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this is just a request and a topic to have others post their opinions.

The shield is banned because 1) it's buggy and 2) it is overpowered (maybe it's only cause of the bug?)

well we ALL know the Autosnipes are now WAY overpowered from what they used to be. They're cheaper, do more damage and more accurate than ever before. I CONSTANTLY see people dropping AWPs to pick them up. I've seen one person in a firefight with 3 CT's holding Colts WIN with an UNSCOPED Autosniper.

Yesterday someone hit me with 1 bullet in the chest for 60 damage...I've seen up to 3 bullets from these things placed within inches of each other just by holding the fire button down. I've seen GROUPS of T's mowed down coming to back bomb site (*edit* at de_cbble, forgot to tell ya that part */edit*) by 1 single CT holding down his fire button from the sniper position at the back of the site (where you go up the ramp and can see the T's coming out the door from their site). He killed 5 of them just by putting his sights near them and holding down the fire button until they were all dead.


This gun used to be impressive when someone could use it right and was even something to be scared of. Now it's become the new noob cannon and is EVEN MORE something to be scared of because every person in the game is skilled with it suddenly (except me, I only have skill with insane TMP rushes or pulling the pin on a nade and running into a group of the opposing players).

When you can place 3 bullets in the same area that can do 60 damage or more in HALF the time it takes to fire 2 awp shots (meaning this thing could fire 6 or more bullets in the time an awp could fire 2)...it's just WRONG!


So, whattya all say? Would it be possible to ban the gun? Am I just a pansie because I don't like it?

Edited by Playaa/Pselus
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Guest Inferno
Guest Inferno
Guest Inferno

No, your not a pansie for hating it...I too hte it now. Before i would use it in a pub or buy one in a scrim and feel proud to kill someone with it...now...i feel like a noob killing people with it cause there is no nobility behind the kill. I'd suggest banning it due to all of this...People dropping awps for it? common...


Like a 8 on 8 game and 4 people using auto snipe...those 4 could easily take the 8...no matter which side. So i'd ban it...but yet again i ban anything and anyone...'


You complain when m0ss has 100% accuracy when unloading on someone...but yet this aut sniper has 150% accuracy.

Edited by Inferno
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I am 100 percent completely morally opposed to any use at all of the new autosnipers. I will never touch them, nor will I buy one or pick one up for anybody else. I will still awp whore, and I feel I stand a pretty good chance against anybody with an autosniper, they take 5 to hit me a couple times, I take one. Thanks.

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They are part of the game...jsut like awps..

1. They DO have recoil ok....maybe its reduced and all but they still have recoil especially sg550.


2. They are not as cheap...in $5000+ range u call it cheap?


3. It still takes skill to mowe down 3 ppl with it, just like with any other gun


4. Stop being such a pansy


5. They used to be totally useless guns in CS that nowbody never EVER buy <-- AND THAT WAS TOTALY WRONG


PS: I agree that shields are also part of the game now, however because of the flaws in it I agree it should be banned, but auto snipers - there is no glitches in that so learn how to fight with it and agaist it - you'd be better off

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This is no better than the guys that whine about it on the server. First it was the AWP, then the shield, now the auto-sniper. Guys, they're part of the game. Granted they may be overpowered but they're here to stay. You can't shut them out just by banning them on one server. So either learn to use them or beat them, and move on, or quit playing. It's as simple as that. Sorry to be harsh but I am so SICK of hearing people whine about whatever little detail of the game that they don't like. I don't like Aztec, but I don't bring it up and say it "sux0rz!" every time it loads. =p

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like I said, this is a discussion not a whine session.

I gotta disagree Shaw...it IS an overpowered gun...how often you played with it yet? No offense meant, just that it's only been in a few days and seriously, on Trop (only server I play on) every other kill is with an autosniper now. Those situations I posted above were not made up nor are they uncommon. Think about it, the ability to get off 3 bullets in less than a second that can do 60 damage apiece AND hit within inches of each other? It doesn't happen every time but it happens enough that this gun IS overpowered.

You all talk as if it's "part of the game"...it was part of the game before and basically it's a totally different gun now...so YES it can be changed and my be changed with the amount of complaints flying around about the thing. Nothing is set in stone (except the fact that Steam blows).

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there is no nobility behind the kill

since when is killin people noble? unless their commie's and then Chief is justified, but who else?


are we british?


<english snobby accent> "excuse me good sir... you have offended the honor of the Queen... draw your sword if you be a man!"


just go get the ultra-ninja dodge bullet hack that I have... wait... umm.... disregard that I REALLY am a ninja...



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I'm for leaving them in, mainly since they are part of the game, and it's nice to see that people whine less about awps now and there is some contention. People don't realize that you can still take out someone that has one of these guns with something else. The only way they will learn is to try. Also The makers did this for a reason, the old auto's were almost never used by anyone, and at least now it's a more used weapon.


Side note, I would like to see the shield enabled (just my personal opinion, but hey what in this isn't) but I also realize there's still glitches with it.


Not like anyone ever said this was, or ever will be, a perfect game


Life isn't always fair

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Both teams can buy the auto sniper, so no one has the advantage. The shied however, can

only be bought by CT's = unbalanced! imo. I really never bought auto snipes before and I still

wont because I enjoy the awp much more.

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

At range awp > auto sniper, at close range colt/ak > autosniper


The only people I've really seen complain about the autosniper are the same people that buy Mp5/armor every round and rush around like a ____ (fill in the blank ;o)


If someone is spraying at 3 people with an autosniper and none of them can hit him, then he deserves to get the 3 kills.


Shield is unbalanced because of how horribly they've done the hitboxes, countless times I've shot someone to the side of the shield in the face and it's still "blocked".

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just a question, but seriously...have you guys played with the new autosnipers?

awp !> new autosnipers....seen it left and right...awper jumps out to pull off an awp/jump shot and before he hits the ground, the autosniper put 3 bullets in him and killed him......and I also see people CONSTANTLY dropping awp for the autosnipers. The awp is no longer the best sniper rifle out there.



p.s. --> that "!>" is saying "NOT greater than"

Edited by Playaa/Pselus
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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Thats cause they're jumping around with the awp like a noob.


I've yet to be killed by an autosniper while awping.

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auto sniper is still trash, i havent been killed by it too many times and awp still owns it. i do believe though the ct sniper is a lot better than the t one. you can go full auto with that thing and there is no recoil at all. i dunno where you got off thinkin the autosniper is better than the awp. its not even 1/2 as good as the awp.

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sum1 with awp skill can still kill someone with autosniper skill


plus they are not cheap the T auto sniper costliest rifle and the ct on is the third most expensive




on a side note the shield are still very buggy i know that some guy named Magik (prolly an alias) is a regular who allways bugs with the shield he never closes up and he never seems to get damage unless from behind. He has done this many times and i know other people have complaind about it also during play.

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Thats cause they're jumping around with the awp like a noob.


I've yet to be killed by an autosniper while awping.

hehe...I am finding this game funnier and funnier....everything in this game seems to be opinion and there IS no fact...(like awping, fastswitching, jump/awping, autosnipers, etc.)

I CONSTANTLY (as in at least once a round) see someone with an awp jump out and fire a millisecond after they land and get a perfect shot every time....and I'll see people who are standing totally still for up to 30 seconds with the awp aimed at a spot and fire at a person on that spot...and still miss.


from what I've seen...the autosniper IS more powerful than the awp in a normal CS players hands. Now put that awp in the hands of one of you guys and maybe the autosniper ISN'T as powerful...but what about the rest of us that only pug, play for fun and can't snipe worth crap? I'm sick and tired of trying my best only to be picked off from across the map by 2 or 3 autosniper bullets in succession...the gun is UNBALANCED now...


that's all I'm sayin yo.


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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Edit: Er, double post sry.. just delete this one

Edited by TFR | PDO
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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Nah, its not.


In pub I probally kill more people that are in midair then on are their feet.


Think of it this way, when you jump out, you're hanging in mid air and can't shoot for a good .5ish seconds, more than enough time for someone to cap you, whereif you you just peak out and shoot, there's the least amount of time for you to be shot.


In conclusion, jumping out with an AWP is usually noob :)

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we've gotten off topic a bit...(btw, I agree with you actually on awp/jumping)

either way...when I'm talking about the autosniper being overpowered...I'm talking about how it can now be put in the hands of ANY player and become an EXCEPTIONAL weapon. No matter what everyone says, awping takes skill...now autosniping doesn't and it dominates against the average player. I don't want to hafta start buying the piece of crap just so I can live. No one EVER bought the autosnipes (except on rare occasions) before this update...so why would banning them be a bad thing? It would make the game the same as it was 2 weeks ago instead of making it an autosnipe dominated pub game.

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Wow, no matter how you say its supposed to be said, this looks like nothing more than a whine thread.....I think this is even rediculous to be brought up as a whine OR a discussion. Finally there is actually a reason to buy these expensive guns, and something that "can" give the awp a run for its money. Yet people still complain... THe sheild was banned for a bug, while lots do not like it ( especially myself ) if it gets truely fixed it will be a part of trop, or should be anyway. I have been a member of more than one clan that the "leader" has banned the awp because he was tired of getting killed by it over and over again.....don't rush oput and peek in awp areas stupid. Jeeze no one EVER bought these guns before and the kill rankings showed that if some ever hit 100 kills with it they were "amazing".....now the guns are worth while.....whether its a discussion or a rant or a whine, shut up and play the game for what it is worth.

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You know what needs banning?


THE SHADOWS! They distract me and make me lose my skill, lower my FPS increase and increase my choke and loss!!! !!!! all of my deaths are due to the shadows!!!



























:o^_^ j/k

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