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Golfball size hail :(


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Just watched golfball sized hail rain down on my truck :( not cool. The radar showed some nasty looking storms moving in and I was worried about it. One second it was nice and quiet outside with just some wind, the next I heard this loud banging/crashing noise outside. I thought it was some people doing something really strange or something, but then I looked outside after it kept up. Sure enough it was hailing like crazy.


Lot of gravel sized stuff with a lot of chunks between 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter...


Yeah, not in a good mood right now, think I'll go to bed :bang:

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What the... I didn't hear any hail last night. It must have been very localized. :/ Sorry to hear that, though -- is your truck ok?


There was a hailstorm by Libertyville about two weeks ago... driving in that was definitely the opposite of cool.

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I owned a cherry, Impala SS from back in the day...did a lot of work on it.


The only time I've ever cursed a storm all the way home was the one that followed me there, pelting me with hail all the way.


The worst part is, I couldn't decide if it was better to drive faster to outrun the storm (possible increasing the velocity with which any hail would hit my car...) or to drive more slowly.


I opted for fast.


I live on the Mississippi..and those storms went just north and just south of us...


Tornado sirens all night long.

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I owned a cherry, Impala SS from back in the day...did a lot of work on it.


The only time I've ever cursed a storm all the way home was the one that followed me there, pelting me with hail all the way.


The worst part is, I couldn't decide if it was better to drive faster to outrun the storm (possible increasing the velocity with which any hail would hit my car...) or to drive more slowly.


I opted for fast.


I live on the Mississippi..and those storms went just north and just south of us...


Tornado sirens all night long.


not really sure if this relates..


but i was watchin a MythBuster's episode one day


i forgot wut the myth was, but i do remember that they did a rain test


in the end, and the result was


you get more wet if u run while it's raining then if u walk


so, judging from their conclusion, if u drove faster u probably wud hav had more hail rain down on you then if u drove slower

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I owned a cherry, Impala SS from back in the day...did a lot of work on it.


The only time I've ever cursed a storm all the way home was the one that followed me there, pelting me with hail all the way.


The worst part is, I couldn't decide if it was better to drive faster to outrun the storm (possible increasing the velocity with which any hail would hit my car...) or to drive more slowly.


I opted for fast.


I live on the Mississippi..and those storms went just north and just south of us...


Tornado sirens all night long.


not really sure if this relates..


but i was watchin a MythBuster's episode one day


i forgot wut the myth was, but i do remember that they did a rain test


in the end, and the result was


you get more wet if u run while it's raining then if u walk


so, judging from their conclusion, if u drove faster u probably wud hav had more hail rain down on you then if u drove slower


Last time it started hailing when I was driving I slammed the brakes on at the first overpass I reached and parked under it on the roadside for the few minutes the hail lasted. I was FAR from the only car to do this either ;) Worked pretty good too!



As for my truck, well it's not nearly as bad as I feared. I gave it several quick look overs today before work and during my lunch break. I've only been able to find 2 very small and slight dents on the hood on the passenger side near the wiper blade WHEW!!


Hails one thing, but this is my dream truck in a sense. First vehicle I ever bought NEW, my big gift to myself after I started my career out of college, my first truck, and it's one SWEET truck. Just to show you guys my baby, this was just after I bought it in June



At least the 2 dents are very tiny and on the passenger side, I can live with that.

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I owned a cherry, Impala SS from back in the day...did a lot of work on it.


The only time I've ever cursed a storm all the way home was the one that followed me there, pelting me with hail all the way.


The worst part is, I couldn't decide if it was better to drive faster to outrun the storm (possible increasing the velocity with which any hail would hit my car...) or to drive more slowly.


I opted for fast.


I live on the Mississippi..and those storms went just north and just south of us...


Tornado sirens all night long.


not really sure if this relates..


but i was watchin a MythBuster's episode one day


i forgot wut the myth was, but i do remember that they did a rain test


in the end, and the result was


you get more wet if u run while it's raining then if u walk


so, judging from their conclusion, if u drove faster u probably wud hav had more hail rain down on you then if u drove slower


Last time it started hailing when I was driving I slammed the brakes on at the first overpass I reached and parked under it on the roadside for the few minutes the hail lasted. I was FAR from the only car to do this either ;) Worked pretty good too!



As for my truck, well it's not nearly as bad as I feared. I gave it several quick look overs today before work and during my lunch break. I've only been able to find 2 very small and slight dents on the hood on the passenger side near the wiper blade WHEW!!


Hails one thing, but this is my dream truck in a sense. First vehicle I ever bought NEW, my big gift to myself after I started my career out of college, my first truck, and it's one SWEET truck. Just to show you guys my baby, this was just after I bought it in June



At least the 2 dents are very tiny and on the passenger side, I can live with that.


That reminds me of the only real tornado I sat through. A huge F4 came through Henry county, IL at like 10 pm one night. I was drive the hwy with a friend. We were listening to a radio broadcast of exactly where the tornado was headed, we figured out it was coming right for us...so we hit the first overpass we saw and stayed underneath it all tucked up in there...


That tornado went right over our heads...crazy. Sounds just like they say...a freight train.

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