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Do Violent Video Games make People Violent?



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i was wondering if you could possibly make a poll for me. i am doing a research paper on violent video games and their effect on people. I would appreciate if you could create a poll that said "Do violent video games make people more violent. 1 yes

2 no

3 yes to young children.

i would also appreciate if you added a, "please post your comments too."

Whether you decide to or not fatty, thanks for you time! (note how there is no first name basis here )



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GC Founder

Adults can tell the difference. While we play paintball, etc, you dont see us fake killing each other.


The generation X or Z or whatever, however, you can see more play that simulates violence. Is there more violence in our world now? Are there more violent video games?


Now, I don't necessarily think video games lead to mass murders either, but it sure puts guns and blood on the forefront of minds. The family could be to blame for more violence than video games.

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I'm about option #3


I think any good parenting will override the effects a violent game has on a child, however a good parent would probably keep their kids away from the excessively violent games.


I played violent games (cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, etc.) when I was a child. However, I had already had it engrained in me that killing was wrong. I knew my games were just that, games. If you allow a child to put realistic violence and killing in their head you will have tainted their mind and made it able to accept those things. I have a friend who will go to websites with images of severed arms, heads, legs and pictures of violent crime scenes, and he laughs. He's not an overly violent guy but he was allowed to play video games his entire life so his mind is desensitised. I, however, didn't own a video game system until I was about 10 or 11 and when I see real violence or computer games with sick violence it sickens me. I have to a point been desensitised by violence because now I play games that a few years ago would have made me want to go wash my hands because they were so "filthy and gross". Like Grand Theft Auto 3. I IMMENSLY enjoy that game because of the free-form gameplay, and because I know that killing is wrong, I can get past the violence.


ramble, ramble, etc....



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I don't think video games make people violent, I think it's their environment. Violence is something that is taught, it's not normal behavior for people to hurt or kill each other for fun. Although there has been a couple of nights where i wake up and i'm still moving my hands like i'm playing CS. Freaks me out... :huh: Good luck on the paper.



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I originally wanted to vote for 'It depends' but there isn't a it depends option there. But I do believe violent games do make a handful of people violent.


Before I came to the United States, there was a very big issue about Counter Strike back home and how it almost got banned in Malaysia and Singapore. Apparently, some upper teenage boys were playing CS in a cyber cafe and one guy was knifed in the game. He got extremely ticked off, looked for the guy who knifed him, dragged him out of the cafe and stabbed him in the stomach. Thank god the boy survived that encounter. But like i've said, violent games do make a handful of people violent.


But what playaa said is true too. Good parenting do help a little in moulding the child and how they grow up to be.

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The Affect Adults as Much as they Affect

The generation X or Z or whatever
its just that when a adult does something they dont blame all adults but when a kid does something bad its open season on our arse. CRAZY TEENS, TERRIBLE TEENS they say. what about that guy who lost his job and commited suscide over everquest? Adults get affected too, you think that just because you know more and you have more of a education means that you are more responsable? thats crazy, 99% of teens are not stupid enough to go too far. thats why there are school shootings about 4 times out of past ten yrs. and that is the same amount of adult "Taking a game too far"

This is the future, the age difference are shrinking people are getting more mature at a younger age. for example i want fatty or some other adult to ask there parents about what math course they took there freshman year...they would prolly say Algebra, or even something else..well now a days 40% of the freshman class is taking Geometry and Chem. and it is only going to increase. We are not stupid, we are not reckless and we are not holigans, we are teens.

It annoys me when people say games are to mature for kids LOL then why make games. you think we cant handle it then dont make it. No offence but i think it is more dangerous to put it in a Adult Hand then a KID or CHILD hand cuz a adult can do something. the DC sniper he went out and got a gun. even though he didnt play video games it is still a good example of how adult are more capable of killing people then we are.


going back to the EverQuest guy:


heres a quote from Wired.com http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,51490,00.html


"One of the things I personally would like is for them to look into his account," Woolley said. "He quit his job the week before he did this and played (the game) the whole week, and I want to see if there was something that made him do this because he didn't have any major crises in his life."


that sound like a addiction to me and this was a Adult, he Quit his job and played the game for a whole week...where was the media on this? if it were a teen it would of been a Bigger story


To Contra:

The peope are not MADE violent by CS they were already violent and CS when cs was put in there hands...the parents fault..if u notice your son...err duaghter is acting funny then take the Cs away...simple but the parents just dont care n e more....


Here my Views Talent GL :D

P.S. You know how happy i would be if you used me as a Quote?


Quote by MikZ:


"i want fatty or some other adult to ask there parents about what math course they took there freshman year...they would prolly say Algebra, or even something else..well now a days 40% of the freshman class is taking Geometry and Chem. and it is only going to increase. We are not stupid, we are not reckless and we are not holigans, we are teens."


Think about it! B)

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
It annoys me when people say games are to mature for kids LOL then why make games.


for da bling bling.

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Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Guest SiLvEr BuLLeT
Homer,Nov 14 2002, 01:59 PM]#3, I'm defining 'young children' as 12 and under.

hey there,..............im still 11 and i play cs...but in not stuipd (turin 12 november 18th..and im takin SATS in janury[sTill in 7th grade 2!!!!!])

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I vote yes to young children but mostly due to the lack of parenting by quite a few parents. Of course there is also a difference between a game of tunes smacking each other with hammers and a game of people making bloody messes out of each others heads with guns.


I think society makes people violent...movies, TV shows, video games, music.

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Guest machine-head
Guest machine-head
Guest machine-head

first if your 5 or less you shouldnt be playing video games becuase your still learning what certain things mean and if they see this then it can change the way they think but if your a good parent you should keep your children away from video games and keep them outside


second games shouldnt change how ppl think or make them violent becuase its just a game and everyone knos that

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Guest machine-head
Guest machine-head
Guest machine-head

fatty your like 30 something why are you doing research arent you a teacher???

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Guest Talent
Guest Talent
Guest Talent

machine head, read the rest of the title. Research for TALENT, that's me, not fatty :P anyway thanks for all the posts and keep em coming!

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it was talents and my cousin is 5 yrs old we duke it out in halo and syhipon filter (spelling is stupid) sine he was 3.9 almost 4 and he is one of the most mature smart and un agressive kid in the world. i mean jeez hes 10 yrs younger then me yet he ownz me at some of my own games

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I think society makes people violent...movies, TV shows, video games, music.


I 100% agree here.....


I think any good parenting will override the effects a violent game has on a child


Also 100% agree....


Turn on the TV now a days and what do you see......I can count off the top of my head like 10 channels that run news all the time(and I just have extended basic). What do they show on these news channels as well as the news on regular channels------> so and so killed so and so today. Tell me this, when the news comes on, how many times do you see a rescue story or a "feel good" story before you see the violent one? NEVER


How do parents lend to the problem? The 21st century babysitter....plop that little one right down in front of the box, give him the remote and see how warped his mind becomes. I'm not saying all TV is violent/bad and every messed up child is due to TV or the media, I just find it really hard to solely blame video games when you get the same thing or worse on regular TV, newspapers, and movies. The only way to overcome this is for parents to TEACH their kids right from wrong. Have some set of moral values. (That is one reason I like playing in this community, most of you guys have some moral value!!!)


first if your 5 or less you shouldnt be playing video games becuase your still learning what certain things mean and if they see this then it can change the way they think but if your a good parent you should keep your children away from video games and keep them outside


Ok, I can kinda agree with this because kids are like sponges, they soak up everything around them, their whole environment. This is where the parenting comes in.....when an act of violence is seen by a child, the parent should point out the fact that it is WRONG, let the child soak up right from wrong.


I'm also getting something else from this quote that I'm not sure was meant but I'm gonna reply to too. Implied that 5 years and younger are the only ones learning? Come on, I'm 26 and I don't think a day goes by that I don't learn something new. But due to my upbringing and my learned character of what is right and wrong, I process these new things into good and bad catagories.


Something for all of you kids or young people or whatever you call yourself at your age......Learning is a life long process, don't think that when you are done with high school or college you stop learning. Strive to know as much as possible.(soapbox thingy there, sorry)


what about that guy who lost his job and commited suscide over everquest?


I am in no way trying to make light or poke fun at this unfortunate accident, but I do think that his mother is way over the line in saying that it is the video game's fault.


I find this extremely far fetched, if you read the article that you yourself reference, you will note that it mentions he was already diagnosed with depression and a schizoid personality disorder. Furthermore, it also states that the gun he used was bought a week before the suicide. He quit his job a week before and bought the gun then.....who is to say that if he hadn't had the game as a retreat from the real world that he wouldn't have killed himself the day he bought the gun. For now, in my opinion, that whole article and law suit is based on speculation. Nobody has seen what he was doing in the game, I'm not naive enough to say that what did happen in the game didn't push him over the edge, but my question is, what got him to the edge?

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Wow what a tough subject. Everyone is different, similar, but very different. Everyone acts, reacts, makes decisions, etc. etc. etc. based upon a very different background, upbringing etc etc etc and all is based upon memory, conciouse and subconciouse, so I think it's pretty far fetched to say that a single thing would cause violence. I think statistics would show that in very few ppl does it cause violence. I've played EQ and CS for over 2years now and have seen more than 20,000 people playing at any given time. I also played Tribes before CS and a very large number of people played that also. So I don't buy the video games causes violence idea. In my mind it's a ridiculouse and feeble attempt to place the blame on video games b/c a percentage of the population think they are a waste. Now to twist things a bit b/c here in lies the solution...


Some violent people play video games! Wow what an idea! Don't let this get out it might make people smarter than me!


Other thoughts include violent people watch football, violent people own guns, violent people shoot other people who watch football, and does that mean football kills people? Only the people playing if they happen to be injured in such a manner that it kills them.


And more people have been killed in European soccer matches then due to video games. Charles Manson blamed Helter Skelter, a song written by The Beatles, for making him lead his band of followers to kill people. Jim Jones and David Koresh were prophets of God and lead many of their followers to commit mass suicide or killed them if they refused. Yet people still attend soccermatches in Europe, listen to The Beatles, and go to church.


In conclusion I think that this pretty much proves that video games do not make people violent, but that simply violent people play video games, watch soccer, listen to music, and goto church.



If you fit the above description please turn yourself into the proper authorities and save us all a bit of greif.

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

well im only 7 years old....i though counterstrike was a real life thing?? are u telling me it is a made up computer thing?? :(


maybe video game makers dont make these games for the bling bling cane,,,, maybe its the army trying to recuirt all of us 7 year olds

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i think it really depends on how the kids are raised, i know from exp. i let my 10 year old play halo and other games on x-box, but i wont let him interact with some of the idiots on the internet, because the language or words that are typed,plus i dont want him seeing offensive spray's.my son is also an a-b student who doesnt have a violent bone in his body.he's a nerd who likes to play video games and thats the way i like it. i think its alright just as long as you monitor his behavior and the way he performs in school.

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Violence in video games is in the eye of the beholder. I remember

when I was younger games like Mortal Kombat, Wolfenstien, RoTT

were consider games that were violent and caused "issues" with

children. My point is, every generation of kids will have parents,

media, watchdogs who think games are too violent or risky for

their kids.


and remember...

A computer mouse doesn't kill people, guns do! Educate kids and

parents on weapon safety!!





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I say any exposure to anything in life will help mold you into the person you will become. If some1 is rasied in a violent setting where the parents are abusive and they play violent games to act on that violence they see at home then that can lead up to violence in real life. But videogames in general I voted #3 cause kids these days no longer are friendly and go outside; they all just park their butts infront of the TV and play GTA3 and GTA:VC which are made for 17+ yr olds. These games bring out agression and turn these kids into more agressive, and disrespectful people.

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