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Im going to be a dad


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very cool man

nothing wrong with being a young dad...my friend has a 2 year old son and is only 22....and his son has made all of our lives 10 times greater...you just hafta adapt

besides, you now have an apprentice gamer under your belt...that makes you...a MASTER!

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thanks guys, im excited about it and we are hoping for a boy, if so we want his name to be Landon Jacob Hutzell. Our problem now is letting our parents know. See the thing is, we have only been together for a month. So this goes out to all you young guys, just cuz she is on the pill and you also use protection there is still a chance, so yea we are that 1% that you never think will be you. im also looking for advice from any of the already fathers in the community.

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don't know if this needs to be said or not, and some people would probably disagree with me here....but I'm gonna say it anyway.


Don't jump straight into marriage just because you feel like you SHOULD because of the baby. We all make mistakes in life (not that your child is a mistake, but the making of the child was)...letting them lead to other mistakes because of a sense of "duty" isn't gonna help. I'm not saying that you SHOULDN'T get married...all I'm saying is that marrying someone just because you feel forced...all that's going to do is cause more trouble down the road. Would you rather have your kid raised in a home that isn't a family but has 2 parents, or would you rather your kid have 2 FAMILIES and 2 parents?

maybe I'm not making sense...but yeah...there's my 2 cents

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Before you tell them Dennis, make sure you and your girlfriend have a plan on what you will, and want to do. If you can show them that you will be prepared 9 months down the road, I think it will out telling them. Either way it will still be a shock, so be prepared for that.


I still remember the day my brother told my mother that his girlfriend (now wife of 12 years). I had already found out a few days before hand, so I watched as my brother tried to ease in to the conversation about them having a baby. My mother blurts out "is she pregnant" I was drinking orange juice, I started to laugh and spit orange juice all over the place. My point is, it's a very serious and nervous thing to go through now, but a few years down the road it will likely be a cherished memory that you tell your son/daughter/family/friends. Best of luck in the next few months, and be there for her!

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Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage

CONGRATS BUD!!!! Do not be afraid to ask any of us parents here for advice if you have any!!

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lol Linch, good tale.


Dennis, life has ups and downs and alot of twists and turns. This is just a zig and a zag, try to go with it. Having a kid is a blessing. If you decide to raise the kid with your gf, instead of adoption, you will probably be VERY happy you did in the near future.


Anyhow, Im not a Dad. Im only a little older than you, and I had a real bad scare when I was about your age.


Hang tough man, it will be rocky for awhile I imagine, just think about the shorty first. And remember that things will make more sense before too long.

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Becoming a father changed me. It was the most definitive moment of my life. I experienced emotions on a plane that I had never felt before. It was like the experience opened my eyes to see everything much more clearly. It opened my heart to feel love in a way I had never felt before. It shook me to my core but left me stronger somehow. I thought I knew what it would be like. And in my imagination it was similar, but I couldn't imagine how strong of an experience it would be.


After it happened it felt like I had lived my life with half of me shut down or closed off. But that the experience finally completed who I am. And I could finally experience love and fear the way they actually were.


I know it affects everyone a little different. But be prepared for the ride of you life. I wouldnt give up any of it. O they will frustrate you and I must admit I wish they were still little. But fatherhood has been the most gratifying experience in my life. (so far)

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Congrats dude, I have 2 stepdaughters i raise as my own, 2 and 7,it's awesome.

Just stand tall ,do the right thing and if the parents freak out,just prove to them they were wrong down the road. Do the right thing and all will be well,especially when they see they're grandkid, then you'll have wrapped! Good Luck!

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everything is ok guys, actually things are very good, both are parents are ok, my mom took it the hardest, she just cant believe this is happening and she keeps saying "are you sure its yours" and i know its just her being in shock. and i told her i just need her support mentally and not to worry with money or anything else that i just need her there. so yea we are def keeping the baby and still hoping for a boy, man do we really want a boy. but thanks guys for everything and i will keep you all up to date. this is very exciting let me tell you.

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man good luck with that....i remember when my oldest sister became pregent early in a relationship...but now she is married to the guy and has three children...so just let it role..marriage is not a bad thing but its what you all want and what is best for the baby..i know that i am about to get married in june and cant be happier...so look forward to the up at 2 am going to get ice cream..b/c believe me i had to when my sister was knocked up...sucked really bad but its all worth it in the future..gl

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