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Kicked by admin


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Its nice getting kicked by admin! Really. For no reason other than disagreeing on mapchoice of an admin either! Without warning! I think everyone should get kicked for not having the same exact opinion as the admin. CG rox! Im glad Im here! Enjoy everyone, sign up! love the !!!'s dont you? Grow up



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I think your attitude in your post speaks for itself not to mention you posted it in the Project Mayhem forums. I've moved this to the member forums for now.


I can post the server logs if needed. Needless to say you weren't having a different opinion with me. You were arguing with me about the map choice for custom map night. Several people requested de_rats_cuisine and we were just a couple rounds into it. You were repeatedly ordering me to change the map because this one sucked. I then suggested "that if you aren't enjoying the map like everyone else seems to be that perhaps you should take a break" over the mic. You're response was yet another order to me to change the map. This attitude was present all night through several of the maps. It was at this point that I kicked you and you immediately posted your post in the Mayhem forums.


I'm sorry that you don't approve of every map that we played tonight. I didn't realize we were catoring to your preferences alone.


You know just as well as any GC member that in game isn't the place to argue with an admin. I stand by my decision.

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Wow...alba...I'm shocked! You don't have to have the same opinion as the admin but you do have to respect it! And we don't accept whining on the servers, period.


I expect that you will cool off and return to apologize...if I have to go in and peel ice from the comfort food and soap operas it's not going to be pretty!

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I can post the server log for the whole night if you really want alba, feel free to parse your way through a few thousand lines of text. This wasn't just 1 or 2 comments leading up to you getting kicked. Not to mention my voice chat to you won't show up in the log. This was ongoing throughout the whole night. You complained on every big map we did. After I kicked you there wasn't anyone asking why, there was everone saying "Thank you."


In the end, you aren't looking to resolve this, you're just upset. Again the fact of your first post, see quote, is perfect evidence of this. You could've sent me a PM asking for an explanation on why you were kicked and we could've resolved this without the public limelight. Instead you decided to post this in the Proj Mayhem forums.


Its nice getting kicked by admin! Really. For no reason other than disagreeing on mapchoice of an admin either! Without warning! I think everyone should get kicked for not having the same exact opinion as the admin. CG rox! Im glad Im here! Enjoy everyone, sign up! love the !!!'s dont you? Grow up




I've never had a problem with you before this, but you were out of order last night. There were several GC in last night that can attest to this. If you'd like we can try and resolve this in PM's or we can keep this hanging out in front of everyone. Your choice.

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Coming in and posting immediately after a disagreement is like drunk dialing- it just shouldn't be done.


That being said, I would like to point something out here. Someone (Ice) obviously put a substantial amount of time and effort into custom map night. To put in work, only to have people whining and moaning at you, would be very frustrating and discouraging.


I think there is a contigent of regs and non-admin members who take the admins for granted. These guys choose to take on the burden of dealing with all the problems caused by the servers, and the troublemakers who populate them. The last thing that they need is to have confrontations with people who should be supporting them.


So next time there is chaos or discontent in one of the servers, and you want to add to the madness, take a second to consider whether or not you would want one more person to baby-sit.

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Someone post the logs.


This is the second time this week a GC member felt it necessary to post a complain in public. Complaints will happen, sure...but to carry on in the front yard is unacceptable.


Pulling the logs for myself....


L0402001.log(22): L 04/02/2006 - 00:12:12: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "this map sux"

L0402001.log(37): L 04/02/2006 - 00:12:32: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" committed suicide with "world"

L0402001.log(44): L 04/02/2006 - 00:12:49: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "this map sux"

L0402001.log(64): L 04/02/2006 - 00:13:59: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "switch maps"

L0402001.log(69): L 04/02/2006 - 00:14:08: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "make the map suck mopre"

L0402001.log(76): L 04/02/2006 - 00:14:30: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "this map is a classic "Cool" map, but when you thin kabotu it, it just sucks"

L0402001.log(97): L 04/02/2006 - 00:15:03: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "can we do another map?"

L0402001.log(115): L 04/02/2006 - 00:15:28: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say " this map lassts forever, and i cant last that long"

L0402001.log(126): L 04/02/2006 - 00:15:55: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" killed "Fat Carver<596><STEAM_0:1:10248568><TERRORIST>" with "famas"

L0402001.log(146): L 04/02/2006 - 00:17:01: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "switch maps"

L0402001.log(153): L 04/02/2006 - 00:17:17: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "just takes too long"

L0402001.log(163): L 04/02/2006 - 00:17:32: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" killed "=Eh?= Thor<678><STEAM_0:1:78349><TERRORIST>" with "famas" (headshot)

L0402001.log(172): L 04/02/2006 - 00:18:07: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say "yawn"

L0402001.log(197): L 04/02/2006 - 00:18:50: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" say_team "and maybe you should change the map"

L0402001.log(198): L 04/02/2006 - 00:18:56: "=Eh?=jessica_alba.gc<695><STEAM_0:0:469817><CT>" disconnected (reason "Kicked by Console : You were kicked by Admin")


I would have kicked you too. MUCH sooner than he did.


Give me a break, and then you come to the PUBLIC forums and post a rant? That's rediculous. You were completely grieving the admin who put the entire night together, spent his time both prior and during to run a GC hosted event.


I'd say an apology for your behavior is required here, not requested.

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Thanks for posting the logs Fatty. i was drinking that night and wanted to see exactly how it )I) went down (of course, that log doesnt show _exactly_ but I can piece everything else together from memory, it says enough).


I think there was plenty of reason to kick me and Im sorry I acted that way. I do hate that map and think its long and drawn out and wastes a lot of time that Id rather be actively playing. Thats not an excuse, thats just sone insight into where my drunk mind was when it went off.


That being said, Im sure I wouldnt have reacted the same way to getting kicked if I knew it was coming. While a courtesy warning may have not stopped me from adding that next very special statement to get myself kicked, I would then understand that I was getting what was coming to me and accepted it. That night, as a GC member I found this particulary insulting and this was the part that infuriated me to the point of making the post. Again this was wrong, in retrospect, but that is where my mind was. Also, I had no clue who kicked me, so I couldnt have PM'd, though its doubtful I would have, the way I was feeling.


Ice, I am also sorry you feel personally attacked when I mentioned any map I didnt like during the new maps. I give my opinion, good or bad, on all of the new maps (or old maps!). I certainly had some I liked from Sat and I mentioned them during the night. I also had no idea that I was insulting anyone directly by saying I didnt like a map. I thought that people should give opinions about the different maps so admin can guage public reaction and a map could be considered to be added at times other than map night. I really do appreciate the time you put in arranging map night and certainly was not trying to insult you in any way about any of the maps, either the ones I didnt like or the ones I HATED. Im sorry you felt that I was.


Fatty (and others in the peanut gallery) - as a very highly educated professional who deals with the very real responsibility of having peoples health hang in the balance on my decisions in my actual life away from the computer, you can imagine how my reaction would be to some online person I have never met trying to tell me what to do and how to act. Actual ultimatums from a similar virtual person would be even more effective. To be clear, I am apologizing to Iceberge because I was wrong and he deserved a sincere apology from me, period.



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Fatty (and others in the peanut gallery) - as a very highly educated professional who deals with the very real responsibility of having peoples health hang in the balance on my decisions in my actual life away from the computer, you can imagine how my reaction would be to some online person I have never met trying to tell me what to do and how to act. Actual ultimatums from a similar virtual person would be even more effective. To be clear, I am apologizing to Iceberge because I was wrong and he deserved a sincere apology from me, period.



Be that as it may, you still put your pants on one leg at a time. And when you joined this community you agreed to be held accountable to it's standards. Egos need to be checked at the door even tho it's hard to do at times. Our professional lives are seperate from our gaming lives is the one thing we all need to keep in mind.

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Thanks Alba.


Like I mentioned before I've never had a problem with you before so this really caught me by surprise.


Lunk mentioned some of the responsbility of being a member. I'd like to expand just a bit so you understand where my action came from. As a member you're aware of the rules for GC, you wouldn't be here if you weren't ;) Because of this GC members are held to a higher standard than regs or the average player. GC members therefore don't necesarilly get a warning but go straight to the next level.


As for expressing your opinions during mapnight. We want, very much, to hear whether people like the maps during mapnights. But the thing to remember is it's not just what you say, but HOW you say it. There are times when Shep, myself and others have been talking behind the scenes during mapnights about some of the comments people make and some of them make it seem like we wasted our time. Certainly this isn't the case often, but nonetheless it happens.


Anyways, thanks for apologizing it would've been nice if we could've resolved this without the audience but I suppose it's good for everyone to see that these things get resolved.

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I would like to say two things, as a highly educated individual myself; as is Fatty so you should be careful with your words:


1. As someone that is so “educated� you should know better, and should read the sign on the wall more carefully.


2. I was surprised that ICE did not say goodbye sooner, yes comments are good. They are not good when you continue to “whine� in the server. Being intoxicated is in NO way an excuse for anyone’s actions. If you can not control your own behavior due to choices you made to consume alcohol, then that night maybe should not be on GC.



You seem to know how to effectively use the forums when you wish to complain, perhaps you criticism of the maps would be better heard here then in game.

Edited by Fatty
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Dont' drink and CS :)



i object to that rule!!!!!!!!!!!!




btw, nice to see both sides happy

We'll make an exception for you M2, as long as your aim gets worse as you get more drunk. :D

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<strokes chin>


Hmmm. Maybe I should spike M2's drink at FF so he'll play worse. But then... whose gonna be my partner in crime?

I've re-analyzed my attack plan. Mag is the trophy prize, no doubt. But I think Lunk is now a credible target. His 'nancy' smack needs to be taken down a notch. Losing a little body hair from duct tape removal should do the trick...


<Tries to remove finger skin to avoid fingerprints. Stops after first finger. Decides this is a bad idea>


How did that guy in "Seven" do this?!?!


<Decides to read, "College Pranks for Dummies" instead>

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Dont' drink and CS :)



i object to that rule!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, maybe but only in moderation ;)

Can't say that I've never had 1 or 2 while playing

Only time I got kicked from GC was when I was very drunk.


hehe...I think I'm entertaining when intoxicated and gaming.


Look I'm a poet!

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