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Ok, I'm really disturbed by this. We asked my daughters preschool teacher to put my daughter in the corner when she wet her pants so she could think about it. The teachers are not allowed to put kids in the corner. There was an incident where a little boy was out of control and ended up hitting 3 other kids. They can't do anything about it cept send the kid to the office. When did this happen? We expect the schools to raise our kids but won't give them the power to discipline them. Did the parents of today not read Lord of the Flies? Why would someone want to be a teacher these days? Underpaid, over stressed...and now you have to have a masters degree? I remember behaving in school because I didn't want the swats. What is wrong with fear of retribution? If children are raised without it they have got to have a higher chance of ending up in jail...no fear of retribution.

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I believe the schools are paranoid of being sued which in turn

is a problem with the law system. Schools are given strict rules

of what they can or can't do! But honestly, if a kid is running

around hitting people at school, he is likely a undicipline child

at home... which comes backs to the parents... who's to blame?

Well violent video games right? Because he all know any social

problem with kids/teenagers comes back to video games/tv and

not the parents. :blink::unsure::huh:



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if i had kids i'd sign off on ritual catholic school beating if my kid was a little weenie at school...then he/she'd get double when he/she got home...just like i did.



hehehehhehehee pR1ck gets change to weenie by the filter

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Your right linch. No help from parents on discipline. Course I think it's like that in quite a few homes. I get a hard time from my sister cause I'm pretty strict with my daughter. Mostly things like bedtime, mealtime, cleanup..etc. Certainly don't want to get that phone call from the school cause she is in trouble:)

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Oh boy i'll have to post on this tomorrow...going to bed now.


But I'll say this: Parents want more and more done by teachers, but take more and more control from them. Feed them in the morning, raise them afterschool, but don't you dare touch them.


I give my kids timeouts if they need it. I'll get right in their face if they're being a jerk. If a kid is physically endangering others, I will physically remove him/her...have done it and would do it tomorrow. I've had training in the correct ways to apprehend violent children, so I have extra backing through that.


As for the timeout for wetting, not sure if the embarressment in that case serves the purpose. I can't speak too much to that, though, cause my oldest is only 27 months, I haven't dealt with such things. However, the boy that is hitting should be removed from the preschool if it's continual.


I'll actually get on a soapbox sometime for ya. 8P)

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The people of America are growing soft... Sometimes, in a strange way, kids of today envy previous generations... bare with me here. Other generations get their trial by fire... their galvanizing experience that hardens them to the way of the world... My grandfather was tested of course in combat in World War II, but even my father was tested by growing up having to support himself, earn his own money, and help support his large family.


I have grown up entirely under the arm of my parents and grandparents.. With little exception i have not been exposed to the real world as they were, and as a result i cannot help but feel i will not be half the man they were. Today teachers have to fear retribution legally in doing ANYTHING, from yelling at a student for being lazy or not working to exacting punishment for breaking the rules. Even if the student is not physically harmed he or she is shrouded by a ridiculously protective legal system in which anyone can be sued for anything...


It's all culminating to produce weaker more vulnerable generations, including one which i am ashamed to consider myself a part of.

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Well Barto, the fact that your able to realize this and understand what is ahead of you is a great start. Shows there are a few people growing up with some amount of morals and understanding:)


Teachers are on the hotseat everytime they talk to a child (ok, thats exageration). Doctors are always in fear of the lawsuit. Why would someone want to go through all that. I think people start into teaching & other public service vocations because they genuinly want to do things for other people. Then we do them over and make it miserable for them. Can you see a future where we don't have anyone who wants to be a doctor or a teacher or a police man? Maybe then they will raise the pay for these jobs.

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Guest Duke
Guest Duke
Guest Duke

Barto I am with you 100% on this. I'm only 16 and in my lifetime I've seen kids totally disrespect teachers and the teacher can do nothing about it. When dad was growing up, he went to a catholic school, when you did something wrong you got the paddle. I think the paddle would work well on some of the jerks at my school.


Two things I think can be blamed for this, A soft legal system like was said and also cry baby hippy psychologists. They are so worried about how a few kids could be abused by an acceptance of physical punishment, and that can happen and too much is not good. But to get rid of it altogether or to say that every time a child is touched it is abuse is just ridiculous to me. My Dad spanked me when I did wrong as a kid o0o . I'm all the more grateful for it now. It made me think twice. Child abusers will abuse children whether or not physical punishment is acceptable.


Kids have turned out fine throughout the years. What is called child abuse now, back in the 30's would have been standard routine for discipline. That generation turned out fine, in fact some people call those kids, "The Greatest Generation" (great book by Tom Brokaw, I recommend it).


I do realize the difference between disipline and abuse, but sometimes a kid just needs to be spanked. o0o

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I do realize the difference between disipline and abuse, but sometimes a kid just needs to be spanked


I agree totally. I think the arguement that it is ultimately the parents responsibility has two sides of the coin though. I do believe that I was raised right. When I did something bad I got the proverbial, "Son, go get a switch, and you better make it a good one!" And I think I was raised all the better for it.


On the other hand, this generation before ours COULD (not always) be a little harsh. I dated a girl whose mother used to pull her hair, hit her closed fisted, and smack her in the face so hard her glasses flew across the room for honestly NO reason. In my opinion it was to take out her frustrations. I am not exagerating, the first time I saw it I was in so much shock that I couldn't move! Literally. The second time I saw it I moved her out of her house. Anyway, my point is, the mother thought this was OK because this was how she was "disciplined" when she was young. It is WRONG!!! I believe every bit in busting my kids butt, but there is a point where it becomes obsessive. I think myself that a lot of parents are worried that if they allowed their kids to be discilpined at school that it might reach the obsessive point.

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I practice corporal punishment. But I have seen "christians" use the idea of corporal punishment just to abuse their kid.


I'll never forget when a preacher got up and talked about child abuse. He had been raised in boys homes and had some awful stories. But to me it was the idea that he thought all these great christian people could be child abusers. Of course I was just a young man and still had a lot to learn. It really made me think.


I remember preachers making fun of psychologists who suggested a parent should go into the other room and scream into a pillow. But a parent must never touch his child in anger. Now I show my kid my anger. But only when I know Im in control of myself. That is only a rare occasion.


Corporal punishment practiced in love and complete control is great. But so many people think they are justified by it to abuse their kid.

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My parents raised myself and siblings with Corporal punishment. Sure we hated them for it. But as we grew older we realized it was for our own good. Whenever we did something wrong we'd get punished, it wasn't always spanking or what not but we learned from it and avoided it. So after a while my parents noticed improvements and they gave up. Sure now a days we do something funny or stupid that they think isnt funny and they try to hit us but we just laugh cuz it dont hurt anymore. Also i'm the tallest in my family so if my rents gimme trouble, i just pick em up and send them to their room :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember that paddle(throwing bristle blocks, Kindergarten) and the fact that I didn't get paddled again until 3rd grade(showed off my swiss army knife) shows the effectiveness of that treatment lol. Anyhow, thinking about it, if I had a child in school, I don't know if I would want tehm to paddle him.. I would want to retain the right and obviously have them take other disciplinary actions and alert me obviously of the trouble.. Anyways.. Oh and I don't know if this equals out or not actually, but if you think about it, some of the best generations(behavior wise) were of the school of old.. What are we raising today with all this politically correct, dont scold jimmy when he's bad bs(if you say so)? Don't get me wrong, many families today with a strong household will raise very successfull kids, but our society as a whole? There is an ever increasing need for stern, confident father figures in young peoples lives.. ALL kids need guidance.. Some kids heads are harder than others. :) To summize, spanking I believe should be reserved for only the most severe of infractions and only used during early adolescence(sp.?) Kids must know right from wrong at no expense wether it be religion, spanking, positive reinforcement, I don't know I'm rambling... Don't raise a monster please :)

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what happened to a jury of your peers? You would need a witness or they just take someones word for it? i wonder how they define "abuse". Or we have just deceided that Any form of corporal punishment is abuse.. I'm starting to sound like an abuse advocate over here or something and thats not the aim obviously but I wondering where we stand on this.. *goes to google...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I aggree 110% with barto kids are to SOFT. Im in highschool, I know what its like. im a good boy and dont get in fights but oooo belive me im no pushover. What makes me mad the most is when I hear peeps on the radio mornign shows that say kids today are not as smart as their parents, they dotn have as much comon sense. Now that dosent apply to all kids. Kids today are learning stuff that some older parents and people never learned in highschool. Like me, ive taken, Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, and now in Trig how many 40 year olds ever learned that. The biggest problem is no discpline. Man if it was me runnihn the world, id have Barto, Fat, and Duke cuz they know. Kids who do wrogn shoudl be punished. When kids disrespect theit tearchers who are underpaid, workin theit butts off to teach them and then they disrespect i think those kids should be... nobody get mad at me but i think they shoudl be hit, hit hard. I say we need to toughen up our kids and as parents discpline em. I know im only a teen but when im a parent, ooo man my kids will NOT be the ones causin trouble. By3z

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IT is all part of the "Dumbing down of America"


We are ranked in the bottom 10 worldwide for education standards. We SUCK when it comes to educating our kids basically. Sorry Fat...but overall we do suck.


We have a school year that has 3 months off in the summer....why? Becuase farmers used to havee to work the hardest and kids needed that time off to help families get the crops in. We need to end this since that has not been needed for the last 100 years.


We have too many regulations governing our teachers and schools. We need to privatize Education. Let a company run it and give teachers raises based on results, not tenure. Get the Union OUT of it. Unions are outdated and in education only serve to protect the teacher themselves, not the students.


More later maybe.

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One other thing---


We have tests we grade a students performance on and then, as a whole, the school. What did people do when the tests started to fall in scores? Teach harder? talk to kids and tutor them? Look at the problem?


Nope---they lowered the standards everyone was graded on in order to "make it more fair"---what a load of poop.

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