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*UPDATE* DWP (disabled) on Scopeless Mayhem

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I wonder what would it take to switch this server to have dynamic weapon pricing OFF.

It the general topic the voting goes 62% against it in general - far more than simple majority.


I can't enjoy the game anymore with this eBAY addon. The weapon pricing goes totally irrealistic and the whole game is just ruined big time for me.


What is the rational behind keeping this server with dynamic pricing active? Can somebody please explain?


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I can't enjoy the game anymore with this eBAY addon. The weapon pricing goes totally irrealistic and the whole game is just ruined big time for me.






The LA for mayhem has to decide

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Well I hope it can be resolved soon.

It appears to me that it would be much better OFF on noscope.


Consider this - if somebody plays competitively CS:S the dynamic pricing is a terrible penalty to the buying habbits... Personally I would not want to go near that but I can't do it alone - it's up to the server operators to decide.

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My vote was to remove it...fyi :D


can't buy a m4 with only 16,000 anymore eh?


I noticed the other night whenever I bought armor and a deagle. It about emptied my account. Not for that at all.

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I went on last night to mayhem. I wanted to by a deagle...$2000! what kind of inflation is that? what's worse, the guns that got cheaper, were only cheaper by about $20. How is this fair?


I strongly dislike this dynamic pricing. Sure you get full ammo when you buy the gun but still it's not worth it.


heh i'm still a little confused on how it works... like does it only watch our server or is the combined of everyone that plays CS:S?



If i read correctly on the article that someone posted a while ago. I believe it watches ALL servers and calculates what's popular that week. Then it adjusts the prices accordingly. It is actually on an individual server basis? that would be a lot of updates to have to dish out.

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Of course, this means that scopeless servers like this one keep the prices of scoped weapons down...This update has been one big failure.


I know I'm probably complaining a lot more than I really should, but if this update stays, I won't be around to complain any more, so I figure I might as well get all the whinging out of my system.

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I wrote this up to post on STEAM - what do you think?




Counter Strike Dynamic Weapon Pricing


A few thoughts.


I have to note the following things:

1. I gave chance to this concept so I played the game with DWP feature enabled

2. I'm a massive "hater" of this function.


Basically all the visible issues have been listed around this update including:

- unbalancing the weapon strenght / price

- radically forcing weapon buying habbits to change which is for competitive players terrible

- bug that gives "free" ammo for everybody at the beginning of each round

- bug that they replaced non configurable keyboard buy-menu shortcuts (equipment moved from 8 to 6)


After all this is looks like a terrible mess, but what I want to write about is the fundamentals why I believe CONCEPTUALLY this is a terrible approach to this game.


The dynamic weapon pricing tries to "imitate" some economy but a rather simple one. If I understood correctly the algorithm that VALVE programmed, it is basically saying that the more people buy a weapon the more it will cost. While this "rule" looks like a healthy one for the first view if you think about it is seriously sick.


In a normal economy what determines price is NOT ONLY how much of the given product the consumers buy. It is seriously influenced by the demand-supply balance that is derived from a zillion factors such as production capacity, wealth of consumers, advertisement, etc.

It is absolutely not true that if you buy MORE from something it will become more expensive. Basic economy principles might suggest: in a simplified model if demand is over supply it is RATIONAL to sell it for more.



Real world works differently. Take an example - if for example pricing of DVD players had followed VALVE's rule implemented in CS:S, by today those prices would skyrocket. Instead where at the beginning, DVD players were expensive (in the time of VCRs few years ago) today you can buy one for a few bucks. And they sell a lot!

Economy is more clever than watching out only for one rule.


In CS:S the dynamic pricing is "stupid" as there are no real weapon manufacturers behind the price with their rational and cometitive thinking, not to talk about manufacturing capacity for example.

The supply is plainly unlimited!


AK47 and M4 prices are skyrocketing because that's the most commonly used weapon in CS:S. Their price in the original game were set reasonably. Now it's costing almost like an AWP.

Desert eagle also. It was a strong weapon with 7 bullets in the magazine. A fair balance of power-price-usability. Now this logic is gone.

There is very little motivation not to buy them since they're the most effective in the game and people will rather suffer a round more and buy one or pick up on the field than start thinking about what else to buy. If I rush I buy an MP5 or P90, if I snipe I buy desert + AWP, if I just want a normal round I buy AK or M4, or if I have less money I buy the "4-1" weapon. CS:S is not an economy game, why would I bother to deal with ever changing prices when it's not the objective of the game?


In the real world I doubt that AK47 pricing would increase just because everybody is buying it.

Manufacturing can reach optimal level making it CHEAPER! Manufacturer of AK47 competes with somebody for a sale pushing the price DOWN! for the customers. Where is this in CS:S? What is pushing the price down?

If I don't buy it?

In a real world a product not selling might get a lower price tag but also for a short period of time it might go up - since the manufacturer needs to maintain profit levels.

Or the seller might run advertisement to push sales.

Or explore new markets.

Or alter the product to make it more appealing (Version 2,3 - IMPROVED, etc...)



Parts supply might also generate pricig variations up and down.



Also the CS:S implementation is sick as the INCOME part does not follow the inflation of the weapon pricing. Startmoney is still $800, you still get $300 for a kill, and the winning team's money reward is still the same. Just the weapons got more EXPENSIVE.


It might have been a good idea to make sure the whole system does not OVER-INFLATE. If one weapon's price goes up by $600 another one should go down by $600 so the BALANCE of all price changes are always ZERO. By doing this it would be something more reasonable for simulation purposes - still not for gameplay of course.



In summary my opinion is that the major issue with this pricing implementation is not that VALVE actually raised the idea. The problem is that they don't understand what they are doing and the concept is full of flaws. VALVE should have talked to some guys who actually DO economy simulations.

This update is killing the game, the concept, everything.

It is plainly stupid.

NOT because of the IDEA but because of the BRAINLESS IMPLEMENTATION.

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This tends to create a poverty line between the two teams. 1 team who can afford the minimal basics, and the other who can barely afford anything--seemingly stuck in the pistol round. Now this is fine for whomever wins and is able to afford real weaponry and equipment, the other team however is being raped. This can continue for an entire map with scores like 10-1, 10-2 or it can go a few rounds every which way.


And then as for the pricing--

(finish this later, class is ending)

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