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Everything posted by Wolfsblood

  1. The admins all subscribe to the Banned from any or our servers forum, so they should get notifications when there are new topics or replies so if you post there, one of them should respond fairly quickly.
  2. Biggest letdown has to be Battlefield: Vietnam. Bought it full retail, played it for a several days, and absolutely hated it. Hated it so much I was happy to get less than $10 of my original $45 back on trade-in. That way I didn't feel like I lost all that money. To this day, I flat out refuse to ever play another Battlefield game. That's how much i hated it. Biggest surprise? That's trickier. Biggest bang for the buck almost has to be Mass Effect, for the little moneyI spent on it, I got waayy more out of it, but the real surprise was X3:Reunion. I bought the game at the insistence of a friend who raved about it. The learning curve was so steep, and I felt completely overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the universe, and the sheer openness of the game. It was hard to figure out what to do, and often where to go. I put it aside for months, never thinking about it, except to be irritated at the money I threw away. Finally I had a lull in gaming and wanted something different and gave it another shot. Well worth it. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours got poured into X3, and watching massive space battles playing out between gigantic capital ships, with smaller fighters zipping in and out of the fray.... sometimes it was hard to not just stop and watch it, and forget you were in command of one of the armadas. Though i have to admit Pong was a great game back in the day too.
  3. I'm using a Crucial 128gb SSD and with Ubuntu as the os. It boots amazingly fast, when I click "suspend", it's gone to sleep before I can drag my creaky old self out of my chair. On recovery from suspend, it's ready to resume before the lcd monitor has come up. I do not have games installed on it though, as have it partitioned in case I decide I need anther operating system for those few programs that refuse to run in linux.
  4. Hmmmm i knew we had a password protected server back with CSS, but i didn't realize we atill had one with CSGO. We used to use the psw one for TWL matches. That was a long time ago though. Longer than I care to admit. :/
  5. So THAT'S why it was broken down. I thought it from being overloaded with pizza.
  6. Welcome to the Coalition sumbody. Have fun!
  7. There was a nice spike when a bunch of us jumped on the the GC pub for Sat night customs.
  8. As someone who has gone to 6 of these now, I can tell you there are many reasons to come. L4D2, and or CS;GO are minor compared to what goes on there. Check the galleries from last year, and this year to see just some of what happened. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/gallery/category/2-fragfest-ohio/ I totally get where CrasX is coming from though. He's the only L4D2 player I really know since I don't play that game. One thing that you notice right away is that while people are there gaming, they're not necessarily playing CS. They may be playing FFXI, Mass Effect 1, 2, or 3, misc. rts's, or any number of other video games. But it's not just about video games. Many people played cornhole, pool, air hockey, euchre, or various board games. Fragfest has been far more about establishing a "family reunion" feeling than a "gaming party" since 2006. The tournaments are all random draw so no matter what your skill level is, you have the opportunity to do well, and by in large the matches are competetive because they're not stacked with all elite players. For me the biggest reason to go is the social aspect. Hanging out with people you may never have met in real life if not for Fragfest. Putting faces with the voices and nicknames from both the servers and the forums. Yes travel is an issue for many, and the costs can add up, but the price for the seat at the lan party is small for what you get back in enjoyment. Many people have shared rides to save on gas mooney, and also shared hotel rooms for the same reason. I do hope there is one again next year, and I hope it's bigger than before. I also hope that some of the L4D2 people are able to make it. It would be nice to meet you all. Wolfsblood. There is always food of some sort there, and people will make food runs. People also share what they brought, be it food, beer, pop, or liquor. It's a gathering of friends, who all happen to like to play games.
  9. Those dates would very likely not work for me, but I am only one voice. I don't know if I have a recurring conflict for that weekend net year, but since my family reunion has been that weekend the last two years (and I've skipped it both times for FF) if the reunion is that weekend I will not be able to make it to FF.
  10. Well another Fragfest has come and gone, and I think a great time was had by all who attended. HUGE thanks go out to the board members, server admins, and all who worked so hard organizing this agaiin this year. Special thanks to FK who made the shirts and badges this year. Hopefully next year he'll be able to make. For all those who think this is just a Counter Strike tournament, check out the pictures in the gallery, and related thread. This is so much more than just a "computer gaming party". Eucher, and several board games were played, and much food and drink was consumed. It really is more about getting together with friends you might never otherwise meet in person, and having fun.
  11. Make sure you click on the gallery that FK set up. There are more pics uploaded there.
  12. I don't know about the fridge, but crashx's Blue Moon is broken. The AC is wokring wonderfully, good thing it's an unseasonable cool summer in Ohio, lol!
  13. LOL! I hope not because there's a very real chance that I won't even be there till close to 8pm friday. Not all of us have all summer off... *looks at Fatty*
  14. I'm in for euchre, either as just a game, or a tourney
  15. Paid and confirmed. See ya friday after I get off work.
  16. I am still planning on it, but wrecking my truck wasn't in the plans and that took a sizable chunk out of my already limited disposable income. I'll know this weekend if I'll be there.
  17. I played all three games multiple times. Honestly I had no issues with any of the endigns, though i admit I didn't get to the end until after the extended cut came out.I also shot the holo kid once, and chose all three different endings in my various playthroughs. The first time I chose destroy, simply because that is what Shepard had been working toward the entire time. It was difficult because I had chosen to save the geth, and felt bad for them. The brutality of that ending was that to me EDI had become so human, I no longer considered her synthetic and so it came as somewhat of a chock (sillt I know) when I saw her destroyed. I felt that the control option was the worst possible choice because I was only replacing one puppet master with myself, and falsly assuming things would be different now that I was in control. The "best" ending, the one in which there was the most hope for a future where synthetics and organics could live in lasting peace with each other was synthesis. People griped about how their actions during the games meant nothing, but they're wrong. In only one of my play throughs was I able to save both the geth and the quarians. Every other time I was forced to choose one or the other because I hadn't built strong enough relations with both sides. It always seemed unfair if I chose to allow the geth to be exterminated sinply because I didn't want to lose Tali because as it was shown throuhout 3, the geth never started the conflicts. I have heard the argument that there was "no coog choice" at the end. Well, was there a "good choice" when the game forced you to choose between Kaiden and Ashley in ME1? Making the best chpice of horrible options if the hallmark of battlefield command. Some poeple will live, and others wil die based on what you tell them to do. ME showed this repeatedly throughout the 3 games. I'm looking forward to the next chapter in this saga. (and still have the itch to play it again after completing 1 and 2 twice, and 3 three times. )
  18. The basics are working extremely well. Getting it to run the windows versions of steam games is proving tricky though. i got windows steam to install just fine, and it installed some games I wanted to play. it even launched them without any issues, but as soon as I hit any keys on the keyboard, every game I've tried has crashed. I am a rookie at this. Yes I learned command line programming back in the mid 80's, but haven't used it much since the mid 90's.
  19. Boo that you won't be making it to FragFest, Yay that you're spending time with your son as he goes off to college. Those days are a long way off for me, though I suspect I'm close to your age, if not older. This is what happens when you start having kids at 39, lol!
  20. Things are progressing, though not as swiftly as I'd hoped. This isn't surprising as it's been a very long time since I've done a lot of command line programming and my linux tech guy lives in Finland. It's still possible that I'll have to concede to a dual boot, especially since cs:go isn't listed as linux compatible and that's the primary game I'd likely be playing at Fragfest. There are also several other games that I built this system to play, that I bought through Steam and don't run on linux, as well as a few other programs I own that I use on a regular basis. If I can figure out workarounds for these, then I'll be very happy, if not... :/ Like I said, we'll see where this goes.
  21. Mine currently. I like my workspace clean. http://imgur.com/KbpzDNl Apologies that there isn't a thumbnail. :/
  22. Well, for now I've solved the question of which Windows OS to install on my new gaming rig. The answer? Ubuntu. We'll see how this goes.
  23. I've had this game for a while. played it a few times, but always gotten thoroughly destroyed. it seems like something I'd play, but haven't played it much, and not at all against or with other humans (or humanoid gc types for that matter)
  24. logitech mx518. best mouse I've ever used. fits my hand, tracks great, has all the buttons you could need, and not over priced, or wireless, or battery operated
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