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Status Updates posted by JackieChan

  1. I was apparently reported for walling while playing against a bunch of silver ranked players. gg

    1. oakgyrl510


      Staph it then gawd.

    2. Lookback
  2. Finally got back up to Master Guardian after going 30-10 in the last match I played and also pulled off a pretty nice 5k. Only a matter of time before I get thrown back down to Gold Nova 4 because of idiot randoms.

    1. shaftiel


      Wow. Tell me more.

    2. JackieChan


      No more story time for you.

  3. Anyone want a Elder Scrolls Online Beta invite? I have a key to give that I don't really plan on using. First come first get.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shaftiel


      Me. I would like one


    3. JackieChan


      Sorry guys, key has been taken.

    4. Girlzilla


      I gave mine to Shaftiel, so mine's gone now too.

  4. Did anyone else get into the Elder Scrolls Online Beta for this weekend?

  5. You think that Rockstar would have known that their servers would be overloaded before they launched GTAO. Oh, we sold $800 million worth of copies of the game, let's not anticipate the online servers getting severely overloaded! Brilliant!

    1. FacePalmSmash


      You'd think that given the history of any MMO that this sort of thing was definitely going to happen, rockstar or not :-p

    2. FacePalmSmash
  6. For those unaware and wondering why the servers were acting badly tonight was because the datacenter where our servers are located was getting DDoS'd pretty hard.

    1. Jose


      They mitigated pretty quickly tbh

  7. Thinking about testing out the GC stream thing tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yErMoTH3r


      uh o - he's going to part the stream! lousy vodak!

    3. ValenAlvern


      Did someone say Awesomenauts?

    4. JackieChan


      Gonna do this in a day or so. My brothers were over today and put a damper on doing it.

  8. I'd say the VIP mod was a pretty good success. Probably going to be a once in a while kind of thing though.

    1. Mercman


      I liked it also


    2. looneypumpkin


      dang I missed it!

  9. Apparently there was a probable DDoS attack against our L4D2 server on 9/2. Was taken care of pretty quickily so if anyone experienced terrible lag at around 6:04 CDT, that was the reason.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jerkoff


      Not much of a ninja if you're going to reveal your identity to everyone.

    3. Sky


      Wasn't me! I've been in Toronto all week! (Btw, internet here is AMAZING)

    4. TheDude


      Yes Jerky, when you go to the cops make sure they know to look for a ninja called The Dude. Good luck finding me.

  10. Anyone else play PAYDAY 2? Let me know so I can invite you to the GC Steam group.

    1. TheDude
    2. Madvillain


      Dude only plays Dota these days... don't let him fool you.

    3. Leonebluen


      Nothing wrong with that!

  11. CMM is such a waste of time. Every team I'm on sucks. They are either drunk, Brazilian, leave so there is a bot, they suck, they suck and they suck.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flitterkill


      the reason why our csgo server is dead. Automatic matchmaking "service" from valve

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      hey hey ! its not dead look at the last 4/5 days :P I been doing work.....need help though


    4. Avengers
  12. walkingCat yelled at me a lot in CSGO. Time to strip him of his admin powers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. walkingCat


      Oh, this what you do to those who help you.

    3. crasx


      jackie is such a whiner.

    4. TheLaw


      Oh noes haha

  13. I hate how every time I play CSGO, I always get on the same team with players who suck so badly it hurts.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. turnbullTeRRoR


      Jackie you should make an effort for SNC's especially this Saturday coming up. I've loaded a bunch of new maps. We gonna have some fun

    3. JackieChan


      I'll try. I think this coming Saturday though I work a really late shift.

    4. crasx


      stop playing with yourself jackie

  14. Whoo, on my way home...by waiting at the airport.

    1. crasx


      that's not what an airport is for

  15. Server is working again.

  16. Valve has released a SteamPipe version of L4D2 and advised us that this update will become required on Monday. In order to reduce the time that will be required for Monday's update, we are scheduling the SteamPipe changeover to occur on Friday morning, starting at approximately 12:30am PDT. This will be handled like a regular game update, but it will take longer, due to the size of Valve's changes up to two or three hours for some machines, with servers offline for much of that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrohamMC


      whats a steampipe?

    3. MPG1770


      steampipe = tube that blows hot air for no apparent reason

    4. Twins


      @ static in theory. I know for tf2 it takes longer for some people now.

  17. Lol, someone on Game Tracker accused the L4D2 GC server for being non-steam warez. Looks like we have yet another loser against our server.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BrohamMC


      lolz and ok


    3. MPG1770


      I bet you a pint Jackie that it's your nemesis server (ZI) doing this - everyone knows GC is the best

    4. BrohamMC


      yep thats right GO GC

  18. I wonder if it may be time to purge my entire steam friends list and start over...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chick82


      LOL I did that a while back, some how that Madvillain guy managed to stay on there.

    3. PouTchi


      hello jackiechang ok i buy a memebership to my wyfe acemia friday morning and now we r monday afthenoon ahd shes not a memeber when she join the server she get kick all the time can you please take a look about that and thx

    4. turnbullTeRRoR


      well I wasn't gonna say anything...but.... your current list obviously sucks I'm not on it!

  19. LOL. I just realized that I unknowingly played with Radical in CSGO matchmaking last night...but it was his brother who uses his account...

    1. TheDude


      ...so... you didn't unknowingly play with Radical...?

    2. JackieChan


      It was his brother, not the actual Radical.

  20. I try my hand at my first 5v5 in CSGO...I get the most kills in my team. The guns just do NOT feel right at all.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ValenAlvern


      Random Bullet patterns? Thats a DNB for me.

    3. JackieChan


      They're semi-controllable, but it's just the recoil stability is bad. It's like you shoot and you have to wait until your gun settles again to get that first-bullet accuracy again, otherwise it's going to veer off in another direction.

    4. Girlzilla


      Complainers! Sewiously!

  21. So I bought a new video card which came with a free copy of Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. So glad they are redeemable on Steam...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. looneypumpkin


      Tomb Raider was incredible.

    3. Girlzilla
    4. ValenAlvern


      *the comment I made to you on Steam*

  22. 867-5309

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lookback


      Argh, that is one of those awful songs that gets stuck in my head... NOOOOOOO!

    3. JohnnyQuid
    4. VooDooPC


      "Wait--isn't your nephew's dad's sister-in-law also your sister-in-law?"


      Only if my nephew's dad was married to my sister.

  23. Holy crap, I got Sleeping Dogs for $11.99.

    1. TheFirstMonk


      From GreenManGaming?

    2. JackieChan


      Yeah, plus their advertised 30% off voucher.

  24. I looked in my refrigerator today and noticed something had the expiration date "12/21/12". It was mayannaise.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheDude


      His mayo went bad? WE ARE ALL DOOMED!

    3. Lookback


      Did you finish the mayo, Jackie?

    4. LadyYuri
  25. Lol, someone was getting mad at me for killing them with the MAV in BF3 and kept sending me messages. I simply reply with, "mad cuz u bad bro" and block him. I ended up going 82-25.

    1. shaftiel


      I'm sry Jackie... please unblock me

    2. lousiest
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