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Blockbuster just started their netflix-style promotion. $24.95 for 2 movies anytime and for any length of time.


I tried Netflix but I am too much of an "instant gratification" type person. If you do not mind waiting for your movies a couple days or planning it all out ahead of time it is good I believe but I like to head to the store and grab a movie when I want one.

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just wait until you're not a new customer g00t

there is a known Netflix scam where they give out movies to new and trial customers with preference over regular customers...I'll try to find a link to the news stories I read...but basically it was tested buy a group of guys at a college...the ones with brand new accounts would get movies right away but the ones with old accounts would request the exact same movies and would be put on hold even if netflix told the new customer that there were multiple copies of the movie in stock.

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Living in the boondocks we didnt have a large selection of DVD's when they were first starting out. We did the netflix thing and thoroughly enjoyed it. With kids, we could keep their movie as long as we wanted (they, unlike me, can watch a movie over and over). I also loved the selection. I really like documentaries and historical stuff. Was able to get some really cool stuff from netflix that I would never have found at the local video store.


In short it worked well for us....




They discontinued our account service because the discs weren't making it back. We have a friend who works at an area post office and it was a known problem. Someone at the closest hub was lifting these things. Of course they used the packaging to advertise which only made them easy to pick out. And they are small so not hard to conceal.


But the selection in the area had really picked up by then so it worked out ok. I have thought about starting it up again but we really don't watch many movies.


I also heard Wal-Mart had a similar service.

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hmmm...I'll let you guys know. You are scaring me a little now.


I'm not concerned about the instant gratification thing, I think I will be able to plan it out okay. Also, I live in Dallas where Netflix has a distribution center so timing isnt a problem for me.


I will be hacked off if they start stalling my shipments when my account ages a little.


I will be REALLY hacked off if my movies aren't making it back to Netflix!?! I might have to send Luca Brotzie or Georgie from the Sopranos over to the local post office to knock some heads together.

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have done Netflix for months now, almost 200 movies checked out :D

I had upgraded my plan to have 5 out at a time, but since I've worked thru my queue list pretty good, went back to 3 out at a time.


I will be cancelling next month though as I have caught up on the past movies I have wanted to see, and the new ones are hard to get in a timely fashion. They go on a wait list, and by the time they are available, I usually have seen the movie.


It is a great service for catching up on movies you have missed or always wanted to see, in addition to a cheap way to see series disc...e.g. Sopranos, Firefly, Stargate, etc...

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Never heard of Firefly...just added it :D



you gotta be kidding me

have you just selectively ignored my posts for the last 3 months?

do me a favor g00t...for me...give Firefly at least 3 full episodes if you don't like it from the start...it's WELL worth it and improves as the series goes on (I was hooked from the first 10 minutes but some people aren't)

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I work at Blockbuster - we currently have the $24.99 deal going on that lets you have unlimited rentals - no due dates - no late fees - switch the movies whenever you want - keep them as long as you want.







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P.S. If you have late fees and they are around 10-15$...do not worry about paying them if I get a call saying that someone said they heard about it from you down in wherever you are from...I will remove them from your balance if you give me your Blockbuster card number.



P.P.S. If you dont want to give me your account number because you think I could steal it...no worries...there would be a 99% chance of jailtime if I took you card number and used it to my advantage.



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