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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. QFT. The Dark Project is my favorite game of all time, and Metal Age is my 2nd favorite game of all time. I remember exactly where I was the day they announced THI4F and I remember how excited I was. But as more details got released, my hopes started to fizzle, until I decided not to pick it up upon release. I bought it on a steam sale last year, and I've played about halfway through. Whereas the first Thief games made you need to do the next level because of curiosity and excitement, in THI4F I would finish a mission with no real urge to play the next one. The biggest problem? The utter lack of freedom of movement. The levels are unbelievably linear. Rope arrows can only go in SPECIFIED PLACES (that's insane!), there's no free jumping (that's truly insane) which makes it feel like a Mirror's Edge ripoff, the game won't let you fail by accidentally falling off a cliff, the 'loot grabbing' animation is terribly clunky, the special skills are cliche'd and corny, the voice acting is awful, the story is cliched and corny, the story is confused because it tells us we are 400 years after the Garrett we know and love, and most importantly, THEY DON'T USE THE WORD TAFFER! They truly did an injustice to a brilliant franchise. [This game made Deadly Shadow's look incredibly good]. Secondly, I'd have to say Oblivion. [To this date, the last game I ever bought on release day]. Morrowind is my 3rd favorite game of all time- a classic blend of fantasy, rpg, open world, strong story telling, good graphics, and great atmosphere. The province of Morrowind was a rich blend of original fantasy setting, with well developed political intrigue, historical back story, well defined and related factions, and the utter freedom to do what you want. In Oblivion, the game will not let you kill a story-critical NPC, but in Morrowind you can kill even Vivec if you want. The ability to become a Vampire AND a Werewolf was superior to Oblivion's cliche'd vaparism. The lockpicking minigame was beyond stupid, because it's not done in realtime [similar to Thief: Deadly Shadow's issue, that since it doesn't happen in realtime, if you're being persued, you have all the time in the world to pick the lock]. The setting was totally unoriginal. Instead of Nix-Hounds there are wolves; instead of Guars there are sheep, instead of Silt-Striders there is fast travel (don't even get me started on fast travel). The walled cities are annoying. The objective marker is a fantastic example of dumbing games down for the newer generation. In Morrowind, in a quest you'd get sometimes good, sometime vague instructions on where your objective was. This allowed you to explore the world, use your brain and figure out where to go. The constant leveling of enemies denied any feeling of growth, since you're often facing enemies that are leveled up to match you. There are 27 skills in Morrowind, but only 21 in Oblivion [they removed the distinction of long/short blade, medium armor, spear, axe, and enchant]. They removed mark and recall and replaced it with fast-travel. The voice acting, while somewhat interesting, seriously limited the possibility of backstory, since all dialog had to be spoken, instead of the rich volume of text allowed in Morrowind. I'll say one thing though: I did enjoy Shivering Isles. TL:DNR - Most of the time sequels suck.
  2. He's mine!!!! [is that legal in City 17?]
  3. I think the most imortant thing is to surround yourself with other smart hardworking people. If certain students drain or distract you, minimize your time with them. Stick around other students that are as motivated as you are. The same goes for professors. Find some good, caring professors, and learn as much as can from them. If you have the right attitude, professors will go out of their way to help you.
  4. Same here, although I have the 128GB version. It's true you're not supposed to defrag them, right?
  5. Smokey


    He's gotta be more composed with that Deagle.
  6. Insurgency is very fun. It's a fun and somewhat realistic shooter. It's certainly a great change of pace from CS or L4D2. It's very team oriented, which can really be rewarding with a good group. It has some cool guns to use, and a few fun game modes. You should at least give it a try to see how you like it (if you already bought it).
  7. Server is back up. I think something you guys did with the voting changed something in the server_coop.cfg that made the server unstable. Take it easy with the voting until I figure this out. I searched through the workshop a bit and couldn't find the map of which you speak. Any more details, or even perhaps a proper spelling?
  8. [X] Server Suggestions [X] Do you have any suggestions to improve our Insurgency experience post it here! All contributions will be considered. Thanks for helping!
  9. Smokey

    Ban Requests

    [X] Ban Requests [X] If you think somebody ought to be banned permanently or otherwise, please post: Name Steam ID X_X:XXXXXXXX Infraction Some proof of the infraction, such as screenshots or a demo We currently do not have voteban, so situation may arise where someone is abusing the server and no admins are present. Infractions include: Abusive berating of a fellow player Abusive racism or sexism Mic Spamming Intentional Teamkilling Cheating of any variety Thanks for your help, and I hope this thread stays as empty as possible.
  10. [X] Greetings, and welcome to the Insurgency subForum. [X] [X] Server info [X] IP:gcinsurgency.game.nfoservers.com:27015 [X] Game Mode [X] 8 Slot, Co-op, Checkpoint, Very Hard Bots, Extra Points [X] Server Policies [X] 1. Respect your teammates; they will respect you in return. 2. No excessive abusive language, griefing, disrespecting the admins, mic spamming, or cheating. 3. Try to coordinate your play with your teammates. Your best chance of sucess begins with working as a team. [it is Co-Op after all.] 4. Have fun! [X] Notes [X] Gamrs.co is a friendly community that strives for a fun and rewarding gaming experience. We are gaming without the e-thugs. Want to have someone banned? Check out the pinned "Ban requests" thread. Have screenshots or demos of the infraction you are reporting. Have suggestions? Please post them in the pinned "Suggestions" thread. This server is a work in process and we appreciate any and all suggestions you may have. This is including map suggestions, difficulty suggestions, mod suggestions, etc. Anything you want to report or suggest that you don't want to post, feel free to send me a PM. [X] Have Fun! [X]
  11. Interesting and entertaining video. I'm not at all interested in Evolve, but seeing the history and the process was cool. Where's HL3?
  12. Yahoo is so glitchy for me. It wants me to 'log in and make my experience better' but freezes on that screen. But then I reclick the same link to the league and I'm logged in. /shrug Flitter is Deuce filled at 10 or 12?
  13. Reinstalled TF2 today, and I'm looking forward to getting back into it. I'll play a few times a week.
  14. Something ought to get scopeless going.
  15. We have 4 so far...already one week into the season: Smokey Look TBT Reo Need 6 more!
  16. I can play Hot-Cross-Buns on those bad boys.
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