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Everything posted by akaM2

  1. That light comes on if your gas cap is loose, just an FYI.
  2. Well the thing is, there are no servers now. So you dont really browse for good ones. You now just chose the game type and it throws you into a server with the best connection and best group of players around your skill level. People originally freaked out about no servers, but its not that bad. I would like to have our own for GC but as long as you have people on your friends list you can invite them into your party, or current game. Gamestyle is similar, and alot of fun. If we had the same people playing MW2 as we have for CSS I would not play CSS anymore.
  3. I'd say I'm 50/50.. you're 25/75, and M2 is 10/90.. so collectively, I'd say we're more like.. wait, whatis the Least Common Denominator again? What happened to FF Chicago?
  4. happy belated you fat bastard
  5. RIP Wayfarer, was always a good guy on the old CsLs teamspeak and GC vent.
  6. akaM2

    Been Busy

    i put some qt in last night.. tonight is going to be css for a couple hours, then some drunk mw2! hey win! join vent when you get on
  7. akaM2

    Been Busy

    addicted to mw2, prolly gonna jump back on the css bandwagon soon.
  8. akaM2


    Last time I checked, FFChicago was just Myself, SJ and Mo going to a Bar. Let me know if that changed
  9. lmao at your title in our vent, i forgot we gave you that
  10. akaM2

    Prayers Please

    Your mom is in my prayers
  11. Maybe its my horrible case of buyers regret, but its important to add that the droid's cancellation fee is 350, iPhone is 200.
  12. I have never used a zune, so I cant tell you whats better or worse. But am I the only one that is finding it humorous that the reason you want to buy a new Zune(MS) is because your other Zune(MS) died, and you have a gift card from your xbox(ms) dieing. I guess 2 negatives make a positive. I still have a 10gb ipod that works like a champ (you know the one with the glowing orange buttons)
  13. saw you in there tonight, i said hello with a hs
  14. I went from the M4, to the SCAR from level 20-40 or so. Now onto the M16. People tell you to use it as much as possible because you get 10,000xp once you master a gun. But in my opinion, you can get 10,000 xp from 1-2 games of multiplayer. So just use the gun that you get the most kills with. SCAR is much more powerful than M4, allows you to not use the stopping power perk and use something else.
  15. Up to level 43, When you get too 40 use the M16, its godlike.
  16. Have Steve and Michelle talked to Dave to make him feel welcome so he talks to them? Have Steve and Michelle talked to Janet about Dave staying every day?
  17. akaM2

    COD MW2 Xbox

    Not invisible enough apparently Also, you need move your mic away from your face, all I could hear was you breathing the entire time. Should of stayed around longer, was top fraggin once you left. Im gonna get the wireless mic, the one I have sucks. Level 34 now
  18. akaM2

    COD MW2 Xbox

    This post confuses me. I could have sworn I already have you on my flist but you haven't been online in years... Oh well...me and Windex are definitely playing, I'll add you now. Edit: Ah, I see you just made a new account instead of recovering your old one. Ossum. Ya, I forgot my old name. Im a lvl 29 right now, I love the perk cold-blooded. That plus a silencer makes you invisible basically.
  19. Who has it? Whats your gamer tag? I wanna kill you in the game. Send me a request akam2
  20. I will post a longer response later. But just to let people know, the pub has been going on and off the master list again. Not showing up in the server list doesnt help. But I must actually work now, be back for a good response later
  21. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/11/pc-modern-warfare-2-its-much-worse-than-you-thought.ars
  22. I have an xbox 360 and netflix, the only thing I wish I could do with it would be looking through the library of movies more.
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