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After all these years I am still confused how hordes (the ones bought from the !buy menu) work on the server. Am I buying a specific number of hordes, like 20, 50, 100? Or am I buying a crescendo event? Also, do booms affect how hordes spawn? 

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I agree with clony, find some way to make hordes more powerful. It'll be cool if you can choose the type of common you can spawn. Fireproof, bulletproof or even those guys that throw turds at you from swamp fever.IF ITS POSSIBLE

Edited by Mercwoman
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GC Server Admin

If Hordes are going to be added and I surely hope not (it's fine as it is - not that difficult to ascertain when you can buy), survivors should be given something to counteract such as SI should drop more presents or even pipe bombs instead, idk - but no to Jimmy Gibbs and other special hordes.


Better still as JC says, remove them from the !buy menu altogether

Edited by MPG1770
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I see. Well, in that case, the hordes do seem underpowered/overpriced.


Anyway, if hordes are going to remain in the game it should be given a distinct appearance at a minimum. Like if player-bought zombies had little hats or something you would at least know that the hordes you bought did in fact spawn. 

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Boomer Upgrade. For an amount of points, when someone gets Dixie boomed or more, it'll attract not only a uncommon common infected exclusive to the map, but also uncommon common infected from other maps. Example, like Dixie dose dixie boom on a survivor in Carni map 2, not only those regular and clown commons are spawned, but also the hazmat commons, police riot commons etc.

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I think hazmats are definitely the better option if it's possible (maybe a horde size for 15 points?), fire is far too effective at clearing a purchased horde, and while a decent way to deal with those is to throw a bile and shoot away, even a Dixie boom stops that method and makes shooting those commons more of a priority (plus it'll help distract those gits who shoot me outta mid-air)

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