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Yay! Suspended!


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Edit: Its the one at Main St. and Dundurn (I didnt want to make a whole new post and bump this just for that)




GRRRRRR again!!!! I hate people!!! For some of you that know, I am a half-manager, half-full-time worker at a Taco Bell. I'm usually working the DT, but from time to time, when they need me, I know how to fully close the store as a manager (in which I've done successfully many times). Well, today, I got a special treat the second I walked into the store: I've been suspended for two weeks and upon my return, will have no managerial duties. Why? Read further.


Two nights ago, a customer drives through with four of his friends claiming that when he came through two weeks ago (already fishy, no one waits that long) we messed up his order and wants it replaced. What's his order? 5 combos with large drinks, all with fry supreme, five tacos, three extra items and three desserts - $60.79




He mentions that his name was put in a book, which gives him some merit because when people call in misplaced orders, we put their name in a book. I ask for his name, check from two weeks ago to the current date (very time consuming) sure enough, it isn't there. I check further back, still can't find it. (I'm also checking the orders, none of them match) At this point, it's clearly a scam, especially with the idiots all chuckling and punching themselves from being completely drunk.


For the note, NEVER has a manager forgotten to write down a mistaken order in the book - the book is right next to the only phone in the office! Regardless of that, I can't hand out $60 worth of food when the name isn't in the book. As I try to explain this at great length to the idiot driver (who I should've reported to the police for DUI) he flips out and cusses me out for 5+ min. I eventually lose my temper because 1. I'm being scammed, 2. I'm being cussed out so some idiots can get free food, 3. the DT line is now around the store.


Eventually I tell him to beat it before I phone the police, not only for obstructing our DT lane, but for DUI and he leaves.


Well, today I found out that the next day, he contacted the DM with his story and regardless of my two co-workers that night backing up my decision, I've been dealt with the penalty of above cause DMs cant give two craps about who's working in their stores - essentially, I'm lucky I wasn't fired. All because of a bunch of guys looking for a free meal.


/end rant



Edited by Saris
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That sucks...you should talk to you manager and write a letter to the head office for Taco Bell Canada right away. Don't be angry, be factual, call the Employment Standards Information Centre at 416-326-7160 or 1-800-531-5551 and find out who you can send a copy of your letter to...or visit the Government Info center in your area. Letters will help you out great...really all you have to do is tell you manager when you give him a copy of the letter that you also sent one to whomever you got from the above link to help you...trust me, that will scare the poop out of him regardless of whether or not he can do anything about your suspension or not!


I've had a rough week so far aswell...

I'm up to 41 hours since monday...starting at 6 tomorrow and working on saturday too...fun times!

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As a side note, if that is how they treat their managers, it might be time to look for a new job. You gotta love the fast food industry (I worked at McD's every summer while I was in college), and the games people play in order to get free food.

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As a side note, if that is how they treat their managers, it might be time to look for a new job. You gotta love the fast food industry (I worked at McD's every summer while I was in college), and the games people play in order to get free food.


I work at a video rental store as my temp college job now and people try to pull that same crap there. There have been many times that Ive straight up told them they're liars. Of course they get upset and yell "I'M GOING TO BLOCKBUSTER!" I always tell myself good, one less idiot to deal with!

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Saris, that royally sux. You really need to that the time during the next 2 weeks to do 2 things. One Follow Anony's advice. It's excellent. You need to find a time when you can be detatched from the situation (I know, easier said than done) and document everything that went on that night.


See if your co-workers are willing to "testify" on your behalf that you were working in the best interest of the Company. You have a duty to yourself (as well as other managers at TB and elsewhere) to contact the authorities, and not "go gently into that good night" You should have been commended for not giving the scumbags $60 worth of free food. If you HAD given them the food, then I would thought you'd be suspended, not the other way around.


Best of luck man. You were wronged, and they need to make it right.

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Complaints at Taco Bell just get you fired unfortunately . . . . Even if I got some sort of gov't service behind me, they really don't give a crap. I'm expendable. Also the person responsible for this is the district manager - he never sets foot in any of the stores. Causing more trouble would also cause trouble for my co-workers, who are by no means at fault. (not just the two that night)

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So what are you suppose to do in a situation like that? Give the jerks $60 worth of food? If it were me I would cause a ruckuss because there obviously is no right or wrong. I would speak up, there are plenty of jobs out there.


And what would they fire you for if you complained? You have sufficient evidence that those people were trying to scam you so you did nothing wrong. You saved the company $60.


He pry didn't get a wrong order because I can eat a lot but i could never spend $60 at a resturant like that. He pry knows how the system works and being drunk, stupid and desperate for food tried to pull it off as a scam.


I would have done what you did and have called the police for the DUI just for them hassling me. And if those guys got in a wreck in killed someone it would have been worse. Fortunatly they didn't.


But thats just me. =)

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wow that sucks, this is the second time something bad has happened with customers right?


when i worked at taco bell i had the same problems, why does everybody think they can push over fast food eployees? thats why i went to the grocery business

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That situation is crappy for you, but the way they see it, you can not lose your temper at a customer. No matter how stupid, drunk, or false they may be. While you were right in not giving them what they wanted it seems that you flipping at the dudes is what got you in trouble. I'm not saying that I would not do the same thing, I probably would even sooner. But as a manager you just have to keep repeating yourself and not sink to their level. My 2c.

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Complaints at Taco Bell just get you fired unfortunately . . . . Even if I got some sort of gov't service behind me, they really don't give a crap. I'm expendable. Also the person responsible for this is the district manager - he never sets foot in any of the stores. Causing more trouble would also cause trouble for my co-workers, who are by no means at fault. (not just the two that night)

This is all too true regardless of where you work. Fortunately I work in a profession that is greatly in demand so getting another job isn't a problem for me. Unfortunately, as you've just learned, DM's don't live in the real world. They only see numbers and have to listen to their higher ups rant about falling sales, lower profits, yada, yada. Certainly, document what happened but I wouldn't go any further than that. If you do, you're likely to find life at work becomes much more difficult as your manager responds to the DM's request to find a way to get rid of you because you're now branded as a trouble maker. Let it go, Saris. Do your best to be pleasant and trouble free at work while you look for another job. Sorry, man! I know that advice stinks but I've seen and been the victim of what DM's can do if they want to get rid of you. Just be cool and look for another job.

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So is it paid or unpaid "vacation"? and ever think of bringing a supersoaker filled with stale beer for these situations? just think some guys tinklees you off well give em a quick spray and call the cops (Im sorry mountees) and they can chase them down in their cars (horses whatever canadians like to use) and get them for DUI, open container, or some other violation....then just hide the squirt gun and act like that guy was on drugs or doing lot of drinking : :biglaugha:

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Complaints at Taco Bell just get you fired unfortunately . . . . Even if I got some sort of gov't service behind me, they really don't give a crap. I'm expendable. Also the person responsible for this is the district manager - he never sets foot in any of the stores. Causing more trouble would also cause trouble for my co-workers, who are by no means at fault. (not just the two that night)

Wow, what am I hearing? You should sue Taco Bell for this.


I thought this was America..."You can sue anyone for anything, and you'll probably win" - GTA radio


One of my friends' friends after high school moved down to a big city and all he does is sue the telemarketers. He records their calls and presents them in part as evidence. He makes a lot of money. Of course if he did that anywhere else but America he'd be taken care of but hey, this what makes America America, right?


edit: Meh.....hold up......you live in Canada???? := forget what is said....

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edit: Meh.....hold up......you live in Canada???? := forget what is said....

Yep...can't sue like you can in the States...one of the only things I dislike about this cold country...


Now that I think about it Saris my company is looking for technicians right now... http://www.frischkornav.com/


Just send me a PM if you're interested

That's not my field unfortunately. I'm taking the long, hard path of being an author, despite my artistic skills. Thanks for the offer though.


Heheheheheheheh I smoked you tonight! I told you, you were mine! :P

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Hey I didn't know you were from Hamilton!! lol


That sucks hardcore, I totally would've called the cops though, lol, I have no tolerance for DUI. What Toxic Hell(:D) do you work at?






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I eventually lose my temper...


Not trying to ruffle feathers here or anything, but how exactly did you "lose your temper?" I have a feeling that the DM might have suspended you for how you handled the situation, as opposed to the fact that you didn't give them free food.


Either we're missing something from this story.. or the DM is completely wrong... :shrug03:

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Saris, don't listen to these guys, they are giving you bad advice. Go to work, get some petrol and burn the whole outlet down. After that take a trip of the DM and bonk him over the head with a fish! GO saris go, go saris go! Fight back!

Neg, if you feel a need to get back, do something subtle. Maybe purchase some laxatives for the next time your DM comes around.

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Saris, don't listen to these guys, they are giving you bad advice. Go to work, get some petrol and burn the whole outlet down. After that take a trip of the DM and bonk him over the head with a fish! GO saris go, go saris go! Fight back!

Neg, if you feel a need to get back, do something subtle. Maybe purchase some laxatives for the next time your DM comes around.



Or do what they did in that movie with Dave Chappelle and Jim Bruerer(sp).

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Losing my temper means I put my foot down and tell the customer to leave. I've never swore or raised my voice beyond an irritation level at a customer.


dude. you got royaly screwed if thats all you did...... If I was you, I would quit if they didn't give me the status I had back... I would make this a HUUUUGE DEAL, because you did what is right. Start looking for another and ask the DM, am I supposed to give every drunk person free food, when their name isn't in the book? Ask him what you should do? if he is a donkey like you said he is and doesn't understand you, I would throw a taco in his face and take a dump in his driveway.

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Losing my temper means I put my foot down and tell the customer to leave. I've never swore or raised my voice beyond an irritation level at a customer.


dude. you got royaly screwed if thats all you did...... If I was you, I would quit if they didn't give me the status I had back... I would make this a HUUUUGE DEAL, because you did what is right. Start looking for another and ask the DM, am I supposed to give every drunk person free food, when their name isn't in the book? Ask him what you should do? if he is a donkey like you said he is and doesn't understand you, I would throw a taco in his face and take a dump in his driveway.

Nah... throw the dump in his face and leave the taco on his drive.

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