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Mayhem Mapcycle Discussion

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I've seen some amazing T action on prodigy...the trick is just like Dust. You have to know when and where to hit in bulk. Pick the CT's off that get impatient then rush when the time is right.


However I have also been on CT durring a well organized push in long hallway and I've absoluetly decimated the lot of them (I was on that day too tho).


I do have one gripe...switch up the rotation so we dont have prodigy and trains back to back...they are both quick maps, spreading em out will help with the pase I'd think, give peeps some time to settle their nerves.

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My gripe with prodigy is if the ct's are patient, there is no reason for them to lose. There are two great camping spots for ct's - a stack of spools near the end of the long hall that provides nearly 100% cover, and the roof of the guard building on the other side of the map which provides cover and easy headshots for the ct's. There are only 2 choke points in Prodigy. It is totally different from Dust, where there are 3-4 choke points on the map to defend, and the ct's do not have a significant advantage on those points like in Prodigy.


It doesn't seem to play like the old prodigy either...the hallway seems much more narrow and harder to get through than it used to back in 1.6.


I love train. I just need to figure out how to play it now :)

Edited by 00b3rN00b
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I also like when there are a lot of maps in rotation and I wouldn't really vote off any map. Just some maps aren't as exciting, for example cbble and compound they gotta go. tides, whatever, if ppl don't like it so be it, I'd play it.

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After playing a bit with the new rotation, I have a couple suggestions.


As much as I like the map, the fact is that Piranesi should not be in the rotation, it kills the server, at least when I've been in.


Cbble seems to be doing OK, depends on who's in at the time.


I would also split up Train and Prodigy, the 2 maps back to back don't seem to work well together, there have also been comments in the server to support this.Maybe just put 1 or 2 maps between them.


Maybe, if we could, just give these suggestions a shot and see how it goes?

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# Signs point to yes.

# Yes.

# Reply hazy, try again.

# Without a doubt.

# My sources say no.

# As I see it, yes.

# You may rely on it.

# Concentrate and ask again.

# Outlook not so good.

# It is decidedly so.

# Better not tell you now.

# Very doubtful.

# Yes - definitely.

# It is certain.

# Cannot predict now.

# Most likely.

# Ask again later.

# My reply is no.

# Outlook good.

# Don't count on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
After playing a bit with the new rotation, I have a couple suggestions.


As much as I like the map, the fact is that Piranesi should not be in the rotation, it kills the server, at least when I've been in.


Cbble seems to be doing OK, depends on who's in at the time.


I would also split up Train and Prodigy, the 2 maps back to back don't seem to work well together, there have also been comments in the server to support this.Maybe just put 1 or 2 maps between them.


Maybe, if we could, just give these suggestions a shot and see how it goes?


:sad: You can't remove pirinesi! That's where I'm a VIKING!

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I dunno, something else needs to go, there are too many gaps in the servers full times, and there are a few maps that tend to do this, Piranesi, Compound, and Train.


You guys all play here too, so give me your thoughts on these 3 maps and we'll deterimine what, if anything, needs done.

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I'm actually fond of all three, even though I'm almost always CT, and the CTs are way underpowered in each of those maps.



I can understand why people wouldn't like Compound. That's actually quite obvious, because if the Terrorists rush the gate en masse, it's almost impossible to lose. And CTs can be sniped right from their spawn point. But it's fun in smaller matches, and the only difficult part of the map is breeching the wall. Though I only employ a small handful of strategies on that map, there are plenty to be had. A lot of random pubbers don't want to be bothered with teamplay at all, let alone strong group tactics in that map. Most of the upset will die down when people learn the map and get comfortable with it... ...if that happens. Personally, I think this map is more evenly balanced than Office, and I like it way more than Office, at that.



Piranesi is my favourite of the three. Again, I can see how a lot of peope cry over not being able to use scopes, but it's a map that you can play for the full 30 mintues, and not have the same experience, unless you choose to. The same random pubber who doesn't like it in Mayhem will cry in a scope server, when they clutch their precious autosniper on the turrets, and have a fit when somebody below, in A or in the middle pegs them with an M4 or an AK. No offense to people with valid reasons for not liking the play the map offers. I just don't see how it's crippling to any side on a no-scope server.



Train is a lot like Chateau, I find. Once you're 15 seconds into a match, anybody can come from anywhere. It's a nice change of pace from the rest of the maps. But again, it's one that you actually have to take the time to learn. It also helps to communicate. I prefer Train to Chateau, though.



I liked scopeless Prodigy a lot more than scoped. It was fun when CTs learned how to hold the long hall, and more fun when the Ts learned how to counter.


I'd also like to try my hand at Tides, because I've never actually played the new version. It's been sitting on my hard drive, completely unused for months. Meh. I'll have to break out the leet haxxor bots for that one.

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I would just like to say, I enjoy killing Norguard on all three of the above maps, Compound being my Favorite :) As was discussed for compound, using smoke grenades for the CTs is almost required, though having people through HE and Flash nades over the wall from the T side is annoying at best.(3 HEs from the Ts is deadly btw :D )


Piranesi is just incrediable...i love that Map.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the initial reactions were great for venice, but if you guys dont care for it, then maybe something can be done, after we give it a fair shake.


Aztec will most likely never go away, I personally can't stand office, but I have as much of a chance of being allowed to drop that as I do aztec.


Prodigy was too one sided, and I never met an inferno that I liked. We are going to continue to look for good customs, to try and keep things a little different on this side of the fence, I get sick of the same old maps, i'm sure you guys do too.


As for Piranesi, it had to go, everytime it was up, it went the same way, anyone that didnt wanna die joined T, T's mopped up, 1/2 way through, people started checking out. That map was way too T sided.


If you guys have any links to good maps, bring em on in! And your suggestions are always welcome!

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Aztec will most likely never go away, I personally can't stand office, but I have as much of a chance of being allowed to drop that as I do aztec.


well then I'll put up with aztec(:yuck:) if you put up with office(:wub2:).


As for Piranesi, it had to go, everytime it was up, it went the same way, anyone that didnt wanna die joined T, T's mopped up, 1/2 way through, people started checking out. That map was way too T sided.


There's no way piranesi was more T sided than dust is CT sided... that's all I have to say about that. :yuck:

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