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Member only server


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Recently there was talk of a new member only server coming online, that I hear has fallen through.


Could we possibly have a vote on turning one of the existing servers into a M/O server?



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Just thought it would be nice to be able to have a game once in awhile where everyone knows how to use the points system and understands all the server rules.

Actually it would be nice to have a game like that every day, sadly since the second server has been up and has diluted the relatively few members online at any given moment between the two, I only have fond memories of games like that.


Are there no member only GC servers for any games?


Can we not have a vote to see what the membership wants?

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GC is and always has been a community that welcomes and accommodates new players. We will not be requiring membership to play here. It's bad enough that so many of the paying members rarely visit the forums and provide input to the community, instead they pay the $15 for the reserve and never look back.


Part of being GC means that the folks who know how the point system works should be teaching those who don't. How else will they learn and become proficient?

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I'm not saying we shouldn't welcome and accommodate new players nor am I saying membership should be required, since there would be a server where all that can still happen.


As far as helping new players to learn the point system and rules, I made a spray with some of the menu commands months ago and sprayed it all the time until an admin covered it with his new spray recently letting me know it was not needed anymore, so I deleted it. Also I do my best to inform new players of the server rules.


"We will not be requiring membership to play here"

Sorry I am relatively new here and I guess I should have done more research to get a better understanding of how GC operated, I had no idea you were the person I needed to speak to about this. Other groups I have been a part of similar to this voted on everything, policy and rules were decided democratically by all members.


Since you have made up your mind feel free to delete this thread.


I guess it's more understandable now why so many of the paying members rarely visit the forums and provide input.

Edited by LRWarrior
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San, you don't even play on the Left 4 Dead 2 servers. How can you know what's best for them?


Firstly, I've spent a significant amount of time trying to teach concepts like spawnblocking, the dangers of rushing, the !buy system, and keybinds to new players. I can count the number of people who truly took this to heart and remain with the community on a single hand (You've come a long way, Hussan!). I never give up on trying to give back, and it's always worthwhile to give a hand to the people who truly care, but it's foolish naïveté to think that we see respectable, permanent returns on community investment. You're right that it's hard to find people who want to have a voice outside of the game, San, but the reality is that many of our new visitors don't share our opinions of what constitues a good time. Their brand of fun may not involve challenge and learning, so there's little incentive for them to learn the advanced techniques that we all consider necessities.


Meanwhile, there's a middle ground between novices and experts that I personally found disheartening when I was coming up. People who are still learning, but want to get better, are just as much at the mercy of griefers as the rest of us. I can only imagine how many of them we've lost because they can't learn in a toxic environment. In spite of the efforts of the admins and regulars to spread the gospel of teamwork, every campaign will feature a few troublemakers that can get our new people killed or worse. There's little worse than seeing rushing mains up in the lead and the real team players dying in the back. Do you fall back and help the team at the risk of dying or do you commit the sin of rushing yourself to salvage what's left of a game? Veterans know the answer to that question. New people don't and might panic, as they often do. I've seen many of them follow rushers simply to protect them and get reprimanded for it. It's hard to learn by example when such a bad example is being set.


I don't think it's unreasonable at all to have a server set aside so that our established player base can feel that they're being properly challenged. We have a beautiful, complex, server-side mod on our hands that really brings depth to an already great game and I feel like we never actually play it, we just police it while cursing the day that Southeast Asia discovered Steam sales. Remember Cameron's dad's Ferarri from Ferris Bueller's Day Off? That's a lot like what the mod is some days - a really cool toy that we only maintain and polish with a diaper and never really play with as intended. If people knew that they could look forward to a clean, problem-free server once they learned the basics, it would actually greatly increase the incentive to pick up on the techniques that we emphasize. If they had to report to the GC forums to sign up for such a privilege, it would increase awareness of the forums in general. Everyone would get what they wanted. If you want to see new faces on the forums, then give them something to talk about.




Part of being GC means that the folks who know how the point system works should be teaching those who don't. How else will they learn and become proficient?


Yes, but when do they finally get to take a break and enjoy the fruits of their efforts without any turmoil to have to stomp out? Don't assume that nobody would ever show up to the regular servers again. Give us some credit, we're not too selfish to be helpful. Like I said, I like being able to spearhead an effort for positive change. I sometimes think that if GC was a farm, our members would be obligated to sleep in the mud with the pigs rather than a bed just so they wouldn't get too comfortable. Are we so offended by the notion of them enjoying themselves after they give their best? Let them have their cake and eat it too once in a while.


There's an old spiritual song that sums this up best:


Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came
You want to be where you can see
Our troubles are all the same
You want to be where everybody knows your name


Gary Portnoy understands our pain.

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San, you don't even play on the Left 4 Dead 2 servers. How can you know what's best for them?



San actually has and does play on the l4d2 servers.


That being said, I will say this. I started in l4d2 on GC and like maybe 6-7 months ago started playing CS:Go, and I will say the CS:GO GC community is WAY different than the L4D2 community. No one is ever mad about losing (and if they are they don't say it), everyone is helpful, nice, respectful. No one ever makes you feel bad for a mistake, or for being the last one up against one other person and dying. I mean it's so Night and Day it's crazy. And it doesn't matter if you are a member or not, I mean you could be a total noob that bought the game 10 mins ago and joined, and they are like nice try, good game, or just chatting up about random stuff. There isn't this hostility or kinda of elitist (might not be the best word) mentality.


NOW that being Said, L4D2 has A LOT more going on in one game then a CS:GO match so in fairness that has some frustrations there. I get wanting to do a member's only server, but we get members because we are open to anyone. I mean we've had a lot of new joins, people who want to learn, want to talk, want to enjoy in the fun. We have members (like me) who have played for years and will never be on the same level as Swat or Chimi, (you know the would be hackers, hehe jk), and just as one really new person can change a game so can guys like this. I think personally I've seen more people join who are talking or communicating and really wanting to learn (idk maybe that's just me being positive). Trying a new thing here bear with me. But I mean a lot of members seem more willing to say "use this" or "type this", and even sending points, instead of the old mentality of "don't send him points it's not worth it".


Just my 2 cents.

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I don't see the benefit of having a 24/7 members only server at all.


Scheduled member only nights on ONE of the servers though, maybe, would be something to consider, but I'm not really for segregating new players/regulars from members.

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Scheduled member only nights on ONE of the servers though, maybe, would be something to consider, but I'm not really for segregating new players/regulars from members.


Thats a great idea. I (kinda) tried to do the customs thing but then I was lazy. and the maps are too big. Another thing is that the servers were always full with members so nobody could join. Since the 2nd server we've seen an influx of new members which is really what keeps the community going

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San - Do you even L4D bro?? Actually yes you do/did.



I feel your frustration sometimes LR, it can be very aggravating when you have a team of rushers and people who do not communicate or help the team as a whole.


I see you on a lot of mornings/early afternoon, which is when I generally get a chance to play, but I would encourage you to play on server #1 in the evenings (especially on the weekends). When you play at those times it can even be difficult to get on to server 1 because it is full of members... there are generally some epic battles on those full server nights. Being that only members don't get kicked and can sit in spec spots means that we do have a member's only server on those busy nights, which negates the need for a member only server.


The problem with a member only server would be that the other server(s) would be mostly void of members, leaving them a ghost town/full of the people some of you are trying to avoid... Sadly they would be full of rushers, rule breakers and minimal support for people who actually want to learn/help. A lot of you wouldn't be GC members or even on the forums if these secondary servers is what you found. You would have played minimal time, said "screw it, this isn't fun" and rage quit.


Sadly the L4D community,as a whole, has dwindled over the years... I think its due to the age of the game, ~5 years, and also, in my opinion, one of the worst communities out there. L4D has always been full of ragers, trolls and jerks.... Which is why a lot of great players, who make it fun to play together have landed here and called our server(s) home. I would hate to destroy that now....


The idea of a members only server sounds great but what happens when there are only a couple members on?? Do you really want to play 10v10 with only 3 or 4 real players and a ton of bots???


My 2 cents. Now I will have to go to 7-11 and get some more from the leave a penny/take a penny cup.

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GC is an open community to anyone, and will never be a place where you have to be a member or have requirements to be able to play on their servers. It never has and never will. We wouldn't have the amount of members we do if we did have a members only server.


GC is amazing because it's open to anyone, if the L4D2 community was anything like the CS:Go mentality it would be a lot better.

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Now that some people have had a chance to express their opinions and it is clear there is support for a member only server, could we please have a vote to see where the membership stands on this?


No, from what I can see all the board members are against it.


However, we could consider a special night on one server...

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I agree with members taking over a server every once in a while and im new and always willing to learn more!! Don't yell at me teach me :happy: I don't get offended easily so if I'm doing something uh noobish just tell me how to fix it, it's what happens at work at the firehouse. Thanks guys and gals. Love the servers!

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"No, from what I can see all the board members are against it."


You guys could have saved us some time by telling me right off the bat paying members don't have any say, I think I will become one of those people that "pay the $15 for the reserve and never look back" as I see no point in the forums if all is dictated from the top.

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I had a couple ideas...


1) admin vs member night - maybe we can set a day and time soon, to have admins vs members? We could use Mumble to communicate, make teams and rotate people in and out. We could turn off all talk for admins.


2) member team night - again set a specific night and time, join in mumble maybe and choose up teams, or assign people to a team.

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