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Project: Mmmmemory lane


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Ooh yeah, Fat...show the final scores from the MCCs. I dunno when I joined Mmmm, but I know that Bob recruited me...ya'll thought I was hacking, lol. THat was back when Bart and Slims and Dirk and Rev were playing a lot. Hmm, Bugs, TaPe, SexyTyme, J, Watch and Wilco were there when I first found out what CS was too ;)


Some REALLY fun times back then! Anyhow, that should put me at about 2001?


Lots of "ggs" guys...hope we all keep in touch for more years to come. :spin2:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I looked last night and thougth I had some screenshots and stuff, but I just have some .dem files of MCC stuff.


I've been more or less retired from gaming since last summer. I really maxed out on World of Warcraft trying to run our Lose Your Life guild and have some fun at the same time. Neither were getting accomplished. I got us around 250 toons in the guild (~100 accounts) and MCRanger, aka Lomar, has since nearly doubled that.


I've spent the last 6 months reconnecting with RL friends and trying to have a life offline. My wife was getting tired of my WoW committement anyway, it's nice to spend time with her now.


In September I was also given a big promotion at work. I'm an architect at a firm with a dozen people and we do about 80 high-end houses a year, usually the 4-8,000 square foot "McMansion" sort but with a few actual interesting ones thrown in now and then. I'm now in charge of the drafting staff, computers, network, Autocad setup, drawing libraries, and training. We just hired a n00b and are puting in a new server in the next few weeks so I'm busy.


That's about it for now...

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  • 1 year later...

oh man... reading through this reminded me of a few things,


1. SoS's servers were out of control, no order at all lol.

2. That SoS even existed, completely forgot about them.

3. ForsakenSoul unbanning me when i think some noobie Mmmm banned me on accident.

4. playing on de_church with ConGregation.

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Just the other day I was wondering about something. I looked through the thread and found where you had posted it but all those links are dead now. Is there anyway you could re-gift me with my nade spree?


On these frustrating nights when all the young wipper-snapper CS prodigies laugh at my fuddy-duddy score, it would be nice to just turn it on and watch it over... and over... and over...




Thanks :)

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Workin on it, Rev...looks like we missed some things. Glad you caught this.


Holy smokes, ST?


Just earlier today or yesterday I clicked on your user and noted you hadn't been around for months and months. Glad you stopped by.

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You will not believe what I just may have found........


while sorting through the old mmmmcs dir, I found this ubb directory...and I believe it's a copy of the forums from when we were m4cs.com, hosted by Bob_Lee.....


I'll have m0m see if he can revive them and perhaps we'll open the museum...

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