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GC gives thanks


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Isn't this obligatory? I know the whole played-out indians/pilgrims thing is passe'...but I thought I would make a list of the things I was thankful for and see if anyone chimed in...


*My wife and family (mom, pop, sis, bro {RIP}, bro-in-law, sis-in-law...)

*My dog and n'er do well live in scallywag

*My job teaching the youth of the nation to do and be

*My home, warm and safe

*My food, plentiful and nutritious

*My car, which runs

*My wife's car, which pretty-much-runs

*My good health

*My computer which allows me to surf and frag

*My midwestern roots and work ethic

*My GC bretheren ans sister(en) which frageth me, till death do us part.



I hope you all have some things to be thankful for and can count your GC comrades as one of those.

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I feel, regardless of a holiday's origin, there should be a day to celebrate the things we have. No matter what the origins of Thanksgiving are, everyone should spend a day to be thankful for everything they have.


I'm thankful for:

family, health, steady job

good friends, enough money in my pocket to enjoy life comfortably and obviously to live in a country where I am free to do so

the post office which made me very happy today

and other stuff.

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May sound like a strange thing.....


I'm English so we don't have a thanksgiving, but.........


why spend 24 hours giving thanks for what you have when the money you could earn in that day, after tax, could feed someone in Uganda for a week, provide tools for an ethiopian to build a well, save a life etc...?


Happy thanksgiving and everything, (I'm off work for the day etc...), think about the above, what is a better way to spend 24 hours of your life?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying let's halt holidays, but instead of just giving thanks and eating turkey, think about the difference you can make..................

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Here here Lev!


Can we please stop calling the Native Americans "Indians"? I'm really getting tinkled that I hear this more and more these days in the media...I heard my little cousin call them Indians a few months ago (she's from Michigan)...kids these days should not be calling our Native Americans "Indians"...they shouldn't even be able to associate the two!


On a happier note...Happy Thanksgiving!!!! My family celebrates both Canadian and American thanksgiving every year (my mom is from Detroit...WHAT!) so I wish you all a happy holiday...



PS - Anyone who has the next 4 days off...I expect you to report to Toronto for Canadian training...you will be following me closely to learn all they ways of the North. NO BREAK FOR YOU! (I'm not jealous at all...)

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Are you one of those people that don't call black people black? It humors me to no end to sit in meetings and listen to people struggle trying to be politically correct.


People spend more time trying so hard not to offend people that they don't realize that they're actually treating them differently by working so hard tiptoeing through the eggshells in circles. My golf partner and fellow teacher is black. He doesn't call me German American and I don't call him African American. I don't call him a person of color and he doesn't call me a person without color.


I think we know what he meant when he said Indians, right?


As soon as we stop giving certain words so much power, we'll feel much more free.


I'm thankful for honesty, and truth, and things that are good.


We can be Thankful for such a diverse nation, and celebrate our nation which is rich in so many ways.


I like our American holiday. It's a day that people find their family and spend time together, and any day that does that in this nation is worth it because the American family suffers.




We are a very generous nation. We do lots of outreach.

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PS. To ease up everyone so that we can get back to the essay assignment:


Lev, I know what you're saying and what you're saying is good. This is what I heard, and maybe it's my ears:


I'm from somewhere else.

I don't celebrate this American holiday.

Why should you?

Instead you should remember others.


When what I believe you're saying and I would agree with is that we can do BOTH. We can be thankful AND remember those who have less than we do. I know this because I know Lev...he's a man with a heart. He was one of our RFKC golfers!


I think that's the gist of this holiday for me. I have so much more than I need.


I have a happy (crazy), healthy family.


Duke hasn't posted yet, but in his heart he's thankful for each and every breath that comes out of his beautfiul daughter's body. (He's also thankful for Mags).


Thanksgiving to me is realizing that I really have no reason to complain about my psoriasis other than feeling sorry for myself.


Thanksgiving to me is that although I am temporarily disabled due to my back injury and can not run, I can hold my kids above my head and help the neighbor take the cab off his truck. There are many that never had a chance to run a football into an endzone or steal second base.


Thanksgiving to me is being thankful for such a loving extended family, instead of grumbling that I can't afford to fly us to Texas in December. Some kids never see their brothers or sisters after they are split up and removed from their home.


Yes, yes......the Lord (or, chance, whatever you want to believe, up to you...) hath blessed.....

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Fatty you did take it the right way, it was in no way a slight on the holiday, America (my wife, stepdaughter and half of my daughter are American after all) etc.. purely just a little suggestion that not only should we be thankful for what we have, but think about how we can help others as well.


I know the US is a truly giving nation, significantly moreso than the UK, it was in no way meant to dimish the good people do or detract from a national institution, purely just a little nudge to not only give thanks but think about those less fortunate as well....


Personally I will be/am giving thanks for


-my family, both those that who are here today and those who cannot be

-my friends, both those I know personally but also that "extended network" of people who I may never have even spoken to, but who have a common bond in GC.

-not having to worry about where my next meal is coming from

-not having to worry about a roof over our heads

-that we are in a position to try and provide aid to others

-the sports illustrated desk swimsuit calendar my wife got me for Christmas last year


Just on the Indians topic.... I hereby vote that the West Indies be renamed something else because they are also in no way related to India.


P.S. trying to post a serious response at 5am, when I should have been in bed at 1 probably wasn't wise. I did wake up today thinking, oh dear, how many people are going to see my post as US bashing (certainly not how it was intended)

Edited by Leveller
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Well let's see, where do I start


-I'm thankful for my supportive family, on both sides even my oddball Romanian cousins :)

-I'm thankful that I have a computer which is up to date and is able to play the latest games

-I'm thankful that I go to a school where learning is more important then getting the actual grades... well I wish it was at least

-I'm thankful for everyone at GC, you guys are awesome

-I'm thankful to be able to enjoy such things as Counter Strike Source, Guild Wars, and other such games.

-I'm thankful that I'm a geek :D

-I'm thankful that despite all the horrible things happening in the world, as Lev said there are people who go out and make a difference



And on....

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Happy Thanksgiving!


peace and love to you all and your families!


anyone want to come over?


w8t4time is alone on this holiday with a full course meal for an army!

cooking all day keeps me from thinking about it! I have lots of friends but to me its strange being at a friends family holiday dinner if you know what I mean?


I actually bought a turkey! I had one piece of turkey last year beside that I haven't eaten meat in 3.5 years. this year some 11.5lbs turkey gave its life to relieve my depression :) I might just have a celebration for the life of this turkey!


other stuff:

cranberrys and orange will make sauce from scratch

mash potatoes

gourmet salad exotic greens fancy dressing

string beens carrots and snow peas for veggies

rice noodle pilaf

stuffing not stuffed into turkey will make on the side

pumpkin pie with whip cream (a smashed up pie half price)

a case of Bass beer!!

really fancy strong coffee (drinking it now aaaahhhhhh!!!!)

not one piece of food will go to waste

the turkeys bones will go into a soup stock that i will freeze and eat for the winter

as long as I don't blow up or have a heart attack I will be happy :)

not one scrap of food will go to waste!

I will be eating this meal for a month if I do it right :)


again be thankful for your families and all that keeps you smiling


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Are you one of those people that don't call black people black? It humors me to no end to sit in meetings and listen to people struggle trying to be politically correct.


People spend more time trying so hard not to offend people that they don't realize that they're actually treating them differently by working so hard tiptoeing through the eggshells in circles. My golf partner and fellow teacher is black. He doesn't call me German American and I don't call him African American. I don't call him a person of color and he doesn't call me a person without color.


I think we know what he meant when he said Indians, right?


As soon as we stop giving certain words so much power, we'll feel much more free.


I'm thankful for honesty, and truth, and things that are good.


We can be Thankful for such a diverse nation, and celebrate our nation which is rich in so many ways.


I like our American holiday. It's a day that people find their family and spend time together, and any day that does that in this nation is worth it because the American family suffers.




We are a very generous nation. We do lots of outreach.

African Americans are Black, Caucasians are White, Native Americans are NOT Indians. People from India are Indians. It's not about being politically correct, it's about not being completely ignorant.


It doesn't matter if we all know when an American says, "Indian", they are talking about Native Americans. I could call Black people the N-word, we would all know what I am talking about, would that make you happy?

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My thanksgiving thankful listy:


*My Family and friends

*Health of my loved ones and my own health

*A roof over my head and a nice bed to sleep in


*My Job

*Finding the GC community

*Video games that keep me sane ^_^

*Nintendo Wiiiii

*My 1995 corolla which still works

*The music that makes the world go around

*Xbox360 for letting me meet some pretty interesting people.

*Everything around me


Happy T_Day! I'll be at bombsite A with the stuffing.

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i'm thankful that mo is from canada, i am not, and that in the end, we're all really o.k. with each other.


:peace: + happy holidays.



ps - if i could, i'd be @ w8t's place helping him destroy his creation and drinking his bass. nice work bro!

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I probably didn’t need to go on like I did, but Voodoo’s first reply was only “correcting� the original reference to Indians, with no comment toward being thankful for anything whatsoever, so I just deleted it. However, anonymo came back with a “tinkled� post on the same topic, so I chose to respond. I probably didn’t need to go that far here, but the fact remains that this was meant to be a nice topic about being thankful, so there was no need to voice anything about the original topic anyways, whether or not you felt he was correct.


The word ignorant was mentioned…..but comparing the use of the word Indian (perhaps inaccurate geographically) to the “N-Word�, (an obvious derogatory term)…well, the ignorance in that should be obvious enough.


PS. Lil trivia: My great-great grandmother was full blooded In...er, Native American, for the sake of peace. Can't recall what tribe atm and I don't have a copy of the geneology book here.

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Everyday People




Sometimes I'm right then I can be wrong

My own beliefs are in my songs

A butcher, a banker, a drummer and then

Makes no difference what group I'm in

I am everyday people


Then it's the blue ones who can't accept

The green ones for living with

The black ones tryin' to be a skinny one

Different strokes for different folks

And so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby


Ooh sha sha

We gotta live together


I am no better and neither are you

We're all the same whatever we do

You love me you hate me

You know me and then

Still can't figure out the scene I'm in

I am everyday people


Then it's the new man

That doesn't like the short man

For being such a rich one

That will not help the poor one

Different strokes for different folks

And so on and so on scooby dooby dooby


Ooh sha sha

We got to live together


There is a yellow one that won't

Accept the black one

That won't accept the red one

That won't accept the white one


Different strokes for different folks

And so on and so on and

Scooby dooby dooby

Ooh sha sha

I am everyday people


©2001 Blackheart Records.



by the way cranberry sauce I just made is out of this world never made it before just followed different recipes on the internet!

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Wow..this sure got off track quickly...but then again it IS the internet and it IS a forum...Well said all!


W8T: I am with you in spirit...and today is a perfectly good day to sacrifice vegetarianism at the alter of appeasing the lonely, hungry man. I also wish I was there drinking your Bass!


I forgot a couple of things:


*Thankful for the rights I still have in this country of ours to express ourselves...The USA will be what we make it, if we choose to do so and not have those choices made for us


*Thankful for that song everyday people and for that matter a whole bunch of other music made by talented people everywhere...I love music!


*Thankful for the beautiful nature that I got to see today, it's still there on our planet if we look and love it.


Thanks for posting all!

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What am I thankful for?


Hmm.... maybe being able to be associated with (and have a great time with)

such a diverse online community!


And the normal stuff like my health and wellbeing - and ditto for all GC.

And thankful for Duke and his family.


Best wishes all.

Since I can't join w84time, he could always send the Bass! :biglaugha:

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lol somehow we always turn subjects into debates. I agree with fatty. I heard today on the NY city parade "dora the explorer was the first latino float ever to be in the parade" SOOOO funny. Who would think of that?!


I am thankful for my health

my family

my friends

my future

my job


and the turkey I am about to eat again.

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Are you one of those people that don't call black people black? It humors me to no end to sit in meetings and listen to people struggle trying to be politically correct.


People spend more time trying so hard not to offend people that they don't realize that they're actually treating them differently by working so hard tiptoeing through the eggshells in circles. My golf partner and fellow teacher is black. He doesn't call me German American and I don't call him African American. I don't call him a person of color and he doesn't call me a person without color.


I think we know what he meant when he said Indians, right?


As soon as we stop giving certain words so much power, we'll feel much more free.


I'm thankful for honesty, and truth, and things that are good.


We can be Thankful for such a diverse nation, and celebrate our nation which is rich in so many ways.


I like our American holiday. It's a day that people find their family and spend time together, and any day that does that in this nation is worth it because the American family suffers.




We are a very generous nation. We do lots of outreach.



here here fatty!


Anyway, back to the assignment.


I'm thankful for:


My new baby girl!

my family

my friends

my cats

my job

4 days off! :)

and that I haven't gone 0-10 in quite some time on mayhem.


Happy thanksgiving all!

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Belated Thanksgiving post!


I'm thankful to be living and to be able to consciously think about what's important and what isn't.


Looking back on the last year, I'm thankful for minimal problems during Danielle's chemo, for a wife that puts up with me, for FragFest and friends who reminded me that you need a break from life's routine, that my parents are still on this Earth and that I can still cry on their shoulders, to work for a company that appreciates my abilities, for medicine that allowed a child to live long enough for me to see them again at the annual cancer baseball game, to be able to put food on my family's table on a moments notice and finally, to be forgiven when I say I'm sorry.


I hope you all came out of your turkey induced coma!!

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I'm thankful to have a family who supports me no matter what kind of crazy stuff I get myself into.


ps- we did this at the dinner table on thursday, and my cousin Caleb, who is 6 or 7, said "I'm thankful for Mexican restaurants!"

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