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I need your Prayers

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You don't like the Browns? and you live in Northern Ohio? oh, the humanity :P



I'd rather be scoopin elephant dung than to be associated with those weiners. My religion does not allow me to set foot in that blasphemous stadium. I cringe at the sound of Doug Dieken and really don't settle down until I have my Terrible Towel by my side. Who on earth picks orange and brown as their colors anyway??!!

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How is she holding up against your other kid's virus? Ive been praying.



She picked it up just as he's been tapering off. Isn't that how it always works? We're trying to get it under control before she goes into chemo on Tues. Part of me wants to get her ready for chemo and part of me wants to give her one more week of "normal" before things get tough...I really have mixed emotions.



We just got BGB's package from Fatty. Fatty briefly went to #1, but once I opened it, BG shot back up to the top! :)


BG, I cannot thank you, your family and friends enough. Every single hat is precious, including the bear. You did a FANTASTIC job.

We'll take some pics and get them posted soon.

That's one more sloppy kiss for you (not from me)...I'm starting to worry.

Thank you!

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Well, I can definitely say I'm on the downside of things. I'm not sure how to describe it in terms of a coaster or a hill because I'm not sure which part describes the difficult part. Is difficult going up or going down? Does it relate to emotion where high is good and low is bad? Or does it relate to work where up is bad and down is good? Hmmph, not really sure.


Our house was vandalized again last night. Last week the mailbox was torn down. This morning I woke up to eggs all over the house and my car.

It's really starting to wear on me. I look back and I think that, yes, I probably instigated these kids so I guess this is my payback, I just wish it was at a different point in time.

I can't say I'm angry, but I do feel hurt and it's magnified by self pity. Why me? Why now? Don't they understand what we're going through?

I have to remind myself that they don't know what we're going through and that kids are kids. They do these things. When you we're out causing mischief, do you remember thinking, " I wonder if the owners will be able to handle this?"

I can't seem to shrug it off as well as I could even 2 months ago.


This experience has shown me that there are still plenty of good people in the world...and there are still plenty of bad people in the world.

As much as I would like it, having a child with cancer does NOT entitle you to a universal get-out-of-jail-free card. Life's problems still come at you fast and furious.

You can adapt to them, or you can let it eat you up and spit you out.

I'm just having a hard time this week adapting.


Enough venting...go hug your kids.



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That sucks Duke, you know whats fun though? Take some time and build a VERY strong mailbox and have a chuckle while some punk almost tears his own arm off trying swing a bat at it. :P


You have a pressure washer for the eggs? If not I do, let me know, everybody in my house has something as far as colds and what not, so I wouldnt want to be around them, but I could surely do a "pull in drive, drop and go" type deal.

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Matthew 6:19 - "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, 


It's gonna happen, and you said yourself, you gave em motivation. Wash it, fix it, and focus on the important parts of life.


And then tell me this when I'm aggrivated about something too please, cause I'll forget....and it's easy to see from the outside.


Turning a cheek is one thing, how can you turn the other side of your house?

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TY Clueless, but the wife is already on top of it. She hosed it off instead of pressure spraying so I don't know how effective she was in removing all of the egg.


I had plans to build the official hillbilly indestructo mailbox, but common sense prevailed.

My plan was to form a rebar enforced 4x4x48 concrete...um...thingy. My mailbox would slide over top and the next car to come through the yard wouldn't get too far.

But that might damage someone's car or hurt someone. It's an entertaining, vindictive and justice-serving thought, but it's not a productive action.


So THEN I thought how about a spring loaded mailbox that topples easy when hit? Or maybe fill the surrounding area with sand so the pole "gives" when hit?



Anyway, that's what Kel did this morning: She washed it off and went about her business.

I stopped at a gas station, cleaned off what I could and got my day going.

It's REALLY hard to maintain a Christian attitude in hurtful times...but I'm human, I fall short and I'm proud to say it--I'm a Christian.


We'll get through this day.

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We all fall short. Some more than others...you not so much Im thinking!


Yes, kids are dumb. Amazingly dumb. I was one of the dumber ones. Suffice it to say that some day they will probably feel rotten about all the things they did.


Sorry, must seem like salt in the wound :(


It would make me hopping mad, btw. And the hillbilly mailbox is a hilarious idea!! :D

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Wondering what the latest is.  I have 4 packages of hats here!  Did the treatments start?


Things are going as well as can be expected. Danielle is doing fairly well but Kel and I are on a short fuse.


The treatments started last Tuesday and she got another round yesterday. The next session is this Tuesday. I want say I'm sick and tired of worrying, but if you don't worry, you don't care. So you suck it up, paint on a face and keep motoring.


I'm trying to blow off steam any way possible so I got a few rounds in last night and spent a bit of time in wonderland this morning (How could you miss the glass?!).


I've got a good friend coming into town this weekend so we might play some HALO until the wee hours.


Side note: I confronted the parents of the local trouble makers and offered a pseudo-olivebranch. I told them I didn't care who did what or why and all I ask is that they stop...no questions asked. We'll see what happens.


That's about it from Duke's hillbilly homestead...

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**no need to reply, this is just a way for me to vent. My diary, if you will***



Saturday plans got changed and it was deemed parent's sanity day. Kel went to the scrapbooking store and when she got home I went over to Fatty's to pickup Danielle's 4 packages and ultimately a nice hangover.


We'll give the packages to Danielle tonight (Monday) because she just didn't seem herself on Sunday. She was tired and nauseous and everything in between.


Today I learned my great-aunt, who my mother is taking care of, will be taken off life support later today. With a story too long to post, all I can say is I hope she has Christ in her life and that once she passes, she will see who was sincere and who wasn't. It's tough to watch.


Today, we discussed having another child (it's been a busy day!!). My concern was that we would bring a child into the world for the wrong reasons: as insurance against a relapse by Danielle. The stems cells from the cord would be used to save her life. I say "was a concern" because I don't feel that way anymore. And even if it came to be, how honorable would that be? "I saved my sister's life". I know it's more work, more stress and less sleep. But that's what it's all about--a small price to pay for a child's smile. The verdict is still out on this one, but I think I'm ready.


I had some time to self-reflect Sunday night and REALLY think about everything going on around me. It is so easy to take God, family, friends and aquaintances for granted. Why do you treat the people who are most important to you the worst? Think about the things you say to your spouse in moments of anger. Would you say that to your best friend? Your pastor? Your neighbor? Jesus? God? Why is that?

I also came to the conclusion that inaction is just as damaging as action. Take some time to tell loved ones you love them.


I have to throw some general apologies out there for my own good. People may wonder why on earth I would do such an embarassing, humbling, awkward and weird thing. All I can say is that being public about it makes the forgiveness and repentance that much sweeter. Honesty, forgiveness and repentance are addictive drugs once you truly embrace them.


Having said that, I want to apologize to any GC people for those situations where I may have been short, rude or condescending. There's not many of you that have witnessed it and I can't remember specific instances but I know they exist. If you're reading this and I snapped at you at some point, I'm sorry.


I want to say I've taken my aunts,uncles and cousins for granted and I am sorry for it. I am thankful for their support and I will acknowledge their actions when they occur.


I want to say I've taken my wife and kids for granted and I am sorry for it. I am certainly better than I was pre-cancer, but there is still room for improvement and I will strive to improve.


I want to say I could be a better Christian. I've already admitted my sins in prayer and I just ask for forgivenesss. I must live better and treat others better.


There, it's off my chest and out there for the world to see and it feels good.

I feel better already.


Go hug your kids,



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tough lessons, but I can see how this whole thing would (and is) make you and your wife and your family wiser and stronger. hang in there Dukey.



LOL! I didn't sign it as Dukey, there Gooters...you must not have your glasses on.

No matter, we'll settle this as soon as your skill rating drops to my level. :blink2:


How are things in gooterland?

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I know that we don't know each other from Adam, but I have been reading your thread. Honestly it took me a long time to get through. I am not ashamed to admit your story actually made me cry. You see - I too have a daughter and though she is only 9 months old, she is my light Reading your words made me want to be a better person and to not take anything for granted anymore. I hope that me telling you this can at least make you smile. What you are going through can ONLY make the whole family unit stronger when she gets better.


I just want you to know that I have your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. You can surely be expecting a hat for Danielle. In fact I will discuss this with the wife this evening and hopefully set a date to go shop.


I hope you do not feel weird or awkward about me posting. I only joined this site yesterday. I just wanted to let you know that a stranger can walk through the door at anytime and offer a bit of support. Stay STRONG brother.



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Guest Mrs.Duke
Guest Mrs.Duke
Guest Mrs.Duke


First and foremost, welcome to the community. You'll find it's an awesome place to be a part of.


Thank you so much for your post. It does not make me feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, it's a good feeling to know that people can get something positive out of all this mess. You'll hear me say it a lot....go hug your kids. It sounds like you understand.


God Bless you, brother!





OOoops. I posted under my wife's account. Oh well!!

Edited by Mrs.Duke
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OOoops.  I posted under my wife's account.  Oh well!!

For some reason, when I saw this, a visual of you sitting at the computer in a dress and wig came to mind and I started chuckling :laughcry:


On a different note. I am ashamed at myself for not posting earlier but have been following this thread everytime I come into the forums. It was especially hard for me to initially post here when I am such good friends with both Brian and Keli and especially Danielle. Its also hard to not be able to actually see everyone since I am so far away. I think about you all constantly and the troubles you are going through. I pray for everyone always and am looking forward to seeing everyone in June when you come down and in July when I come up.



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