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got caught being a moron..


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SO i got caught drinking in the dorms at Ohio University... probably will be put on probation, but that is not a big deal at all. It sounds much worse than it is, but our probation is just don't get caught again for a few months and you are fine. if you do get caught it is a quarter suspension.


Just venting out my frustration because we got caught technically illegally. our R.D. (Resident Director) made us open the fridge, which he isn't allowed to do. Anyways, it doesn't matter.. just venting.

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Most RAs will tell you flat out that as long as you don't give them a reason, there isn't a problem - you may have given him/her a reason (whether you realize it or not), at which point they *have* to do their job. That or this has been building for some time now, and you finally built up to the "give a reason" level. Aside from stomping out obvious wildfires, RAs also try to manage the floor so there will not be any wildfires. This just a one off or have you been playing with matches out in the open? :)


Just probation? Many universities require an alc. awareness seminar to get off from these things...



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II.D.10.i. Possession of empty alcohol containers: Possession of empty alcohol containers (i.e. liquor bottles, wine bottles, and/or beer cans) is prohibited in residence halls by students who are under 21 and may be viewed as evidence of possession and/or consumption of alcohol. In addition, students are not allowed to use alcohol containers, whether full or empty, as decorations within their residence hall room.


IV.2.1.4. There is no appeal for minor violations.


I got sanctioned for having empty bottles in my room, when I was 22, and had no roommate. No claim was made that I was using the bottles as decorations (they were back in their packaging). I got to spend $50 to go to counseling, where I was told that my drinking habits were not dangerous (i.e. "rock on"). To you I will say, "suck it up."

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no no no, the R.D. did do it illegally because he told me to open the fridge (Which he is only allowed to ask) and it wasn't my room. i said "this isn't my room, i can't do that." and he goes "Open the fridge NOW." to which i did open it. We were extremely co-operative and i'm not going to fight any of the charges, i got caught.. plain and simple. Our R.A. is awesome and was like "dang... bad luck i guess." he told us that our R.D. came from a school where they can just say "open the door, open the fridge, and do it now"


i mean, it sucks, i got caught. and in the fridge was Keystone (not my choice) and Budweiser (my choice :P)...


the worst part was that we had to pour it all out.



Also, my RA was telling us how to go about this so we can maybe not get probation, which we will most likely. If my RD is going to be the one reviewing the case, i can just ask him if he'll allow another to review it so it isn't biased because he was involved in the incident. I told my RA that i'll listen to everything he has to say, but if i hear anything that is not true, i will ask him to hand the case over to someone else. The only reason i won't have it handed over right away is because i don't want to make my RD mad... he's usually a nice guy and technically he wasn't suppose to even be there. The security was friends with my RA and they said that he just showed up out of no where and no one called to him. The Security wasn't even going to have us open the fridge. So if we didn't open the fridge, we would of just been turning over like 10 beers, 2 pong cups filled, and about 6 empties... in the fridge was i believe 56 more unopened beers.


The only reason i know i'm going to have an extremely hard time not getting probation is because of the amount.

Edited by ShadowDog
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<thinks back about a line running down the hall from his freshman dorm room, blender running at full speed trying to keep up with the traffic....>


<remembers Mini "falling asleep" standing up, leaning against the bunk bed>


Good times....goooood times.

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<thinks back about a line running down the hall from his freshman dorm room, blender running at full speed trying to keep up with the traffic....>


<remembers Mini "falling asleep" standing up, leaning against the bunk bed>


Good times....goooood times.


why are you never on aim anymore, im lonely :(

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and in the fridge was Keystone (not my choice) and Budweiser (my choice :P)...


Both are poor choices... :(







Listen to FK, he's old. He knows stuff. College professor = smart.






WE all do/have done stupid stuff.


At least you didn't get caught smoking weed in the honors dorms, alone, while watching the movie Malcolm X.

Edited by Tek-Almighty
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