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*Hangs Self*


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I walked 30 min to the store today, spent 30 min getting my groceries, proceeded to check out, where I realized I forgot my wallet at home. Everyone was laughing at me, not that people aren't laughing at me on the streets all the time, but it was really alot of people this time. I had to get the cashier to hold the order for me until I got back, then some guy laughed at me while I was walking home as he drove by. When I came back, everyone laughed at me again. But at least I got me some







Jealous, Prelude!?

Edited by Saris
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Actually, that all really happened, except everyone laughing at me when I came back, since it was entirely new people in the store by then (except the cashiers, who smirked at me). I'd say, in the heat of it, when I had to walk over to the cashier to tell her (it was self check-out), there was about 15 or so people that knew what was going on.

The person on the street was probably from the same store, or just a bunch of teenagers, which it looked more like.

And Kruten that happens to me so bad at work, not so much at home, but at work, I can be sitting in the office all day, come out to the floor, and everyone will just stare at me and I'll stare at them, then I'll be like 'Oh,' and go back to the office without doing anything. The two main people I work with think I'm a bloke, but in a joking way, though it really is true. I really am forgetful and lack focus when it comes to simple things, yet skilled in various forms of art and somehow, computer programming and database work at the same time, which balances me out for people to think I'm not just plain stupid.

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And Kruten that happens to me so bad at work, not so much at home, but at work, I can be sitting in the office all day, come out to the floor, and everyone will just stare at me and I'll stare at them, then I'll be like 'Oh,' and go back to the office without doing anything. The two main people I work with think I'm a bloke, but in a joking way, though it really is true. I really am forgetful and lack focus when it comes to simple things, yet skilled in various forms of art and somehow, computer programming and database work at the same time, which balances me out for people to think I'm not just plain stupid.


I forgot I even made a comment in here and had to go check what I said.

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To get a lighter for the joint?

Thats why I came in here! What?


Don't worry Saris...I mean, come on...my in game name is SloMo...my friends call me the 90 year old man (seriously) and I dread being asked for my license plate number


Oh and stop picking on Ebil...you never know what those hip-hop types might do...(sorry...I know it's bad)

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I walked 30 min to the store today, spent 30 min getting my groceries, proceeded to check out, where I realized I forgot my wallet at home. Everyone was laughing at me, not that people aren't laughing at me on the streets all the time, but it was really alot of people this time. I had to get the cashier to hold the order for me until I got back, then some guy laughed at me while I was walking home as he drove by. When I came back, everyone laughed at me again. But at least I got me some







Jealous, Prelude!?

Been there done that! Now imagine that theres 2 cartloads of food for the family for the month. Fortunately I only live a mile frome the grocery store. The Rev feels your pain. :D

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