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Everything posted by san`

  1. It is, remind me tomorrow and I'll hook you up.
  2. Also, that's your steam name, not ID. You can find your steamid by going here and pasting your profile link in the search box http://steamidfinder.com/ Or, by typing "status" while connected to a server and finding the STEAM_0:xxxxxx in line with your name.
  3. I'm leaning towards it shutting down, unless some sweet updates come out. It sees very little traffic anymore.
  4. I'll remove it now, as it's been over a week. Please refrain from using that type of language in our servers, as the next ban will not be removed.
  5. You were banned for "Inciting others to rush and abandon players". I'm not sure which admin did it, but in the future please create a new topic.
  6. See, the problem is that we can't have admins on 24/7. It's just not feasible. So, when no admins are on, we have to rely on our members to let us know if and when somebody requires a kick or ban. Like Turnbull said, he had two members that he trusts sending him PMs while he was busy, so he took action. This scenario is not uncommon with our servers. I will apologize for the members making the boyfriend comments in a derogatory manner. We don't stand for homophobic slurs either, and those members should have been kicked from the game at the very least. What I will not apologize for are our rules and the manner in which we conduct our community. That being said, the way you came here calling the server "Butt Hurt", ridiculing us with lines like "nice work admins you totally caught the profanity user. YOUR SERVER IS SAVED!", and just generally being obnoxious with things like "I would like to request someone that is old enough to read past 3 sentences before posting, to read my post. Thank you.", doesn't lead me to believe that you really care about being unbanned. Please refer to what crasx posted above.
  7. Neither of those two are admins. Also... so... did you come in here to ask for an unban? Or, did you just come in here to bad mouth our rules, server, and community? If it's the former, you're doing it wrong, and if it's the latter it won't get you anywhere.
  8. I think the STEAM_1 vs STEAM_0 bug bit us again. I've updated yours to the _1 that shows in my HLSW player log. If it's not working, hit me up on Steam.
  9. All due respect, Vlad, but I've put my time in. So don't come in here thinking I don't know what the hell is going on in there. I've got to head to work, but I'll post more later.
  10. GC is and always has been a community that welcomes and accommodates new players. We will not be requiring membership to play here. It's bad enough that so many of the paying members rarely visit the forums and provide input to the community, instead they pay the $15 for the reserve and never look back. Part of being GC means that the folks who know how the point system works should be teaching those who don't. How else will they learn and become proficient?
  11. All pending admin applications have been addressed. I'm going to lock this now as it's gotten... off topic. If anybody is interested, shoot me a PM.
  12. There is no topic for it. Admins must first be paying members for a minimum of 90 days. They then fill out an app and the other admins vote on whether or not they believe the person would be a good admin.
  13. You were banned by MadVillain for rushing. He'll be in shortly to elaborate on the ban.
  14. Crasx hit it on the head here. If you have a problem playing on somebody's team, suck it up. In a community this size there is almost no way for every single person to like one another. That being said, this ban is not negotiable. Come back in a day. If you land on Chick's team, you'll live. It won't be the end of the world. Chick represents GC the same way crasx and myself do. I wouldn't tolerate that kind of attitude towards me either. You don't have to like everybody, but don't disrespect us either.
  15. May have to take the server offline, download the map, remove them via MCEdit, and reupload so that they can render again.
  16. You were each banned for one day for rushing. Please try to stick with the team!
  17. mcmap.gamrs.co
  18. Make a line of dirt from existing grass. It'll spread.
  19. Zrtmiles, from what I understand the chunks around the "world spawn" point will never unload. That being said, if you have a ton of crap in there (chickens, cows, redstone, whatever) then even when you are offline and people are far away, they will cause the server to lag. So, if you happen to be near the world spawn, there's a very good reason for Tirtul having moved your stuff. I'm sorry that it had to happen, but it's for the benefit of everybody that plays here.
  20. Shoot me a PM with the spray attached and I'll let you know.
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