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Trying to get into shape


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10 minutes...not too bad considering the longest I've walked in the last 6 months has been about 1 minute...

1 trip around my block (which is actually the size of 3 normal blocks)...man...my legs are burning...

Congrats man!


Ya gotta start somewhere and there you have it!


Starting is always the hardest part.


Just keep at it and make sure that you don't over do it.


Anyone know if those "muscle building" dealies like Cell-Tech or anything actually work? I'm obsessed with gaining muscle.

Yes some of them do, but they aren't exactly healthy. You are better off doing it the old fashion way. If you want to gain muscle, you need to work out 6 times a week, alternating muscle systems. So pecs, bicepes, back one day, triceps, legs, abs the next. You don't have to work out a ton to gain muscle (just 3 times a week really), but the important factor is to commit to it for a period of time. Working out with weights for 9 months WILL glean you results.

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To all of you who are motivated and getting motivated here.....YOU GO!


My plan since Jan 1?


Eat less, be hungry, and go 12+ miles / week.


You can still see me enjoying food, though I've cut WAY back on pop (1 reg / day or none at all if I'm in the zone)


I weight less than when I was married 7 years ago. I have lost about 20 lbs since Jan 1 (basically I've been on a 2 to 3 lb / week loss). Yes this is rapid, but it's been right. It's more or less like basic training. I started out 2 miles in morn, 2 at night....all hiking with incline etc....then one day I got bored and started to jog (this is all on my treadmill). Now I usually just do 4 miles when I work out. Last Tuesday I did 5 miles in under 60 minutes...which for me is good...my best time yet.


My gaming has suffered. I put that first, told myself no games until I exercised.


Sometimes I sacrifice sleep, like now. Just got off the mill.....just didn't have time while family was up...and wanted to get an early jump on my miles this week.


At any rate, I applaud those of you getting into shape, and join you in the celebration! If you're considering it, just go for it...and make it happen.



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Oh, and keep a journal. I have a detailed journal from the data on my treadmill and my thoughts. I keep minutes, miles, cals, fat cals, laps...all of it...and talk to myself in the last column....


PS. Maybe we should start a Fitness forum and hold each other accountable as well as sharing findings, research, thoughts, successes, etc......

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Has anyone ever known if there is any fact to the "Grapefruit" diet?


I got some of this stuff the other day, and it is honestly the worst tasting drink I've ever had, however if it really is a fat burner I'd go for it... any personal expereinces with it?

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Fatty, I think the fitness forum is a good idea.


PDO, there is some truth to grapefruit increasing fat burning, just don't know how effective it is. When I was 12 my grandma put me on a diet regime and I took the grapefruit pills. I lost a lot of weigh (30-40...a lot for my age but I could have stood to lose another 10-20) but it was also over a 4-5 month period and on top of the pills, she monitored heavily what foods I ate. Thinking back, I think the monitoring helped more with my weight loss than the pills.

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Anyone know if those "muscle building" dealies like Cell-Tech or anything actually work? I'm obsessed with gaining muscle.

Yes some of them do, but they aren't exactly healthy. You are better off doing it the old fashion way. If you want to gain muscle, you need to work out 6 times a week, alternating muscle systems. So pecs, bicepes, back one day, triceps, legs, abs the next. You don't have to work out a ton to gain muscle (just 3 times a week really), but the important factor is to commit to it for a period of time. Working out with weights for 9 months WILL glean you results.

I think one really important thing to know here, is that when you build musle, you are actually tearing muscle down and letting it rebuild. Therefore, the frequencey you work out might be different than others. What I used to go by was was I still hurting. You know that really bad soreness after your workout, that is your muscle that you have torn down(in effect, I'm not getting into the physiological aspects, I'm not qualified) you don't want to go tear them down more until they have had the chance to recoop.


So say you go in and do a tricep workout on monday. You are really really sore on Tuesday. So do your biceps on Tuesday. If you feel better Wednesday, still don't do any triceps(don't do chest either, they are the same group of muscles(push)), my suggestion would be to go to legs, for wed and then move back the the muscle group the next day. I guess in essence to what I'm saying is, if you are still sore, wait, give it an extra day before you go back to that muscle or group. If you try to work out muscles that are still sore, you are only going to make them worse. You want them to rebuild themselves before you tear them down again, or else they will actually get smaller.


With that said, I wouldn't commit to saying you have to work out 3,4,5,6 or 7 days a week to gain muscle. I would say leave it to your body to make that decision. In my peak, I could recover in two days, some of my friends could not, it is unique to everyone. See my post before for the different "routine types" for mass, strength, or cut.

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Homer,Feb 17 2004, 07:14 PM] Playaa if you're drinking all that juice and pop you're swallowing a huge amount of calories.



You could always try to visualize drinking juice/pop as drinking Virgin Juice.

I don't drink alot of soda anymore...maybe between 2 and 4 a day (which believe me is NOTHING compared to what I used to be)

with the juice, I drink apple juice not from concentrate and totally pure orange juice (no preservatives and not from concentrate) and I drink alot of skim milk as well (used to drink 2%).

so basically with me I think it really does come down to activity.

the last time I was happy with my weight was my senior year of high school. I played Basketball and went from 265lbs to 225lbs in 3 months...I would LOVE to be 225lbs again...

so, apart from walking daily...and eating right (which is difficult with my schedule...I don't have time to plan meals and I eat what's handy)...what do I need to do to be 225lbs by FF04?

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Cut out pop all together if you're serious.

Yep, I'm seeing my local friends here get fat on pop. 3-4 a day will do it to you.


Don't have Coke here at work, but someone had a Barq's root beer in the ref. 160cal/12oz., looked online and Miniute Maid OJ is 110cal/8oz. That starts adding up, especially if 2-4 is really 4-6. How about 2 liter jugs?


160 x 4 = 640




Try this calorie calculator to see how many calories a day your body uses. If you've ever tried to count calories (which I have) just for your own record, then you know how fast it adds up.


That calculator said I use 2611 for 'lightly active' and 3415 for 'very active'.


Try it - how many calories you consume - even for just 24 hours starting now.




Mmmm, water.

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so according to that calculator, if I want to "retain" 190lb weight at my height...I'd need no more than 2525 calories per day at a Sedentary Activity level.

now the question is...if I stay under that and walk each day (I think I'm at about 1/4 to 1/3rd of a mile currently)...will I actually LOSE weight? (as long as I'm eating healthy that is)

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The sodium is a killer there Playaa, that's typical of all fast and prepared food. Eating self-prepared food (that's called "cooking") is really the only way to avoid sodium, fat, and calories. Sodium is bad for your cardio system.


Yes, I'll say it again - get away from all fast food and prepared type food.


My doc told me to shoot for 200mg of sodium a day, but I doubt I've ever reached that. But I try to stay under 500 which is still quite hard.


How about going to the store and getting a baggie of those little carrot sticks, an apple, and some celery that you can put unslated peanut butter in? ....and not the whole jar! :D


To lose weight you're gonna have to reshape your thinking first, the reshaping of the body will follow. Keep reading those nutrition labels and you'll soon be outraged at what you've been eating much of your life.

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so according to that calculator, if I want to "retain" 190lb weight at my height...I'd need no more than 2525 calories per day at a Sedentary Activity level.

now the question is...if I stay under that and walk each day (I think I'm at about 1/4 to 1/3rd of a mile currently)...will I actually LOSE weight? (as long as I'm eating healthy that is)

I'm no expert here, but I's say it would be healthier to not initially aim for the 190lb goal measures, but start some where under your current weight, say -20lbs, and keep adjusting that goal lower. Less shock to your system and higher chance that you'll stick with it.


And like it or not you're gonna have to do some activity. 10 minutes of walking shouldn't be a big strain. I applaud you getting out there. Now do 15 today and try for 20 in a couple of days. Find some ritual along your walk (not getting food ;) ) to make it more interesting - go say hi to someone, to look at a bank thermometer, etc.

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If you don't have a rice steamer it's a great $15 investment. For 3 minutes of prep and 15 minutes wait you can have a cheap and healthy meal.


Add some rice (I like basmati) and water - experiment to find quantities you like.


Chop up some veggies (all or just a couple of the following: broccoli, onion, bok choy, carrot, celery, cauliflower, zuchinni, cabbage, leeks, bell pepper, red or yellow pepper, swiss chard, greens, spinach) and add them to steamer.


Start steamer.


That's all there is to it. But you can ruin it fast by putting sauce on it. Drowning it in sodium and calories gets you nowhere. I suggest only a very light sprinkle of 'lite' soy sauce.



I'm generally skirting the concept of whole foods here. Go

here and click on the 'Listen to show' link for more.

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rgr...I really just need some music or something and I'd be able to walk for hours.

the part that hurt so much walking yesterday was that I was "old-lady" walking...

I was walking at a quick pace...but I kept it up the whole way which I really didn't expect to do.

1 month before moving into my new place (which changed my eating habits big time due to lack of money and no parents buying the food) I actually got REALLY winded walking 1 block to a gas station...1 block...yesterday I did the equivalant of 3 blocks and only my legs hurt...so I have already seen progress just by drinking healthier.

When I lived with my parents I would drink a 2 gallon container of Orange Koolaid (I STILL love the stuff) a day combined with about 5 soda's a day at work. Now it's 2 gallons of juice and 2 to 4 soda's a day and about 5 times as much water as I used to drink.

I only picked 190 cause I think it's unattainable for me...but it would be fun to do.

I don't say unattainable because I don't think I can do it...I say that because I'm a big guy and haven't been under 200lbs since I was about 15...I don't mind being big...it's being unhealthy I can't stand.

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For those like myself who are Ecto-morph body-styles, it's SO SO SO hard to gain weight. I know that with my metabolism being the way it is, it's like trying to keep firewood in a hot fireplace. The only way I've ever found to actually gain muscle is to work out regularly, and eat every chance you get. I gained almost 25lbs of muscle last semester from a regular workout routine, and an intake of about 4500-5000 calories a day for around two months. Like someone mentioned before though, you are breaking down the muscle when you work out, and then it heals back with more fibers and stronger fibers. Just another example of how adaptable our bodies really are. If you want to build muscle and already have the bulk, one of the best things you can do is after you workout you should eat tuna. After you break down your muscular tissue, you have a window of about 1-2 hours that your body will hyper-process food to repair itself. Tuna is very high in protein, and it will allow you to repair those muscles faster and with greater results. And if you're trying to slim as you build up, gain fat/lose muscle at the same time by cutting down on your intake of carbohydrates and fatty foods. Your diet should mostly consist of lean meats and fruits/vegetables with starches and such thrown in every now and then.


But if you're a naturally little skinny guy like me, eat everything you can. Make at least 3/4 of the calories that you intake in a day be from protein and carbohydrate rich foods. Both groups I've discussed need to stay away from sweets, because the larger guys will just add it as fat, the skinny guys will just burn that stuff off as if it was nothing, but it will take the place of something such as potatoes or pasta that could have actually had an impact on your weight.


That's my two-cents from my experience with weight control, and that's been a pretty big aspect of my life :D

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If I wanted more muscle should I use cardio mixed in or not? For a warmup I have this cardio glider thing with two different sets of pegs where you put your legs. I think the bottom is mainly working the legs but the top is for arms also, so I just do 100 reps on each level. Should I keep going with that, stop it totally or do more? And this one can of soda thing I've learned from everyone stinks. And how much of an impact does smoking have on me for muscle?

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