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sounds like they weren't really friends man.

killing anything isn't going to solve any problems and it's not going to make you feel better either. The only thing that will do that is accepting it yourself and ignoring what others say.

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just read all this, don't sweat it man. time, and getting older clears up a lot of problems. all my life pretty much, i was a loner. as a kid my only friend was my younger brother. i stayed inside and played with LEGOs or read books. i'm the only kid i know who read an 800 page version of Robinson Curusoe (sp???) when he was in 5th grade. Loved it too. In high school I had a couple friends, but not till my senior year did I really feel accepted by them. They were 3 guys, I still consider them brothers now. After dropping out of college in my second semester I just became a bum. I was living with two of my "brothers" at thier parent's house, and the three of us, along with the other guy, you guys know him as [Mmmm]Nitemare, pretty much just worked, slept and played CS. We were having a great time. But eventually, I met a woman. The first woman I ever really "went out" with. I figured, hell, she says she loves me, never known another woman who did, I love her, why not get married. So we did. I look back on the way I was living, great friends with 4 guys, but still feeling lonely, and now the way I'm living, with a wife who perfectly completes me. Never would have thought I'd be married at 20, much less married to a woman who loves me so much. Just the way God chooses to work. His time is not our time. He knows what he's doing and when he's going to do it. And as the Bible says, "God works all things together for the good of those who love him."

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Yeah, it's all relative. I thought I was having a crappy week a couple weeks ago, then my cousin fell hiking and broke her neck...it's all relative. Besides, you just turned that puppy's life from pure caca to wonderful...that you can do that makes your life a little better too!

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I read it all and can REALLY relate so I felt I had to add to it.

I was the standard asocial/asexual guy all the way through college. I met a wonderful girl who, I thought, was the one. It turns out she wasn't and that failed relationship drove me further into the "get the hell away from me" mindset. I focused soley on my job and making money. I remember feeling angry, jealous or leftout when someone would talk about "finding happiness" whether in a job, realationship or just life. That was 7 years ago.

Today, I have a wife and 1.75 kids...and I'll leave it at that.

Getting to the point, I survived my earlier turmoils because a close friend taught me a great lesson in dealing with life. I learned that you must ALWAYS have a goal. You must try to stay focused on that goal and you must be determined to accomplish the goal. The goal can be anything from graduating college, bench pressing 300lbs, rebuilding an engine, getting through the day, whatever.

Along the way you will have good times and bad. You will meet people (good), they will hurt you (bad...or good if your into that), your boss yells at you, etc. When you are in a bad spell, focusing on your goal allows you to deal with the problems at hand a little easier. In my case, when I got through my bad spell, I was loaded!!

Today, my goal seems simpler, yet harder. My goal is not to be a "lukewarm" Christian. It's a lot harder than I thought...

I won't say "I've been where you are" because I don't know what you've been through. All I can offer is this: Stay focused on something you want. You'll be surprised how fast things turn as you work towards your goal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Horrible time today.  My friends found out I was like this, so they made fun of me for being a homo or something.  I HAD to say that their house was smelly and that they'll be on welfare forever.  Then I kicked their cat across them.  I'm sick of people man, maybe instead of killing myself I'll get rid of them.

Sounds like you're headed for a career in the military. ;)


On a more seriouse note; Don't sweat it dude. If you enjoy being alone, cool beans! I really can't stand people in general. I find that most of the population is blinded by selfishness and/or greed rather then taking a good look around them and actually trying to make a difference. Just be who you are and you'll be much happier in the long run. There isn't anything wrong with you, rather it has something to do with the people you know.

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I really can't stand people in general.  I find that most of the population is blinded by selfishness and/or greed rather then taking a good look around them and actually trying to make a difference.

ahhh, a cynic! just like me!


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  • 2 weeks later...

How about Asexual. Which he is not. I think he's just a little frustrated? You'll find someone maybe that you're compatible with and maybe then your feelings will change about things.. Hang in there.. Hey Mrs Mustard, can I get a fresh cup 'o joe? ;)

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Mustard's CoffeeMaker Posted on Aug 8 2003, 04:13 AM


How in the world could the problem Cowboy is refering to be associated with a eunuch? You do know what an eunuch is, don't you?


oops...shoulda visited www.dictionary.com first 8P)


Sry Cowboy! :lol:


Good link Watch...most of those "introvert" deffinitions describe me! Of course, I have a ton of friends who would swear that I am an extrovert...but many times, I am happiest at home all alone with a good book, movie...or cs ;)


oh yeah, I goto movies by myself all the time too...nothing at all wrong with being an "introvert" !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

poor cowboyfromhell.... your still young and confused. I know the feeling and I also agree with you that I hate people in general. I have WAYYY too much trust in people that its sick. Ive been lied to, cheated, stolen from, taken advange of cause im too nice of a person in general. I hate it cause I was raised to respect and trust everyone, but when I got out into the real world, I realised everyone wasnt raised the same way I was. It's not fair how people could be so rude to you when you mean nothing but good towards them and everyone else.

and cowboyfromhell, as for your wanting to be alone w.o. being in a relationship, I couldnt do that. Just knowing that there is someone out there who cares about you so much and who loves you is such a great feeling that you must be a very strong person to not want this. If I was you, I'd consider being a priest since they're not aloud to marry. You may find that where you belong is with spreading the word of God.

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hey im totally with ya cowboy...... my dream is to find a nice mountain somwhere that no one ever goes within 200 miles of and build a cabin on the top of it and live out the rest of my life with the only connection to the outside world being when i mail out my books i write to the publishers (anonomasly of course) <---- didnt spell that right.... and i feel that way right now especially. if you are curious why then look at my latest post in "The lives we lead" ok thats all i have to say about that. goodnight and God bless.





the hermit,


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