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Welp, I'm 25 now... does that count? :) I'll just focus on the FPS games.


I started off with Wolfenstein 3D, went to Doom multiplayer, Doom II multiplayer, Quake (I remember being really scared to play online)...


Team Fortress Quake was my first real obsession. First clan experience, major play time on mplayer, etc. It's also when I got my name. After that, a little Q2 and Q3, Half Life... Unreal Tournament 2003, 2004, got hooked on '04 even now. And that brings us to today! :D


How about some of the rest of ya?

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Over 25? The NES is almost as old as I am, but that didn't stop me from kicking its butt as a four year old.


I'm a long, long time gamer. Got my NES in 1987 (the week after my fourth birthday), and I haven't looked back.

I loved, and am still in love with Zelda, and the original Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Action RPGs were my bread and butter. Adventure games like Shadowgate, Deja Vu and Uninvited kept me thinking, and my button mashing came from games like Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Bionic Commando and River City Ransom. I even got my FPS feet wet with Duck Hunt, PoW, The Punisher and Blood Bros.


The trail of Nintendo systems/titles continued on down the line until StarCraft, in 1996. We got our first home PC that year, and Duke Nuk'em and StarCraft were bought and loved by all... ...or just me. I had already played DooM/DooM II and the like on friends' PCs, but what a rush to have our own. Well, it sucked, and I learned a lot about PC repair that year, being my family's Gr. 8 tech support... Hand built my family's replacement PC shortly after, just in time for GLQuake and WinQuake to strike big. Tried my hand at mapping for WorldCraft 1.1, and I haven't stopped since.


Right now, I'm playing through Anachronox for the zillionth time. It's beautifully written, the cinematics were way beyond their time, and the voice acting was sweet. Tom Hall is a genious, and this is/was ION Storm's diamond in the rough. Oddly enough, I'm playing through Ninja Gaiden II again. I'm writing out the music in the game, and arranging it for my band... ...and using that as an excuse to play it way more than I should be allowed. I'm also finishing up my friend's copy of FEAR... ...I have this bad habit of burning through video games. Even though I'm constantly working, I always have 15 minutes to sit down and play/make a game.

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Even though I'm not over 25 (more like 17), I first got started with games by playing Doom (the shareware version... LOL buyable demos. Those were the days. That was one scary game back then). Then I was introduced to Wolfenstein 3d. MAN! Those WERE the days. I would spend countless hours playing that game (I found a glitch where if you watched the demos, I somehow was able to save the game and every level I beat, I counted it as a bonus level plus, they were like level 30, 50, 63, 93, etc. My favorite level is the maze with the ghosts...).


I eventually moved on to Command and Conquer. From there, Quake, Red Alert, Hexen, Heretic, and ALL those other classic games. Then I got extremely into Unreal Tournament (the 1998 one). I use to be SO good at that game. Then I forget after that... just soo many games.

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Heh I grew up with a few guys... videos games made me managable to my parents. I had the original Nintendo and even the atari, but I don't really remember playing the atari. (I'm only 20) Other video games?

Sims 2... only other game I remotely touch here and there. I don't really own too many violent games... I have Animal crossing, Paper Mario, Harvest Moon, etc etc.. girly games? I want to play "Black and White 2" when my 2nd new gfx card gets back to me.

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Classic Games to Date for me: (chronological order, somewhat)


- Final Fantasy 1

- Ninja Gaiden



- Final Fantasy 4, 6

- Mario Kart - good fun, good times, good times . . . .

- Entire Megaman X series



- Final Fantasy 7, duh again...and 8 as well. 9 DOES NOT EXIST! IT DOESNT!

- Megaman X4(and it went downhill from there . . . . die Capcom, die . . . .)

- Command and Conquer : Red Alert



- Mario 64

- Starfox 64

- Smash Bros.

- Winback (awesome game)


Playstation 2

- Final Fantasy X (possibly the last traditional, AKA Good Final Fantasy ever)

- Devil May Cry (especially 3. Oh man, if you haven't played 3....oh man.... BTW, IGN NEEDS TO BURN FOR PUTTING THAT BUTTON-MASHING, NO SKILL, BORING, CLICHED, OVERALL UGLY GOD OF WAR AHEAD OF THIS GAME!!!)

- Zone of the Enders 2 (Beat in 10 hours - the best 10 hours of my gaming life. This game is NOT for everyone, but wow, for me, I was just stunned by its amazing battles for the entire game. Best soundtrack too.)

- Chaos Legion (Very, very underated. One of my favourite games. Great graphics, great story, awesome looking battles.)

- Metal Gear Solid 3 (Yeah, yeah, I cried during the ending. Sue me.)

- Humanity's future rests with yoooooouuuuu!! Oh, Neo Contra!! (If you played this game, you'd understand :P)



- Tales of Symphonia

- Resident Evil 4(influenced me to buy the majority of the series)

- Smash Bros Melee (I'm champ. Bring it!)



- Doom

- Quake 2 (my first multiplayer experience. I played with the keyboard ><)

- Warcraft 3 (I'm champ in this too! Bring it!)

- Doom 3 (I just love this story for some reason!)

- Counter-strike: Source

And Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children (Greatest movie ever, no, this is not debatable. If you say anything, you will die. If you bash the movie on top of that, I will kill you slowly. If you say it's the worst movie ever just to smite me, I will feast on your soul and set you to legendary torture for all eternity thereafter. If you're still reading this, you need a life.)

Edited by Saris
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I actually wasn't a big gamer when I was a kid. I played a little bit of Nintendo with my father, but not a ton.

I do remember when we got the Nintendo when it came out at Christmas. I played so much with my dad over that Christmas break that I got a HUGE water blister on my thumb from pushing the buttons so much. It was so big, that as a 6 or 7 year old kid (don't really remember), the bandaid wouldn't actually go all the way around it and my thumb. A normal size bandaid was not big enough to fit around my thumb with this blister. That's big.


Anyway, didn't really play much games until a friend of mine introduced me to Quake 2 the day it hit the shelves. He had a Voodoo2 "Video Accelerator" that made this game look GORGEOUS and we spent hours playing it. Then one day we discovered multiplayer and were hooked even more.

The great part was I was like 16 that summer and didn't have a job, so I would head over to his house around 6 or 7 at night, and we'd play Quake 2 until about 3 or 4 in the morning. I'd drive home, sleep, eat dinner and go back to his house. That was a good summer, and Quake 2 is STILL one of the greatest multiplayer games ever in my opinion.

From Quake 2 I actually moved straight to Counterstrike. Played nothing in between really (except Tetrinet...if you've never played Tetrinet at a competitive level...you haven't lived).

so that's my story.

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sweet. my short gaming history began with this weird game where you were this weird little ball thing and you used your mouse to move it around different maps. different difficulties came up; left would go right and up would go down...just dumb little things. i have completly forgoten the name of this game, but i will never forget my first obsession. around the same time i also played TIE fighter. that game was FUN. except you had to do that stupis password thing where the com would tell you the page line and # word in the sentence and then you had to go look it up in the manual before you could play. then i was some Jedi knight game, i think it was mysteries of the sith. then Quake II and III, man those games were SWEET!. also, i played this shareware version of Rapttor:call of the Shadows for about 2 years. lol that game ruled. but the same 9 mission over and over really got old. my first major online gaming experience was Star Trek, Voyager. man, i ruled with that compression rifle disintegration thingy. that kicked butt. then i started to play the game s i still play today, Halo. for instance. might i add that nobody ever beats me in HALO anymore? i OWN online, people seriously kick me from servers because they think i have aim bots. pistol rules baby. any ways so yeah halo, Unreal 2003 and 2004. (totally awesome games) FEAR, Halflife (i still play the classic, that is sooo fun still. i love how it feels. call me outdated, but that game will never get old. especially multiplayer. Halflife 2 and CSS also of course. and also lately i've been playing CS:CZ and 1.6. i love all Halflife related games. oh and i forgot, Far Cry!!! that game is SO sweet. i rememered it when pretty h8 machine mentioned it.

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I started playing cs1, or perhaps even beta, at my friends house on a 3 computer lan after football matches. I loved the game and eventually bought it, and played cs for about 2 years on and off.


The game kinda mucked up my life a bit at the time, i got addicted and when my dad turned the internet off there were usually arguements etc. But that was good in a way because I put most of my aggression into football (soccer w/e) and had the best season of my life.


In between cs and css, I played a lot of age of the empires II + the expansion pack. It was quite funny building your own empire and having battles, but then I found the MS Gaming zone and used to love playing on custom maps etc.


I returned to cs when I bought source at x-mas, and haven't played another game since then. I tried bf2 demo but it wasn't anything like cs!

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I don't have a real gaming history. I have always had a nes or snes then a PS then a xbox then a PS2 and now a computer. I am a big fan of rcing games. RPG don't do much for me as neither do sports games. I have ADD so i can only play certain games for so long before i get bored with them. CS:S seems to curb my appitite becuase it is ever changing and i can't seem to get really good at it. I also like it becuase i get to interact with all you guys and be in community with you all. Thats why i think i keep coming back to it.

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Ahh the good ol' days. I remember our Amiga 500 the most in my gamming history. There were plenty of games on that machine that took my life away. Most played was Elite II: Frontier. Wheres our Elite IV Braben!?! BTW, then probably Sensible World of Soccer 94/95 and Cannon Fodder.


PC games that I remember well are the likes of Carmageddon and GTA. I wasnt really into FPS games till I played Red Faction 2. About the same time we got our cable connection. So the first online game I tried was a demo of Unreal Tournament '04, DM Sucked at it so I put it down. Then a friend said I should play Onslaught. And I got hooked even though I sucked. I then continued to play the demo for 3 months before getting the game.


I also had a lot of fun playing Fallout 1 and 2. But the best rpg I have ever played was FF07 for the PS. That was my first FF game.

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Never had a system untill the year after ps2 came out. I think i started with MechWarriors... that game was so addicting and fun with a joystick it was amazing. PLayed every expansion pack that came out. Next big game that i can remeber was Halflife then all the expansions and eventually setteling on Counterstrike with my voodoo3 "video accelerator" :). And then came the best single player game ever. Deus Ex. That kept me busy for months and months. Diablo 2 was in there somewhere and that kept me hooked for a good year. Counterstrike was top of the line for me from Freshman year untill the end of senior year in HS. Now im up at college and have no time to play anything! i miss the good old days with the regulars.

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Welp, I'm 25 now... does that count?  :)  I'll just focus on the FPS games.


I started off with Wolfenstein 3D, went to Doom multiplayer, Doom II multiplayer, Quake (I remember being really scared to play online)...


Team Fortress Quake was my first real obsession.  First clan experience, major play time on mplayer, etc.  It's also when I got my name.  After that, a little Q2 and Q3, Half Life... Unreal Tournament 2003, 2004, got hooked on '04 even now.  And that brings us to today!  :D


How about some of the rest of ya?



exsact same thing.. and im only 15


i did that same row of stuff.. me my dad and bro would do quake 2 turnaments evrey weekend my dad would score like 150 frags and i would always be a little behind and my bro on top.. cause they played evreyday.


Doom3d was where it was at... remeber when i first installed that... was amazing was so much fun... well i beat it on all the levels inculding nightmare in like 2 hrs


thats my history



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LoL here's where age shows. I'm 31 and i strated back with Atari. i've played too many games to mention. I've had nintendo, super nes, sega, sega genisis, Playstation, PS2, Xbox, and computer games. RPG's i've done EQ for like 4 years, WoW since last christmas. but the fun has allways been computer FPS's. Ghost recon, Metal of Honor, Acion Quake 2, and CS.


Fav FPS ever has to still be Action Quake 2 - this game was what got me hooked on FPS. It had the ak, m4 sniper, Mp5, a sawed off shotty, and and a set of 10 throwing knives to chose from. for accesories you had kevlar, silent slippers, laser scope, night vision, and maybe a few others. You could only have one weapon and 1 accesory. you had to drop one to pick up another. the great thing is you had to bandage after being shot or falling. fall for dammage you would limp, shot you will lose 1hp per second from bleeding. it took 5 sec's to bandage and once bandaging started you could not shoot for the full 5 seconds so you had to chose when to bandage carefully. also back then you could snipe on the move and you would jump while strafeing back and forth to make a harder target hence where the "Bunny Sniper" term came from.

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Atari 2600 - Pitfall, Frogger, Berzerk, Dark Cavern ect..


Apple 2c - Fire Fox, Star Wars shooter thingy, Wolfenstien 2d, and others...


C64 - Gunship, F15, Silent Hunter, and other sims.


NES - Tecmo Bowl series, Zelda series


SNES - Tecmo Bowl.


PS1 - Madden and other sports games


First decent puter in '94 (P75) - Duke Nukem, Doom 1&2 (First Multiplayer experiance, I remember smoking my roommate at the time with shotty via a null modem connection), Wolfenstien 3d, Warcraft 1&2, Command and Conquer/ Red Alert, Civ series 1&2, Tie Fighter, and the other Star Wars flight sims.


Late 90's to present (puter) - Falcon 4.0, IL2 Series, Janes Flight Sim series, Lock On, Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Balders Gate 1&2, Diablo 1&2, Neverwinter Nights, Halflife 1&2, Rougue Spear, Ravien Shield, Ghost Recon, Cs:s, Civ 3.


PS2 - Madden, and Grand Theft Auto Series.


I know I missed a few but those are the ones I played the most in the last 21 yrs or so.

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First arcade games I played were Pong and Space Invaders and Asteroids (that old music from the game still haunts me!) on the the old sitdown arcade machine at about 7. Got an atari2600 about a year after it came out from my mom. Also bought the 5200 and the 7800, Tanks was the best! Got a Colecovision in 83' and played B17 Bomber and Donkey Kong till my eyes bout' fell out. Burgertime and Digdug were on my list too. Same year I got an old Bally astrocade from a garage sale (Looked a little like an atari2600, a 3.6 mhz badarse machine I tell ya!). Intelivision came out too so I needed that. Friend of mine had an Arcadia2001 wich looked kinda like an Intellivision. Lotsa fun there. Then around 85' the NES came out. You were L33t if you could beat super mario brothers or metroid in a day! I bout Megamanned myself to death. Saw an Odyssey once but never played it. Had a Commodore computer for a few years and played a few games on that (I was THE DEFENDER GOD!). Had the sega genesis, snes, jaguar, sega saturn, 32 bit addon for genesis, Etc. Earky 90's multiplayer games like Duke Nukem were a favorite. The ol' 56k slideshow ya know. Quake online Quake Team Fortress, where I got my game name. Tribes online. was one of the first few people in my town to get cable internet in 97'. Game life altered forever. HL TFC bout flunked me out of college. Been CS and TFC ever since. :D

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Atari 2600 - Pitfall, Frogger, Berzerk, Dark Cavern ect..


Apple 2c - Fire Fox, Star Wars shooter thingy, Wolfenstien 2d, and others...


C64 - Gunship, F15, Silent Hunter, and other sims.


NES - Tecmo Bowl series, Zelda series


SNES - Tecmo Bowl.


PS1 - Madden and other sports games


First decent puter in '94 (P75) - Duke Nukem, Doom 1&2 (First Multiplayer experiance, I remember smoking my roommate at the time with shotty via a null modem connection), Wolfenstien 3d, Warcraft 1&2, Command and Conquer/ Red Alert, Civ series 1&2, Tie Fighter, and the other Star Wars flight sims.


Late 90's to present (puter) - Falcon 4.0, IL2 Series, Janes Flight Sim series, Lock On, Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Balders Gate 1&2, Diablo 1&2, Neverwinter Nights, Halflife 1&2, Rougue Spear, Ravien Shield, Ghost Recon, Cs:s, Civ 3.


PS2 - Madden, and Grand Theft Auto Series.


I know I missed a few but those are the ones I played the most in the last 21 yrs or so.

Ah, Red alert 2, I forgot to put that game in. Wow, that game was revolutionary for its time, I played it for hours. Its such a shame that multiplayer was so laggy. It truly would have been fun.

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i started with nes, megaman, heavy barrel, jackel, double dragon 2, supertecmo bowl and tecmo nba basketball, contra, super-c were favorites, then sega 32x is where i got into doom and wwf royal rumble, jungle strike, then i got a ps1, first system i bought with my own money resident evil, loaded, twisted metal, need for speed, madden, then i got ps2, grand theft auto series, madden again, socom, capcom vs marvel, mortal kombat, then i got xbox, doom 3, need for speed, ncaa football, madden 2006, mortal kombat again, fable to name a few, i like all genres of games, never got into pc games until a few years ago, far cry, unreal tourny, half life, doom 3 again, brothers in arms, diablo 2 took a lot of my college days, only bout a year ago did i get a computer that has enough power to play decent games so thats where i'm at.... i will pry get both ps3 and xbox 360 after they come out and update my pc

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my gaming history...oh, too long to type out...been playing anything i could get my hands on since i first saw mario

i didn't play much as i got a bit older, but then in high school i had an injury that didn't allow me to play contact sports (football, hockey and lacrosse) anymore. I discovered online gaming, and it let me get my competitive juices flowing. Ever since i started playing online, i've lost interest in single player games, i just love going up against other people.


If you wanna read an ok book about games check out "Masters of Doom", i don't have the authors name on hand, book is in my car. It's about John Carmack and Jon Romero, the founders of Id software, growing up and their early careers, and then the making of Wolfenstein 3D, the doom and quake games, and eventually their split. It's really pretty interesting if you're a true nerd at heart

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