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Dispelling the "Teams are Even" Myth


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Ok, I have no idea why some of you guys just can't get this. I'm sorry if I come across condescending, but I'm rather shocked at the lack of general logic in some of our players.


The following scenario has happened probably 3 times in the past couple weeks. Please help me to spread the light about this. This is about no one individual, but about the group out there that just doesn't get it.


Scenario: Terrorist are winning 10 rounds to 1. Teams are 9 players on each side.

Fatty: Teams (T Skill: 4,500 CT Skill 1,000...disgusting difference: 3,500 is typed for all to see)


Fatty: Let's move a couple guys to CT.


Dim Player: Teams are even.


Fatty (regardless of side he's on, cause it's been both ways): Does this game feel even to you?


Dim Player: It's 9 against 9.


Fatty (avoids going into the oh really? i didn't bother to look at that) It's not about the numbers, the terrorists are whomping, we need to fix the teams.


Dim Player (obviously on the terrorist team): It's 9 against 9 what are you talking about. Teams are even.


Fatty (wanting to slap a couple parents at this point, now it's 11 to 1, Terrorists): Hello? Not even in numbers, I'm talking about K:D and skill, and wins. Teams are uneven.


Dim Player: Uneven? 9 against 9 is even teams. You're ghey.


Fatty: <kicks Dim Player for stupidity>


Dim Player2: Why did you kick him? He didn't do anything.


Fatty: I'm trying to even the teams here.


Dim Player2: You are just abusing admin.


Fatty (starting to feel hopeless about society, kicks Dim Player2)


And, depending on the average intelligence (or is it maturity?) in the server, it's possible the debate could go on or end right there...results from here vary greatly.


It was not my intention to offend anyone here, but if I offended you, you probably fall into the Dim catagory and need to wake up anyways....

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Fat, GOOD JOB, I hate morons like those kind of people, latley it seems all I have been playing with is people who are legally retarted. If their is 10 people in a server ( not counting admins ) atleast 8 of them are complete moron's that tk, dont listen, nade/flash you, or who are playing CS for the first time and dotn understand team stacking.

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Guest sontek
Guest sontek
Guest sontek

regardless of the players ignorance, do you believe kicking them was the correct and/or mature way of solving the problem? I agree with your point of view, but as an admin on many pub servers I have to disagree with the actions you chose, Yes those so called "dim" players can be annoying, and it can even be more annoying when your getting whooped 11-1.. But if no one is willing to switch, I do believe its their choice. If this is becoming such a big deal to you, you might consider getting a server mod that checks K:D ratios and evens the teams at the end of each round, there are lots of them.


ps. Is it just coincidence that fatty is always on the losing end? :lol:

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Well, the fact of the matter is, Fatty's not always on the losing team. And I know you may have just been kidding about that comment. But, most of the time I've heard him talking about it is when he's on the winning team. Anyone who's on his team can vouch that if they start owning, he'll ask for volunteers from the team to switch over voicecomm or he'll switch himself. Soo......


I think some people are just missing the point. People start to whine when teams are 10-8 and they lose a single round...no matter what K:D ratio is. They look and see 10-8 and automatically think "unfair". That's just mindless and doesn't take into account what is really going on.


Ownings by one side lead to people dropping from the losing side and going elsewhere. A situation that is not wanted if you want a server that is full as much as possible.


Fatty's taking a proactive role in building the server.....He should be commended for it....not questioned as to his maturity.

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Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage

It's funny. I asked the other day for someone to join our team (point difference was 2000+) and when this person did join, he decided to start witching at me for asking someone to join over. I know all of you stat whores out there must think it is fun to stomp the terrorist team over and over on Aztec while your numbers are 2 more than us and the team point difference is over 2000. But lets use common sense here and even them up.

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uneven teams is the only way to get better (by being on the losing team of course) i often enjoy gettin destroyed by the other team......it makes me a better cs player



plus if it annoys people that much just only do scrims/pugs or dont even play cs

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It's just something that will happen. I'm happy just to have an even number on each team. Plus how can youadmins stand tweaking it everyother round?




It was 8 on 8 in office the other day. Ct's were just wasting everyone so the admin makes two players go T and tries to get a t to go ct. It gets to the point where it's 6cts vrs 9ts and the tide turns after about two rounds. Then the admin asks for a few other players to move.


Seriously regardless of what people do there will always be un even skill levels on the teams. I really think you should just stick with asking the top people on the winning team to split up if there is serious stacking. But trying to tweak it every few rounds is a joke.

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GC Founder
well i would be dim player 1..... i got banned for this....dont know for how long, i assume perma since he called me a punk donkey? ;)


you know what donkey is im sure  :blink:

This is not why you were banned.


And, you will remain banned until you figure it all out.

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yes i know why i was banned, you made that clear to me, consider your punk donkey banned until you understand this.


so your gonna perma ban me for my first ever incident with anyone on the server in 9 months that i been playing there?


dim player. i am not a dim player fat bastard. i have been playing cs since beta so im am far from ignorant of the game. I would like to think i bring fun and skill to your server and this community and for you to ban me like this, not even when the incident happens, but to ban me the next day while we are talking on aol. what is this all about, i was talking to you to get everything straightened out about why i was kicked then bam, im banned too. Im sorry fat bastard but if im banned until i "figure it all out" then i do not wish to be unbanned because i guess you should ask yourself this DO YOU HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT?!?


if you do have it all figured out, you wouldnt be playing in this community. if you dont, well, admin_ban fat bastard , cause it seeems i am not banned for playing the game but a lack of understanding from a conversation we had and well....im not figuring out why this is a reason to ban a community member for his first offense, while talking out of game. Im sorry, im not going to figure it out!


Oh yea, and for you to preach maturity to me and then turn around and call me a punk donkey........you dont know me. Who are you to tlak to me like that fat bastard !

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well after sitting down and thinking bout it some more :


I understand now. I understand that its yermothers server and since you are head of mmmm you are entitled to make all the servers desicions that you please. I just didnt agree to your bad call. I didnt believe that you would ban me for questioning you on the call and thought you might realize where iw as coming from. If you say im banned for immaturity, whos calling who a punk donkey? Im sorry, I will not call you out on bad decisions again.


I would also like to add The only rule I broke on the server was questioning an admin and i was kick, which is fair, now I am banned for talking to someone on aim. It doesnt seem right to ban me from the server because I cause no trouble in the server and help it run clean and smooth

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hrm..im not taking sides and it seems this topic has strayed from what happen to an apology topic or something but, I just wanna try to make a point.


Teams are even 9v9. Ts are winning, so you make it 10v8. T's still winning. do you make it 11v7? and so on until there is the top 5 guys left on one team. What if those top5 guys are still beating the other 15? Will it come to a point to where you have to separate certain players from being on the same team? Also my opinion. I can see it happening if T's are losing really bad on those types of maps, but Ts never win and I dont believe(in any of my past experiance playing on the server) any admin would have made an attempt to even teams if the score was 15-2 in favor of the CTs. You run a good server and I have no problems,

just wanted to throw my 2 cents in. Have a nice day :)

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Posts like these go nothing but downhill.


Ie The Mack, Nemesis, Rev


Its painfully clear to me that even with hints for this to just stop egos get in the way.


What i dont seem to understand is even after all these posts that weve seen people continually try to air it out in a public forum....for all to view and all to make judgement...no one gets it.


This is their home, their server, their rules...regardless of what an outside player feels, thinks, wants, thats just the way it is.


Ive seen and read all the pms, the aim chats and the logs from the server that night and the day after.


Apparently some things were taken the wrong way between both people here...(Fat and killer).


From where i sit Fat is a friend for what like 3, 4 years? Killer is a member of my clan whom i like and love playing with. Obviously it is tough for me to form my own opinions because of this cause i see both sides of the coin.


I do know one thing though and that its better to bite your lip and move on instead of letting the mass amounts of other people form their own opinions and degrade what is going on.


What im thinking here is that in this community we try and fight so hard to keep the clowns out of our servers to be able to enjoy games and scrimms without this kind of crap going on. We have the hard jobs as we are outnumbered by the fools that dont play this game for any type of goal other than to disrupt or not respect the rules for servers or the quality we try to represent in this community. In Fats position....and ive been in this position...is that he is trying to keep things going as smoothly as possible and is a lil set back by the fact that he even needs to go through this with alot of community members which should know all this.


I dont know anymore....im a little surprised myself that this time its a member of my clan when he knows all this....but is also taken aback at somewhat being a victim himself....of things he doesnt feel fair to him.


Ok im rambling....this is it...id be more than willing to talk this through with both fat and killer and moderate this....just let me know when. This can be

easily fixed. I prefer the "letting it go" option but apparently no matter what happens this wont be the case as too much crap has been said already.

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