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Everything posted by mohawk

  1. Grab a wrench.. we'll find a use for ya.. its thiiiiiiiiiirstday
  2. i thought i'd be more excited about a new cs release, but bf3 has really held my interest (for the 1 night of the week I play)
  3. also, not eating an entire box of girl scout thin mints at a time helps... <goes back to eating an entire box of girl scout thin mints>
  4. sigh... i can't hear or read the word docking without either laughing out loud, or getting sick to my stomach... not appropriate for these forums but go investigate if you're motivated... just remember, you were warned.. to answer your question, they're sturdy.. but I haven't had your issues with external hd's..
  5. Why not just grab a $10 external enclosure so you don't have this problem again?
  6. Title says it all... I'm looking for an old school Razer Diamondback or Copperhead mouse.
  7. "Chances are, I was being an idiot and deserved the punishment." hah... well said. Happy fragging.
  8. I need to pick a new one up.. Does anybody have either of these (or another recommendation)? Both are killer deals atm Lynksys E3000 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16833124388 NETGEAR WNDR3700 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16833122326 plus another 20% off with newegg coupon
  9. another build thread that never made it... There are probably hundreds on here (some of which are mine too..)
  10. The Game and The Count of Monte Cristo are 2 of my favorites
  11. i use astraweb - used to use giganews, but when I went to re-new, this was cheaper. http://www.newsgroupreviews.com/astraweb-special.html
  12. I'm dropping in a 470 next week, replacing a 280 gtx, so let me know if you (or anyone else) has the desire to purchase and wait for the next generation (it plays bf3 pretty well. ).. else I'd get a 570
  13. ime u r a db how's tx? let me know when you're back in chi
  14. mohawk

    Hello Ohio!

    We're not talking about your normal everyday house cat or dog, these are 300-pound bengal tigers
  15. this wasn't a debate as to whether you think the awp is a fair gun, it was about fundamentally changing the game years after release. ..now back to worrying about my K:D
  16. i know its mainstream.. but I look forward to sam adam's octoberfest every year.. also.. i read that this year yuengling released an octoberfest beer, but they only sell it by the *keg.. i'd be interested to hear some impressions if anyone has tried it as they don't typically do seasonals
  17. I'm holding out for mw3, but our Thursday night crew will probably be getting into bf3 first. That being said, if the fps aspect of bf3 is great, I'll probably be playing both.
  18. well at least all of the players that love to hold down the trigger on a p90 and run should be happy... I understand releasing updates to fix bugs, glitches, etc.. but calling the awp quick switch an exploit at this point considering the life of cs is shocking. This update considerably changed gameplay.. and from a team play perspective, now you just have awpers who sit back and only engage one enemy at a time. somebody drop me a PM if they rollback that "fix"
  19. alive, but css is dead to me
  20. congrats! mail some venison jerky to chicago??
  21. they significantly changed the awp - welcome back scopeless...
  22. agreed, apple fan boy or not, he was something else..
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