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Redbull... health issues?


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I know drinking too much energy drinks is bad, and redbull has a risk in raising your blod pressure, but that's a temp effect. But drinking it constantly can deliver a another message. So my mom saw a NEWS feature on redbull now she doesn't let me drinking it... and prolly throw out the 32 case I bought a while ago. (I don't drink it every week.)




I kinda agree with this article... then again. I guess it depends on person to person. I can drink nay energy drink at night and still beable to go to bed... it just give me the option to stay up with out those heavy eyes.


http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/health/redbull/ according this article redbull is banned in some countries.



Edited by EbilDustBunny
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rofl... i never intially liked it but it grows on you.


I LOVE Jagerbombs.. mmmm :) the most I have had in one night is 3. I wouldnt ever plan on taking more than that. That's about 1.5 cans of Red Bull here how they mix it at the bars.


the reason redbull grew on me

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Countries like Norway, Denmark and France are so nervous about the can’s contents, they’ve banned the sale of Red Bull.


lol the 3 countries that i will NEVER visit.


Full Throttle is pritty good, i drink that like 3 times a month. I think it only has 850 mg of taurine, i have looked at a lot of energy drinks and full throttle has the least ammount of chemicals. it gives you a nice kick in the jaw too.

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First thing Ebil...tell your mom to stop believing everything she reads...newspapers always distort what is actually in medical journals and take liberties I just don't understand how they get away with...I'm not saying that it's not true, but it's silly and naive to act on anything one reads in the newspaper about health issues.


Second thing, RedBull had been banned in Canada for years until just recently, I'm still unsure just how it was legalized...but I know it was banned because if the bull bile it contains (taurine)**I've just done some more research and it seems that the makers of Redbull now use synthetic taurine, so that's probably how it has passed for sale in Canada** ...now as to whether or not taurine is bad for you I am unaware, but I have to assume that Health Canada has decided that it isn't and so allowed RedBull to be sold here. Now, drinking too much of it will raise your bloodpressure and cause other risks to your health, but that is mostly from the high levels of caffine rather than the taurine (which by the way is put into most baby food)


Personally I prefer redbull to all other energy drinks for what it does...plus it mixes with vodka the best IMO...otherwise i don't drink the stuff at all, if you are tired, sleep...don't drink energy drinks, you're only cutting off the end of your life!


Also keep in mind that the long term effects of using energy drinks to stay up for long periods have not been tested as they haven't been readily available...so keep the end of your life in mind when chugging down your favourite upper at 4am...it's ok once and a while, but make it a habit and you'll expire early guarenteed!

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Most of the time when they give you a Jaeger bomb, it's not Redbull they're using. Many bars use something cheaper like Rockstar, even for Redbull and Vodkas. Only way you can be sure is if you see them bust out the can, most places have the energy drink built into their soda fountain and use something they buy cheap and in bulk.

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Most of the time when they give you a Jaeger bomb, it's not Redbull they're using. Many bars use something cheaper like Rockstar, even for Redbull and Vodkas. Only way you can be sure is if you see them bust out the can, most places have the energy drink built into their soda fountain and use something they buy cheap and in bulk.

Most of the time when I see people getting redbull vodka they give you the rest of the bull in the can that isn't used in the drink.


Whiskey sour FTW!

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I LOVE Jagerbombs.. mmmm :) the most I have had in one night is 3. I wouldnt ever plan on taking more than that. That's about 1.5 cans of Red Bull here how they mix it at the bars.


Jagerbombs r ok...but i prfer straight jager, I dont like drinking without getting the effect i want :D



Farmerisme......Whiskey sour :peace:

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I prefer rockstar over redbull, however I like both and I agree with mo. In moderation it's prolly ok. Here in China they sell two different types of redbull both uncarbonated which is like drinking redbull syrup and it terrible unless you mix it with vodka.

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Probably because some of the links you posted discuss the effects of redbull when consumed with alcohol, and because that's one of the major concerns regarding redbull.

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Probably because some of the links you posted discuss the effects of redbull when consumed with alcohol, and because that's one of the major concerns regarding redbull.


:freak3: still...


one article says there's warning for kids but I don't see any on the can. :unsure:

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