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I know we have a movie forum, but I saw Avatar last night and couldn't believe how visually stunning, and absolutely mind blowing it was at times. I actually saw it in 3D (which was a new experience), and it was 100% worth the extra money. I definitely plan on going and seeing it again in 3D, since I'll never be able to really experience it like it was at the theater.


This was in my opinion the best movie of 2009, and one of my favorites of all time.


Has anyone else seen it, and what were your thoughts on it?

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Best of '09? Nope, but it's probably up in the top 20.

One of the best of all time? No way!


For me, this was a 3 out of 4 star movie. Visually, the movie was perfect. Yes, the 3D glasses make it even that much better, but where the movie falls behind is in the story about half way through. The first 1/3 of the movie was amazing and kept me in awe with the exploration of the planet. Flawless again. The middle of the movie; however, started to drag. The sappy love story was slow, underdeveloped, and boring. The final 3rd of the movie is the part that fans will keep coming back for. I loved the final act, but it had one MAJOR flaw:







Why the heck did the humans take the slowest, largest ship near and even on ground level to drop a tiny bit of explosives when they easily could have dropped them from higher altitude or even space to avoid the battle all together and unsure success. Considering that this is the US Army, the strategy behind the final battle was POORY executed and thus took away from the movie in my opinion.


As Ripley says in James Cameron's earlier film-Aliens: "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


*End Spoiler*

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i saw it in 3d. i thought it was good, but star trek was the best movie of 2009.


avatar was visually stunning, but i thought 2.5 hours was a bit unnecessary. some of the dialogue was just horribly cheesy, like transformers / day after tomorrow / titanic cheesy. i think this review really nailed it.


i'd give it 3.5/5 stars, but is definitely worth seeing in the theater.

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Saw it last night in 3D. Absolutely amazing! I thought the story was engaging enough, although the (very general) premise has been done several times over. The atmosphere an effects though were probably the best I've seen. The planet and characters were incredibly detailed and pass the "suspension-of-disbelief-believability test". (please don't make me explain that one)


Response to YoMamma's comments in the spoiler:


That "flawed" battle plan I think spoke more towards to arrogance of the commander than anything else. Judging by the way they absolutely crushed the Home Tree, he probably didn't see it as being a problem. Besides, dropping that payload from near-orbit would have been a very tough drop to make (remember their targeting stuff was scrambled by the vortex in the atmosphere?) so they needed to go with something with a higher probability of success. IMO at least.


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The best review Ive heard so far (without having seen it) is "Dances with wolves..... in space"


HAHAHA So true!


I'm on board with SJ...Star Trek... best movie of the year. Avatar was visually stunning but it was a cheese fest throughout. Though seeing it in IMAX was something else entirely, I highly recommend it if you can handle sitting through all the drivel again.

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It's funny, because when coming out of the theater, my first words were "It was like Pocahontas with blue Indians." That about sums it up...was it worth seeing, definitely. Was the CG better than anything I've seen--nope. I think District 9 and Episode III had better CGI. Were the 3D effects incredible? Fairly, but I don't think they were exactly "revolutionary."


One thing I'm extremely happy about is this: it's about time we get a movie with a fairly happy ending (sorry, don't consider that a spoiler because it's obvious :) ) that is popular. I was getting sick of the overly artsy and depressing crap that has been winning awards lately.


Oh, and "unobtainium?" Give me a break.


Most predictable movie I think I have ever seen, but still enjoyable. What's my final rating? It's a "if I see it in a sale-bin of BluRays, I will buy it a year or so after release" movie. :)

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I loved it. I didn't get bogged down by the lack of an original story line. I was amazed by the landscape and the design of people and machines. The story was overwhelmed by everything else. Oh, it is is actually Fern Gully mixed with Dances with Wolves with a hint of Star Wars.

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Watched it in IMAX last Sat. Was told to arrive 1:30 hours prior to movie. Even then, there were already a line outside the theater. Freezed my arse waiting. Never gonna do it for a movie again...


Didn't he say this was to be a trilogy?

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Watched it in IMAX last Sat. Was told to arrive 1:30 hours prior to movie. Even then, there were already a line outside the theater. Freezed my arse waiting. Never gonna do it for a movie again...


Didn't he say this was to be a trilogy?

I went to an IMAX too. I think it is the only way to see it.


He did say it could be a trilogy. He would make the next one if the first was had any success. So, I think we can all expect a part two.

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Watched it in IMAX last Sat. Was told to arrive 1:30 hours prior to movie. Even then, there were already a line outside the theater. Freezed my arse waiting. Never gonna do it for a movie again...


Didn't he say this was to be a trilogy?

I went to an IMAX too. I think it is the only way to see it.


He did say it could be a trilogy. He would make the next one if the first was had any success. So, I think we can all expect a part two.


Yea, I'd be really surprised if he made a 2nd, cause I thought the 1st wrapped up pretty nicely leaving little for a sequel.

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Watched it in IMAX last Sat. Was told to arrive 1:30 hours prior to movie. Even then, there were already a line outside the theater. Freezed my arse waiting. Never gonna do it for a movie again...


Didn't he say this was to be a trilogy?

I went to an IMAX too. I think it is the only way to see it.


He did say it could be a trilogy. He would make the next one if the first was had any success. So, I think we can all expect a part two.


Yea, I'd be really surprised if he made a 2nd, cause I thought the 1st wrapped up pretty nicely leaving little for a sequel.


i second this

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This was the first movie that I've seen in 3D. It was worth going to see for the money it cost and I can't say that about most movies that I see in theaters.


Anybody else feel uncomfortable with the tribes worshiping and praising the tree? Probably the only part I didn't like about the movie.

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Nah not really, i thought of the tree as their.... lets call it a server. It stored all of their information from the past and present that they uploaded to it. Without that tree they would of lost all information about their past, ancestors, etc etc.

How would you feel if someone came into your room and bashed up your 5TB external harddrive with every song/movie/picture and that was your only backup? I'd be pretty tinkled too lol.

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Watched it in IMAX last Sat. Was told to arrive 1:30 hours prior to movie. Even then, there were already a line outside the theater. Freezed my arse waiting. Never gonna do it for a movie again...


Didn't he say this was to be a trilogy?

I went to an IMAX too. I think it is the only way to see it.


He did say it could be a trilogy. He would make the next one if the first was had any success. So, I think we can all expect a part two.


Yea, I'd be really surprised if he made a 2nd, cause I thought the 1st wrapped up pretty nicely leaving little for a sequel.


i second this


I just saw a Variety Screening Series showing of Avatar at the Arclight theater in Hollywood tonight, followed with a Q&A with James Cameron and two of his visual effects artists. One of the artists mentioned that they'll never again do this for the first time, meaning that everything they did in the making of Avatar was just a lot of instinctive grasping in the dark. Cameron agreed with him. He also told him to expect the studio to want another one, as they'd passed the billion $ mark. A second film will be easier, as the technology now exists, thanks to the movie. The moderator asked if there *would* be an Avatar sequel. To which Cameron answered that the plan had always been to make a trilogy of films. Finally, Cameron actually said it: "Yes, there'll be another."
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I'd say for all the haters...there were a lot of people who thought Star Wars was pretty average and didn't deserve all the praise when it first came out.


Fantastic movie, ground breaking visual experience (saw it on IMAX). The story couldn't equal the visuals, but it's a Cameron film. His plots are always pretty straight-forward, and the acting is fine.


This movie is going to inspire some young kid to make the next Star Wars, Bladerunner, Matrix, or Avatar.

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