenAlvern


      *the comment I made to you on Steam*

  16. So, a Resident Evil 2 remake is happening.

    1. LadyYuri


      just as long as i dont have to play it. i already scared on re5

  17. So, NFO is/was having router issues as of 8/10. Caused server outages and whatnot, so that would experience community-wide server crashes.

  18. Steam has broadcasting now??! I'm down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thug


      That's pretty cool. But unless they plan on giving out partnerships, I don't think it will ever be as big as twitch. Still a nice feature to have though.

    3. DiXie


      LOL shaftiel!!!! XD

    4. MasterTalpa


      who has their steam updated to use this?

  19. Thinking about testing out the GC stream thing tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yErMoTH3r


      uh o - he's going to part the stream! lousy vodak!

    3. ValenAlvern


      Did someone say Awesomenauts?

    4. JackieChan


      Gonna do this in a day or so. My brothers were over today and put a damper on doing it.

  20. Valve has released a SteamPipe version of L4D2 and advised us that this update will become required on Monday. In order to reduce the time that will be required for Monday's update, we are scheduling the SteamPipe changeover to occur on Friday morning, starting at approximately 12:30am PDT. This will be handled like a regular game update, but it will take longer, due to the size of Valve's changes up to two or three hours for some machines, with servers offline for much of that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrohamMC


      whats a steampipe?

    3. MPG1770


      steampipe = tube that blows hot air for no apparent reason

    4. Twins


      @ static in theory. I know for tf2 it takes longer for some people now.

  21. waaah something is wrong with the server and you're not on to fix it :(

  22. Walking Dead was awesome. Wish I had a time machine so I could fast forward to next Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheDude


      Hate Dexter. Never knew why until stutters pointed it out.

    3. mavC


      I just watched the first season.

      And it was great.

      I'm waiting for Arrested Development for eternity.


    4. Lookback


      nuh uh, Dexter got caught this season, sort of.

  23. walkingCat yelled at me a lot in CSGO. Time to strip him of his admin powers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. walkingCat


      Oh, this what you do to those who help you.

    3. crasx


      jackie is such a whiner.

    4. TheLaw


      Oh noes haha

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