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afk manager


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I would not be opposed to increasing the time limit (Jackie or Crash will need to answer that), but we still need to have members kicked at some point.  Members used to go in spec and never come back, which isn't too big a deal if an admin is on, but if not, it blocks the server.  When I have to leave, I just exit the game, then rejoin when I am back.

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Leave the server when you go afk and just come back later--I only see two scenarios when you would not want to do this:



1.  You have a lot of points (but not enough to buy anything useful) and are on the infected team (meaning you cannot use !sp).  Because you lose all your points when you disconnect, you'd want to go in spec then come back.

2.  The server is entirely full of reserve-holding gc members.  If you leave, you might not be able to get back in--even with a reserved slot.


I feel like these situations don't happen too often (tell me if I'm wrong).

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biggs youre always wrong unless youre right



seriously though, theres been quite a few times when its full of members and impossible to get back on if you leave. and the points thing, always happens. being afk for a few mins wont hurt anyone. its just annoying to leave your chair for a few seconds to come back and find out you were kicked. old days were the good days

Edited by MasterTalpa
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biggs youre always wrong unless youre right



seriously though, theres been quite a few times when its full of members and impossible to get back on if you leave. and the points thing, always happens. being afk for a few mins wont hurt anyone. its just annoying to leave your chair for a few seconds to come back and find out you were kicked. old days were the good days


Idk man--just spend your pts and call it a day  :smillie_smilling:  Buy 20 pain pills... or 2 witches

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how about we just fix the issue of you losing points if you get disconnected?  i know a lot of people have been getting CTD lately also, can basically ruin a round if you have the tank points and get dropped and no one else is close.  it would be nice to reconnect and still have your points for that round

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That doesn't solve the issue when a crash happens because it happens randomly. Not a event anyone foresee coming. It would be great to have a point saver for a certain period of time such as one minute when a person disconnects.


Is that still happening? I didn't have a crash since .... spring

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how about we just fix the issue of you losing points if you get disconnected?  i know a lot of people have been getting CTD lately also, can basically ruin a round if you have the tank points and get dropped and no one else is close.  it would be nice to reconnect and still have your points for that round


We had a thread a long time ago, about what to do with points when people DC.  Don't think Jackie ever came up with a solution.   :ponder:

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how about we just fix the issue of you losing points if you get disconnected? i know a lot of people have been getting CTD lately also, can basically ruin a round if you have the tank points and get dropped and no one else is close. it would be nice to reconnect and still have your points for that round

We had a thread a long time ago, about what to do with points when people DC. Don't think Jackie ever came up with a solution. :ponder:

Was a points pool system idea brought up?

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Hmm, I can't find the thread I was thinking of... maybe I imagined that...


I found this one, but really no discussion happened there


What could you do with a player's unspent points when they dc from the server?

A: Nothing--the points are lost to the void

B: Divide the points equally between all the teammates

C: Divide them unequally somehow (give them to the player with the least points, maybe?)

D: Put the points between the fabric of space/time (a variable) and wait to see if the same player reconnects, then give the points back

E: Automatically spend the points on the "best" (most expensive) items they could afford


I'm sure there are more options


I like my option B for survivors

I like my option E for Infected


If option D is possible, that would be a good thing to do.  To me, ideally you do option D, wait 5 minutes.  Then if they have not reconnected after 5 minutes, do B or E depending if the player was on Surv or Infected.


Anyway--my 2 cents.

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how about we just fix the issue of you losing points if you get disconnected?  i know a lot of people have been getting CTD lately also, can basically ruin a round if you have the tank points and get dropped and no one else is close.  it would be nice to reconnect and still have your points for that round


We had a thread a long time ago, about what to do with points when people DC.  Don't think Jackie ever came up with a solution.   :ponder:


Nah, never did.  Maybe I could revisit that or something...

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Option B could theoretically be exploited to bypass the normal restriction on the infected team not being able to send points to each other.

If this were ever to get implemented, it would apply only to Survivors.


i feel like infected are the ones who suffer the most from a disconnect

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I can tell you I have been crashing lately and it is very frustrating when you crash and lose all your points but it would be cool if my points were given to my teammates or something...anything so they did not just go into oblivion. After all this is a team game. I am for all the options except A. You lose a few tanks due to crashes and this topic perks you up....

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