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Energy Drinks?


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Last weekend I was hurting from waking up early and fishing all day. So i thought one of those energy drinks would give me alittle pep. Grabbed a sugar free full throttle (one sugar free i could find) Drink it in about 15 minutes. Sat on the couch and passed out within 5 minutes... What's up with that!?!?

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Well if you're over exhausted then I think there's not much those energy drinks can do about it...their main ingredient is caffine so if it doesn't effect you that much there's no point...if I'm just tired I'll grab a sugar free Rockstar and be good to go...and go...and go...

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Nice link stutters...I gotta try some of that crazy juice! My company has been looking for something like that for a while...(no joke)...we need something to keep us going while filming some weird shareholders meeting for 8 hours and then having to pack up the equipment for another 4 hours...zzzzzzzzz

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if you'd like to see the recent changes to the inside of the ER in your area, try 2 or 3. i'm an energy/caffeine junkie, and this stuff is insane.

yeah im not so sure about drinking more than one of those things in a day...i buzz around like a humming bird after a xl tim hortons coffee (i think they put amphedamines in it tho)

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caffiene does not give you energy OR wake you up. What it does is put your body on "high alert" and makes you jittery. Caffiene in the right amount makes you FEEL more energetic and awake but it's just covering how your body really feels. Which is why when the caffiene wears off you "crash". Your body is catching up and telling you how tired it really was that whole time you were using energy that your body barely had.

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Why get sugar free?



besides, the extra (and unnecessary amounts of) sugar is what causes the crash playaa was talking about. i agree with him about the crash and they don't make a replacement for sleep. but on those 8 hour days turned 14 hour, it helps to keep you going.


The sugar free stuff just doesnt taste the same. Besides, diabetes doesnt run in my family so I have a good chance to not get it when im young. I'll stop when I'm 30 or so but for now, its sugar for me!

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Guest ash-
Guest ash-
Guest ash-

Caffeine is bad for your heart. If you must, you might as well just take caffeine pills since they are cheaper and have the same effect.

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Why get sugar free? Full throttle is by far the best. But NOT sugar free. AMP is kinda good.


Energy drinks start to effect you the more you use them. So once you go in you cannot go back.


Full throttle is by far the worst tasting imo.

In order of taste, I say monster is #1.

And after awhile, the effects start wearing off but you'll get a decent boost if you use it once in a while I find.

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I like sugar free Redbull, but only when it's too hot to drink coffee. When I'm really shory on sleep I'll have a RB on the train, then get a triple-americano when I get downtown. That'll get you in gear, no doubt about it.

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Meh I can drink anything and still go to sleep... "energy drinks" just give to option to stay up...
<puts on tweed jacket, dims light, puts demo of ebil on projector>


as you can see here, this species is able to stay awake for extended periods of time. as you will also notice, as the time awake increases, the ability to communicate decreases.

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Why get sugar free? Full throttle is by far the best. But NOT sugar free. AMP is kinda good.


Energy drinks start to effect you the more you use them. So once you go in you cannot go back.


Full throttle is by far the worst tasting imo.

In order of taste, I say monster is #1.

And after awhile, the effects start wearing off but you'll get a decent boost if you use it once in a while I find.


Montster has FAR too much sugar in it. Full throttle ALL THE WAY!

Too bad its not as popular as monster. Monster has it in soda fountains now :(

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I work at a moving company and i pick them up. They only work marginally though. 4 Monster enegry drinks in a hour will pep you up. I believe that caffine and cabinated beverages do dehydrate you, so getting a sugarless one, (im assuming) will just dehydrate you, making you more tired.


When looking at the energy drinks look at the types of sugar that it has


bad sugars:

- corn syrup is just like sugar, no benifits to the body (empty calories)


good sugars:

- sucrose

- glucose


In my experence considering I sweat profusely during a days work and lift heavy objects for hours at a time (usually 8-12 hours a day), I've found that the only thing that keeps me energized thoughout the whole day is gatorade. Yes, for 6 oz it has 50 calories may seem to be much, but if you sweat alot, your losing alot of sugar and sodium. The sugar and sodium that is in gatorade is necessary to fully replenish your body. I have worked days just drinking water and i'm wasted after 6 hours, with gatorade, i can go all day, not eat anything and still feel fine.


IMHO, i think that energy drinks are just crap, i just get them for the placebo effect if anything. I swear by gatorade, the commercials are true, it allows you to keep going longer although you dont sweat the color of the drink =)


If anything, do your own testing. If you habitually do yard work on the weekends, try a weekend with just drinking water, then energy drinks, then gatorade and see which one works best.

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Before you go to bed take a couple of good multivitamins with a glass of milk or Orange juice each night. You wont wake up feeling so rough. Sleeping itself does actually use energy. This is the time your body takes to heal from the evnts and work f the day. This does work quite well, as I started doing it last year when I started working out steadily. Eating a banana works well too. :D

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