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Reminder Regarding New Players and Holding Spitters


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Most of you know, but this does come up a lot in the games. Holding a Spitter until it recharges is not against the rules on the server. It is certainly okay to try to explain to players why it is better to "spit and die" in most situations, but if they refuse (or do not understand), it is not something an admin can kick or ban them for. It is also not acceptable to continually kill them for it. It is not the only class that gets "held" too long, it is just the most obvious, especially at important choke points. Just a reminder.

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Is there a way to make suicide take 1/3rd of your points and making it if you have 0 points its free? As I recall suicide was added because Valve cant fix all their glitches *Players getting Ghost Charged*. I find it abusive to think "lol no points for you". Or alternatively make it so the last Survivor to hit you, when suicide, still gives points. <edit> If you somehow dont take damage, everyone on Survivors gets a point. Assuming youre able to make it so the it detects if youre a Ghost or Not. Ghost = No points or Message, Alive = Points and Message received.</edit>


> <infected player name> decided they couldn't take it anymore, xx points to <survivor player name>!


Killing someone because they're holding is griefing. I know versus is Player vs Player, but you cannot fixate yourself on "winning". If you play well or at the best you can be, thats winning to me. Of course I see the GC server as something akin to Super Smash Bros, in that its a Party game and a Combat Orientated game, but the fun comes first. Winning =/= Fun.


If an Admin is seen kicking/slaying/banning someone for holding Spitter, report them and they will either go under revaluation or be talked to about it. I havent been on the server in two years and I find appalling that this still goes on. I am also to assume that this also in the MOTD on the server.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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..and choose the suicide option if you dont want to give points to survivors! :happy:



Is there a way to make suicide take 1/3rd of your points and making it if you have 0 points its free? As I recall suicide was added because Valve cant fix all their glitches *Players getting Ghost Charged*. I find it abusive to think "lol no points for you". Or alternatively make it so the last Survivor to hit you, when suicide, still gives points. <edit> If you somehow dont take damage, everyone on Survivors gets a point. Assuming youre able to make it so the it detects if youre a Ghost or Not. Ghost = No points or Message, Alive = Points and Message received.</edit>




only a veryyyy few people have to foresight to even do this. if i spit from a roof and i can get back into cover before survs can even shoot me, why should they be rewarded for me spawning a few seconds earlier?

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I admit it I play to Win.

Slaying the spitter griefing? How so?

Hes in no worst a position and the team is better off.

So they have to wait for spit to recharge and because they're not able to attack thats griefing? Being in ghost for longer than a minute I would call griefing. Killing someone for not playing to the expectations you hold is what I would call griefing. A Spitter waiting on recharge I would call playing the game normally. Why not Slay a Hunter who misses their Pounce, same for Charger to, and instant Slay for Jockey because they're bad always, Slay Smokers who got behind and cant despawn, Slay Boomers not in the right position to boom the whole Team. Slay Tanks missing their Throws or are just a bout to charge the whole team.


You should just be able to play how you play regular 4v4, points and more players are just icing on the cake.


Of course Suicide wouldnt exist if Valve knew how to fix their bugs correctly.

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GC Coalition Member


I admit it I play to Win.

Slaying the spitter griefing? How so?

Hes in no worst a position and the team is better off.

So they have to wait for spit to recharge and because they're not able to attack thats griefing? Being in ghost for longer than a minute I would call griefing. Killing someone for not playing to the expectations you hold is what I would call griefing. A Spitter waiting on recharge I would call playing the game normally. Why not Slay a Hunter who misses their Pounce, same for Charger to, and instant Slay for Jockey because they're bad always, Slay Smokers who got behind and cant despawn, Slay Boomers not in the right position to boom the whole Team. Slay Tanks missing their Throws or are just a bout to charge the whole team.


You should just be able to play how you play regular 4v4, points and more players are just icing on the cake.


Of course Suicide wouldnt exist if Valve knew how to fix their bugs correctly.


I didnt mean they(the spitter) was griefing. I should have said "Is slaying the spitter griefing?"


How are they any worst off? they are not any worst off no points loss and spawn just as quick as holding it .

When they hold it they hurt the team.


And the examples are ridiculous comparisons.

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I dont see how theyre ridiculous comparisons, bad players hurt the team, they should be kicked or slain. The reason Spit and Die exist at all, is because Suicide exist. If Suicide didnt exist we wouldnt have this problem, heck if Valve released the game bug free, no one would even suggest an option. Just because the tool is there, doesnt give the right to enforce it.


Though I think Spit and Die is a ridiculous notion to ask the player to perform. Might as well to tell someone to shoot better.


Heck if someone doesnt wanna use the point system, let them. We have no rules saying if you dont spend points on the items you need, youll be kicked from the server.... I think.

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I dont see how theyre ridiculous comparisons, bad players hurt the team, they should be kicked or slain. The reason Spit and Die exist at all, is because Suicide exist. If Suicide didnt exist we wouldnt have this problem, heck if Valve released the game bug free, no one would even suggest an option. Just because the tool is there, doesnt give the right to enforce it.


Though I think Spit and Die is a ridiculous notion to ask the player to perform. Might as well to tell someone to shoot better.


Heck if someone doesnt wanna use the point system, let them. We have no rules saying if you dont spend points on the items you need, youll be kicked from the server.... I think.


and this is why we dont have votekick as members anymore. kicking someone for skill is not a valid reason.


id rather u get back onto the l4d2 server so that what you are saying is more validated with examples of current situations that you may encounter. you said u havent been on the server for 2 years, things have changed. come see em for yourself rather than dwell on what you knew of previously.


no one gets punished for not using or sharing points.

Edited by oakgyrl510
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The reason Spit and Die exist at all, is because Suicide exist. If Suicide didnt exist we wouldnt have this problem, heck if Valve released the game bug free, no one would even suggest an option. Just because the tool is there, doesnt give the right to enforce it.





no its because we only have 2 spitter slots to start and there some places early on where rotating spits every 7 seconds (or however long it lasts) is much much better for the infected than waiting the 30 sec (whatever it is) recharge timer


spit and die means just jump on top of the incap or guy being pinned


barely anyone uses the suicide command as i said earlier

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Valen, your comparisons are terrible, and I mean really truly awful, because you're making a bunch of comparisons about skill and individual contribution. Spitting and dying does not require skill, and it's not about their aim or relative badness. Spitting and dying is about teamwork and not preventing your teammates from doing what they need to. None of your comparisons are comparable because spitters actually HURTS the team, unlike your examples. This is about teamwork.


In case you still don't get it, here's a case by case of why your comparisons are bad.

Why not Slay a Hunter who misses their Pounce - There isn't a recharge on pouncing, so you can pounce again faster than respawning.

Same for Charger to(o) - 1) The recharge isn't longer than respawning, similar to hunters.

Instant Slay for Jockey because they're bad always - 1) Wrong, jockeys are awesomely useful, 2) They don't hurt the team by holding jockeys.

Slay Smokers who got behind and cant despawn - What does this even mean? Seriously, wat?

Slay Boomers not in the right position to boom the whole team - Your examples are just going downhill... again, this doesn't hurt the team. A spitter who is just waiting for a recharge isn't doing anything to help the team, this boomer is still helping.


I think you're basically ignoring that the respawn timer is lower than the spit recharge timer, meaning there is NO reason not to spit and die.


The list goes on, but basically you're listing non-ideal play examples based on skill. These are fundamentally different because spitting and dying a) Does not require skill and B) prevents the team from doing what it needs to, unlike your examples. Maybe you need to reread. This isn't about people needing to not play spitters if their aim is bad, it's about giving other people a turn to spit once they've had their chance.

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Add them as a buddy and tell them what's up and if someone already knows that spitting and dying is good, just hold it for the choke lol, preplan it XD. Or like just buy the spitter limit itself like Oak said, not everyone needs to be a carry tank.

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we only have 2 spitter slots

If I recall correctly the term has existed before the buy Infected Slots mechanic was added....and I'll never forget the night that I desperately wanted Jackie to add Infected Slots to the game....Never Forget Chick, you hear me, I'll never forget. Of course Ive never been on any other server to begin with.



bunch of comparisons about skill and individual contribution.

Well I based it off of, if youre not making points, youre not helping. Points do help a lot on infected. Got Tanks, Infected Slots....Witch Army (lul). Spit last 5 seconds and the Spitter waits 15seconds (10seconds If you see it as doing nothing when the spit finally disappears.) Second I took the outrageous notion of spit and die, and applied it to other infected.


I would also like to point out that "if youre not making points, youre not helping" is not what I truly believe or expect out of any players no matter the game. Its just the majority opinion as GC is in the heavy minority of being "Good Guy Gamers"


(Note: Not denying my examples were hyperbole to hell and back)



It's about giving other people a turn to spit once they've had their chance.

I agree with that, but I disagree with it because theres a cap on what Infected can be out and no matter what you'll never get to be what you want at the time/depending.


Spit and Die isnt a rule, its not a secret rule, nor is it a moral obligation to be maintained on the server. It should not be doctrine onto the server. Im not saying you should never say it, as anything can be seen in good light within reason. But for it to be mandated? nah.




and this is why we dont have votekick as members anymore. kicking someone for skill is not a valid reason.

It started out good, for a bit. Then it got abused to hell and back for that reason. There was also something else around that time too I remember people arguing about... Oh well.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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LOL Jackie


Everyone else, we are getting off topic. Yes spitting and dying, whether its suicide or by having the other team kill you, is generally a smart strategy (your team gets to get another spitter quicker, the respawn time is faster than the recharge time, and when you die you create a second batch of spit to do additional damage). However, the point of this topic is rather simple: we can not force people to do this, so do not ask admins to kick people for it, and do not be rude to people for it. Thanks!

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GC Coalition Member

I liked the video Jackie
I think that video says it all




I admit it I play to Win.

Slaying the spitter griefing? How so?

Hes in no worst a position and the team is better off.

So they have to wait for spit to recharge and because they're not able to attack thats griefing? Being in ghost for longer than a minute I would call griefing. Killing someone for not playing to the expectations you hold is what I would call griefing. A Spitter waiting on recharge I would call playing the game normally. Why not Slay a Hunter who misses their Pounce, same for Charger to, and instant Slay for Jockey because they're bad always, Slay Smokers who got behind and cant despawn, Slay Boomers not in the right position to boom the whole Team. Slay Tanks missing their Throws or are just a bout to charge the whole team.


You should just be able to play how you play regular 4v4, points and more players are just icing on the cake.


Of course Suicide wouldnt exist if Valve knew how to fix their bugs correctly.



Its not about getting points Its about TEAMWORK( my opinion)

I have a very low ppm and i dont consider myself good but I try like hell to be a good teammate and hopefully i do accomplish it,maybe not idk.

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If I recall correctly the term has existed before the buy Infected Slots mechanic was added....and I'll never forget the night that I desperately wanted Jackie to add Infected Slots to the game....Never Forget Chick, you hear me, I'll never forget. Of course Ive never been on any server to begin with.





IDK what you are talking about. Though a retro night where you just buy the infected and not the slot and someone random gets it sounds fuN! LOL.

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