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LOL healthy living?


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note the supply of redbull and monster (bottom left drawer). not pictured:

- liquor cabinet

- continental breakfast bar

- soda fridge

- crapachino machine

- dogs allowed

- Xbox, wii, foosball, chess,

- smart nerds.



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I always chuckle when in line at a fast food restaurant and someone orders enough food for 2 and then tops it off with a small diet coke. Like they are at least trying to be healthy. Just skip the food and pound a energy drink.

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i can only assume IBM provides free saltine crackers and caffeine free diet coke.


So judging by that picture your office is predominantly women...you lucky guy
not pictured:

- liquor cabinet


Oh sorry, I forgot you work in a place called the Nerdery which apparently doesn't have cameras capable of taking more than one picture...

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Oh sorry, I forgot you work in a place called the Nerdery which apparently doesn't have cameras capable of taking more than one picture...

oh, sorry. i forgot you work with IBM and have 0 sense of humour.

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can I get a job with the nerdery?


I can write code like this.....


for (count = 0; count < 10000; count++)


BUFFER[(count * 3)] = (__u16)(sin(pow(-3.3 + (0.00066 * count), 2)) * 2047.0 + 2048.0);

BUFFER[(count * 3)] &= 0x0fff;


BUFFER[((count * 3) + 1)] = (__u16)(cos(pow(-3.0 + (.0006 * count), 2)) * 2047.0 + 2048.0);

BUFFER[((count * 3) + 1)] &= 0x0fff;


BUFFER[((count * 3) + 2)] = (__u16)(sin(pow(-1.9 + (.00038 * count), 2)) * cos(pow(-1.9 + (.00038 * count), 2)) * 2047.0 + 2048.0);

BUFFER[((count * 3) + 2)] &= 0x0fff;

BUFFER[((count * 3) + 2)] |= 0x2000;



BUFFER[29999] |= 0x1000;

outportb(fd, baseAddr + 0x1a, 0);


for (count = 0; count < 30000; count++)


outport(fd, baseAddr + 0x18, (count * 2));

outport(fd, baseAddr + 0x1c, BUFFER[count]);



CtrMode(baseAddr + 0x14, 1, 2);

CtrMode(baseAddr + 0x14, 2, 2);

CtrLoad(baseAddr + 0x14, 1, 5);

CtrLoad(baseAddr + 0x14, 2, 10);


outportb(fd, baseAddr + 0x10, 0x41);


puts("\nPress <enter> to stop");





}while (!kbhit());

outportb(fd, baseAddr + 0x10, 0);



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Oh sorry, I forgot you work in a place called the Nerdery which apparently doesn't have cameras capable of taking more than one picture...

oh, sorry. i forgot you work with IBM and have 0 sense of humour.

I take offense to this - us corporate types do have a sense of humor. It's just shared and recycled constantly, every single day. Everyone has to pretend the recycled jokes are funny too. If you'd like some practice, try these:


1. "Looks like a case of the Mondays". It was cheesy in Office Space, but it's funny if you repeat it every Monday.

2. "Oh, someone got the shirt memo!" (only works on days when 2 or more people are wearing the same color shirt)

3. Say anything, and just laugh afterwards (even if it's not funny). People will think you're fun, and definitely not psychotic or desperate for someone to like you.

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Oh sorry, I forgot you work in a place called the Nerdery which apparently doesn't have cameras capable of taking more than one picture...

oh, sorry. i forgot you work with IBM and have 0 sense of humour.

Wow, clearly you took offense, I apologize for implying the Nerdery owns a one shot camera in a world of pics or it didn't happen. You didn't have to go changing the way you spell though, I think it's cute the way you misspell everything.

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