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Jackie Pathing Demo


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So I've been sitting on my "pathing" for the server for a long while. Back when The Passing came out (seems like forever ago, amirite?), not much later I went through and tired my hand at what Valve never did with the game which was dynamic pathing. The game closes off certain routes which forces you to take other ones.


However... this isn't really alternate pathing. This is Jackie Pathing. Since I'm a sadistic jerkwad, I make the paths the Survivors have to take obnoxiously obscene. Whether it be doubling the amount of time it takes to traverse the level, or blocking off common routes so you have to take a less favorable one, it's a pretty daunting task to think up ideas and put them into the level.


For a couple years now, I've been sitting on the L4D2 campaigns that I've finished (minus most of The Parish since it's already a one way street, and Swamp Fever since that campaign is too wide open and it'd take me weeks to think of anything to do and execute it). I have a general rule that finales are not to be touched, and for the most part they aren't. However, the levels leading up to the finale are no picnic.


I'll make a demo video later on showing you what you newbies can expect. Those who have been playing in the 10v10 forever may have seen these before a few times, however The Sacrifice and the L4D1 campaigns will be new to everyone. I am currently working on the L4D1 campaigns starting with No Mercy (having finished the second level last night). Keep in mind though that any "open" levels will be difficult and probably hardly anything will be done to them like some of the levels in Death Toll and Blood Harvest.


This will be an event like Retro Midweek Rampage is.

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So I've been sitting on my "pathing" for the server for a long while.


Any chance if they are well received it can be something that randomly is pathed everytime we play the levels?


And on the bigger levels you could always add more immovable cars to make paths that wouldn't have existed before?

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What would be a good example of this? I can't think of a map that isn't linear.

No Mercy first map, the part after you got out to the street and run towards the saferoom pasing the truck on fire? Little before that is another truck between two chain link fences that leads to the back of the warehouses. Guess that would be a alternate path Jackie is enforcing.


There can only be one...have at thee!! Edited by Jerkoff
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I had an idea for the Parish that seemed pretty fun to me. You know the map where there's the park at the beginning with the medic trailer towards the middle of the map....


Well I was thinking, that park resembles a circular maze. Maybe Jackie could modify that and make it a real maze....would make for an interesting part of the game if a couple stragglers made a wrong turn and ended up separated from the main group inside "THE MAZE OF DEATH"



Edited by Fenix
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I had an idea for the Parish that seemed pretty fun to me. You know the map where there's the park at the beginning with the medic trailer towards the middle of the map....


Well I was thinking, that park resembles a circular maze. Maybe Jackie could modify that and make it a real maze....would make for an interesting part of the game if a couple stragglers made a wrong turn and ended up separated from the main group inside "THE MAZE OF DEATH"




but this doesn't have an exit

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If I recall the "hard" mode for the maze had you take the longest rout possible, made you go under the stairs to the left side of the hedge mazes and back into the maze it self going the long way through and back out the lower right. I think takes as long for a team to get through as it does through the crescendo event, well maybe not AS long.


I think it stopped the first time cause a lot of people were competitive about it. I just had fun doing it.

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GC Coalition Member

What would be a good example of this? I can't think of a map that isn't linear.


I have seen different paths on the second map of Parish. It made us go all around the maze. There are a few others. In dead center 3 map at the end of the hallway after the drop ,now it turns left but hard pathing makes it turn right

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