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Admin abuse


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Is it me or has anyone else noticed that some admins totally abuse their power? I'm playing tonight on west coast and after 6 rounds, 3 to 3, a .gc does rtv. Admin is like "what map u wanna play?" He's like "italy." Another admin with a little more common sense (i dont wanna name names) cancels the rtv, but then he leaves. a second later, we are playing italy. The server was full, balanced, and everyone was having fun, why change the map? I dont care if ur a .gc or not, this isnt your personal server. Changing the next map would have been fine.

Also, tell me whats so offensive about having Jesus the Jewpwner as your name? I dont find that offensive, and I'm a christian. But he's being told to change it. He's like ok, he changes his name to Rusty Jackhammer or something I forget. Apparently, that's offensive too??? I dont know what that is. Maybe it's something sexual, i dunno, but it didnt seem obvious to me.

That post fatty put up before about why are the servers so empty, well here might be a couple reasons. I see this all the time. I've been playing here for a year and I like gc, but I work a lot and dont get to play much. I had some time tonight, about 30 mins, and when this happened it just tinkled me off a little.

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Clarification: This was on immutable @ about 1115 on 10-21-2006. I was not on the server, but was about to come on (actually, about to go to midwest because I hate italy and midwest had more players) and noticed before I did a little browsing the server was full, and when I was about to come on, map had changed and only 9 players were on.


I don't see admin 'abuse' in this case or in general. It was probably not the wisest move to make here, but in all actuality, .gc servers ARE geared for those who joined the community. We do get to have an opinion on the server, it's part of our privaleges as paying members.


Like I said, with a full server and balanced teams, not the wisest move, because changing it to italy actually DID kill the server, went from a full server to 9 players. It could have just as easily have stayed full, though, the admin didn't have a way to know, italy is usally a high-traffic map (why, I don't know, but thats a whole other story lol), and I am sure he/she was just trying to keep us paying members happy :-)


As far as the name thing... many ppl would find that name offensive, "jew" jokes are considered to be offensive and politically incorrect in polite society. I have no idea why the other name is offensive, but I'm sure the admin was doing what he thought was right. I look at it this way: I'd rather the admins lean more on the strict side if anything. Keeps everyone honest. Its not a big deal for someone to change their name when they have been asked to.


Anyway, thats my thoughts on it buddy.



Edited by RoGuEmX
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disclaimer: i've had an extremely frustrating work-related weekend, so sorry if the edges are sharp.


"All GCshould be asked before making any server changes. This goes for votes too. If one guild member is having a stellar game, they probably don’t want to see a mapvote come up."

you must ask other .gc's before changing maps


as for the names, it always comes down to personal judgement. the one thing i don't like seeing is the "please change your name or be banned!!!" if you're offended, kindly ask them to change their name. if they don't, kick or ban (depending on the severity), and keep playing. this threatening crap is too distruptive. ask (kindly), then enforce (sternly).


back to work.


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more input need more input, as in both sides of the story, maybe more to it that hasnt been shed to light



just a thought.


love ya all. back to studying so i can be a sgt.


But you're already a GC forum sgt. isn't that just as good? :unsure:

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more input need more input, as in both sides of the story, maybe more to it that hasnt been shed to light

he did ask about the mapchange, but didn't see the problem with beaconing everyone. apparently another unnamed admin did it during the same map. abuse can be a huge problem, will kill the server, and needs to be stopped. the admin who was suspended was reinstated like the same day, but it needed to be addressed.


anyrate, to recap:


- if you're going to change the map, make sure most .gc on the server are ok with it:

ma_chat mind if we don't play de_dust2 next?


- don't abuse mani commands (beacon, freeze, firebomb, slay, teleport, slap, etc.):

use them if you need them, not because you think it might be fun.

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  • 1 month later...

Can we stop using the urban dictionary to decide if someone's name is bad? Every word in the world has a dirty double meaning because (most of the time) men have nothing better to do! Fatty's name has a double meaning that's not appropriate for the servers and so do others. If we want to keep this up I will go make additions to the Urban Dictionary and force you all to pick new names. It's just ridiculous and we shouldn't be nitpicking like this. If someone's name has a direct meaning that is offensive then get rid of it, but don't go out of your way to find the double meaning, it's abuse.

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well i agree to some point with you anonymo.. but thats also why Fatty changed his name multiple times... it was [Mmmm]Fat_Bastard then [Mmmm]Fat_B or FatB, dont remember. then it became [Mmmm]Fatty because of the FatB meaning Bastard (excuse the language in this post)

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See? Shadow Dog doesn't even know what anonymo means.....Fatty still has an "urban dictionary" definition that some might think is inappropriate.


People just need to chill out and have some fun before we have to start cutting servers, that's all. It's not "G" rated.

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See? Shadow Dog doesn't even know what anonymo means.....Fatty still has an "urban dictionary" definition that some might think is inappropriate.


People just need to chill out and have some fun before we have to start cutting servers, that's all. It's not "G" rated.

Wait...before we go any further...can we agree that the name "Lunk" is inappropriate?

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