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Everything posted by swatfishy

  1. Occasionally (not too often) a bot goes down in a totally safe spot, like not near a choke or anything, and then people start freaking out because I go to pick it up. that's basically feeding 15+ free points to infected
  2. depends what time you play really daytime (NA time) is pretty bad... evenings/ nights particularly fri/sat are usually quite good
  3. should coordinate an event like member/admin night during ffo for those who cant go
  4. survivors deagles only mode? :DD
  5. wat edit:where did maestro's post go
  6. a lot of ppl who skip have played on the server for months now. also if they ask for help someone is very likely to help cuz you want your tanks to do well
  7. the amount of people who heal me when im at 90+ on temp health is mind boggling you are literally making me lose health that can literally be considered team attacking i dont even. pls stap. on a more serious not, i like #3, maybe count temp health as half the value so 50 in temp is equal to 25 perma health when calculating points
  8. you're never going to learn to tank if you never play tank and then eventually only like 20 people and complete newbies will play the tank and the rest will become bot tanks because everyone else afkskips them fenix - it should go to someone, tank queue glitches a lot tho
  9. a full 100-0 jockey gets you like 29 points with joy ride and incap pts
  10. yea it basically comes down to lag/ ping. when the 'killcam' line was still a thing you could see exactly where you died and from what angle. and for boomers and hunter if it looked like you died right on top of someone you were really like 5-10 feet above them from the server's (or other player's?) pov
  11. people should just ask questions about things they wanna know
  12. generally i get caught when the smoker is a good deal above or below me (vertical height) since i can't hear the difference and just 180 on the x axis and don't have enough time to adjust aim up or down you can get 2 awp shots off before you get snared and like 8-12 AR shots so as long as a few of them headshot and a few hit the body, poof you're free crouching helps i think.... and if you start to get smoked 3 - 7 or so feet away then you have a good chance of meleeing the smoker right before the snare also lag lol
  13. the biggest issue is probably not enough members to populate a 3rd? server for a full 10v10. maybe a 6v6 or something could work though
  14. extra tip don't bind it near wasd in case you miss them when taking your hand on/off your kb between spawns... >_>
  15. crouching and shooting is much better than running at someone and shooting lol unless of course they are likely to be chained out of your firing sight
  16. would it be possible to add a reason for a votekick like admins can when they ban?
  17. KILL la KILL was really good and really weird

    1. Jerkoff


      Yeah! I started watching it recently too. Not exactly airplane material to be watching either. Funny as heck!

    2. swatfishy


      lmao it would be the worst airplane material. i managed to binge watch it over the weekend and it was soo worth

    3. ValenAlvern


      Gurren Lagann meets Sailor Moon and I loved every minute of it.

  18. twitch.tv/swatfishy

    1. Meng


      I am following you i think XD

    2. Lookback


      I went to look and it was just a still pic of some kind of cartoon hobbit treehouse?

    3. Lookback


      Although the Michigan ad was lovely.

  19. how is that related to your original comment about removing the hs multiplier or clony's response??
  20. pretty sure #1 died at the same time
  21. +1 for clony admin ain't for me though. i'd probably bind slap onto the rushers names and mess with them for a minute before banning/ kicking lol. i've also noticed anyone that becomes an admin plays a loot less than before. which would actually probably be a good thing for me but yea.
  22. !asp hjer 145 attempt x3 until i realize multiple people have already send points
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