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I set up my binds so that I can slap the 8 female players I play with the most.

I probably missed some, please let me know.


1 key* bind kp_end "slap Dessa"

*2 key* bind kp_downarrow "slap Sassy"

*3 key* bind kp_pgdn "slap Chick"

*4 key* bind kp_leftarrow "slap Shepard"

*5 key* bind kp_5 "slap Charon"

*6 key* bind kp_rightarrow "slap Yortz"

*7 key* bind kp_home "slap MavC"

*8 key* bind kp_uparrow "slap Zero"

Yortz is a woman?

It all makes sense now, doesn't it?

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I........ wait.........

Did you really just use my bind list to set it up for slapping myself and others?
I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this. Thanks for giving me the 1 slot I guess?

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I set up my binds so that I can slap the 8 female players I play with the most.

I probably missed some, please let me know.


1 key* bind kp_end "slap Dessa"

*2 key* bind kp_downarrow "slap Sassy"

*3 key* bind kp_pgdn "slap Chick"

*4 key* bind kp_leftarrow "slap Shepard"

*5 key* bind kp_5 "slap Charon"

*6 key* bind kp_rightarrow "slap Yortz"

*7 key* bind kp_home "slap MavC"

*8 key* bind kp_uparrow "slap Zero"

Yortz is a woman?

It all makes sense now, doesn't it


Yeah, you forgot to put Peanut as number 9. Dude's a lady.

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if we can draw the line between opportunistic forward spawn blocking and rushing, that'd be nice


I've encountered this scenario numerous times as survivors. It is when your team is just about to reach a choke point, and you realize that there are a lot of fresh SI deaths. Is it considered rushing to go pass this choke point and secure the forward position?


For example, the second map on no mercy, the parking lot that has two sets of stairways, the straight one that connects the subway to the parking lot, and the U shaped one that leads to the panic event. Your team just took a big hit at the straight stairway, couple incaps here and there, but the situation is not looking too grim. Let's say you are one of the survivors and you are perfectly healthy. Within this time window, knowing the fact that the SI team could not possibly have set up at the next U-shaped stairway yet, is it considered rushing to rush upstairs and spawn block?

Edited by robinbanks
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If half your team is incapped, you're not benefiting your team by running ahead to spawn block because they'll be busy trying to keep infected at bay and picking up the people who got incapped.  Odds are, if they do pick everyone up, they'll have to run to pick you up too because you got incapped by someone trying to spawn in that same area.

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Can we also get some ground rules on another hybrid form of rushing I call Bystander Syndrome? Let's take the escalators in the mall where the glass panic event is. There is a tank fighting half the team on the second floor and the rest of the team just sits there near the alarm door just doing nothing. They could help but just stand there. This goes for any other scenario where a team seemingly (most likely) is waiting for a teammate or teammates to die. I see it way too often. Deserves some attention, I think. Three

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If half your team is incapped, you're not benefiting your team by running ahead to spawn block because they'll be busy trying to keep infected at bay and picking up the people who got incapped.  Odds are, if they do pick everyone up, they'll have to run to pick you up too because you got incapped by someone trying to spawn in that same area.


that's true, but what if every player on your team is skilled enough to handle themselves, and all you can do in that situation is to stand there and perhaps shoot at some commons at best, since this is AFTER the infected team has JUST been wiped.

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If half your team is incapped, you're not benefiting your team by running ahead to spawn block because they'll be busy trying to keep infected at bay and picking up the people who got incapped.  Odds are, if they do pick everyone up, they'll have to run to pick you up too because you got incapped by someone trying to spawn in that same area.


that's true, but what if every player on your team is skilled enough to handle themselves, and all you can do in that situation is to stand there and perhaps shoot at some commons at best, since this is AFTER the infected team has JUST been wiped.


there's no absolute cutoff, ask your team or make a judgment call (which you get better at over time)


a bad call is when you get picked and your team is stuck behind the choke

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Hmm.... I think I'd rather have a rusher who at least tries to come back to their team than someone who's staying in the back constantly down who refuses to use or ask for points. Am I the only one that thinks this?

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Hmm.... I think I'd rather have a rusher who at least tries to come back to their team than someone who's staying in the back constantly down who refuses to use or ask for points. Am I the only one that thinks this?

Preach. I hate picking up people who HAVE points but don't bother checking or simply waits for someone to pick them up. Way to put others in danger. So many times I get nearly incapped trying to save bozos like that. Never again. Check team points before picking up people.


Edit. New people, please read this. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=130902328

Edited by Pumpernickel
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