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Status Updates posted by JackieChan

  1. Steam has broadcasting now??! I'm down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thug


      That's pretty cool. But unless they plan on giving out partnerships, I don't think it will ever be as big as twitch. Still a nice feature to have though.

    3. DiXie


      LOL shaftiel!!!! XD

    4. MasterTalpa


      who has their steam updated to use this?

  2. Watching 5 minutes of Dying Light made me think it was just a clone of Dead Island...Surprise, surprise, it's made by the same people.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpernickel


      Dying Light is just parkour Dead Island. Snooze fest.

    3. JackieChan


      Instead of money, they should have made the currency something realistic...like...supplies. Food for weapons or something.

    4. Protomanx13


      what else is better than carrying over 100,000 of bottle caps which should be heavy as hell, but not

  3. Removed "I Hate Mountains" from server 2 and it hasn't been down for an extended period of time from what I've noticed. Interesting...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackieChan


      Nope, like a week ago.

    3. crasx


      l4d2 iz no fun 2 fix

    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      it seems like it has been up all weekend, so maybe that did fix it.

  4. Wish I had a working computer so I can not have people complaining at me about stuff I can't fix...sigh

    1. Cake


      :( what happened to your computer? I hope you fix it soon or it gets fixed or someone buys you a new comp or :) soon... anyways, keep your head up, we miss you though.
    2. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      Jackie the server needs fixed!! The plugions need updated!! Can you retrieve some logs for me?! I need you to send me the plugin text asap....

      Hey can you go kick someone from the server?

      Wanna play some TF2?


    3. Cake


      :( poor jackie...
  5. Made milkshakes. It brought boys to the yard. Then Chris Hansen showed up and asked me to take a seat.

    1. chick82
    2. lousiest


      what is up with all the milkshake references?

    3. Cake


      tsk tsk tsk

  6. Diablo 3 Beta, Y U So Short?!

    1. lousiest
    2. JackieChan


      Makes me want to get it on release night.

    3. RadioKnight


      At least youre cool enough to get the Diablo 3 Beta. I dont play SC2 or WoW, so no Beta for me!

  7. Anyone else play PAYDAY 2? Let me know so I can invite you to the GC Steam group.

    1. TheDude
    2. Madvillain


      Dude only plays Dota these days... don't let him fool you.

    3. Leonebluen


      Nothing wrong with that!

  8. For those Origin users, you can get Dead Space 1 for free. Better grab it quick before they start charging for it again.

    1. MasterTalpa


      dont know if i remember my password for origin or even if its still on my computer

    2. TheDude


      Made an origin account for this but it ends up giving me an error message everytime, telling me to try again later

    3. VooDooPC


      It's free until May 8th. Don't need to be that quick. :)

  9. Remember back in the CSS days when we all played that NEOTOKYO mod? It's on Steam now.

    1. shaftiel


      Yes. I remember

    2. VooDooPC


      I really wish I could get back into the game because of my love affair with Ghost in the Shell.

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      dont you people realize unless an Akira type event happens?

  10. Whoever wants a Rainbow Six Siege beta key (ends Oct 4), let me know. I have 4 to give out.

  11. What's on my mind? Makeup.

    1. lousiest


      on yourself? :P

    2. JackieChan


      I'm trying to make up my mind

  12. I know what I'm gonna be playing for a while. The Diablo 3 beta :D

    1. Flitterkill


      Hilariously enough, I have two separate battle.net accounts and neither got their ticket punched.

    2. MattKemp


      Well that doesn't sound hilarious at all. that sounds like it was an unpleasant experience for you, and not really thatfunny. Unless you want us to laugh at your pain. We can do that, you know ;)

  13. Oh Bag of Crap, why must you taunt me every time there is one of you on Woot?!?!?!

    1. Flitterkill


      The best for me was a couple years ago when I had got a BOC and then two days later it disappeared from my account history...

    2. Biggs


      Maybe they oversold them?

  14. I'm really sorry I hit you Mr. Burns... Here, let me put some salt on that eye.

    1. MasterTalpa


      The funny part about this, we call my uncle Mr. Burns

    2. Flitterkill


      Never put salt in your eyes Danny...

  15. An Apple fell on Sir Isaac Newton's head. He didn't sue.

    1. MPG1770


      He turned the apple into a Pi

    2. Cinkadeus


      seems rational.

  16. Lol, someone was getting mad at me for killing them with the MAV in BF3 and kept sending me messages. I simply reply with, "mad cuz u bad bro" and block him. I ended up going 82-25.

    1. shaftiel


      I'm sry Jackie... please unblock me

    2. lousiest
  17. Holy crap, I got Sleeping Dogs for $11.99.

    1. TheFirstMonk


      From GreenManGaming?

    2. JackieChan


      Yeah, plus their advertised 30% off voucher.

  18. LOL. I just realized that I unknowingly played with Radical in CSGO matchmaking last night...but it was his brother who uses his account...

    1. TheDude


      ...so... you didn't unknowingly play with Radical...?

    2. JackieChan


      It was his brother, not the actual Radical.

  19. I'd say the VIP mod was a pretty good success. Probably going to be a once in a while kind of thing though.

    1. Mercman


      I liked it also


    2. looneypumpkin


      dang I missed it!

  20. You think that Rockstar would have known that their servers would be overloaded before they launched GTAO. Oh, we sold $800 million worth of copies of the game, let's not anticipate the online servers getting severely overloaded! Brilliant!

    1. FacePalmSmash


      You'd think that given the history of any MMO that this sort of thing was definitely going to happen, rockstar or not :-p

    2. FacePalmSmash
  21. Finally got back up to Master Guardian after going 30-10 in the last match I played and also pulled off a pretty nice 5k. Only a matter of time before I get thrown back down to Gold Nova 4 because of idiot randoms.

    1. shaftiel


      Wow. Tell me more.

    2. JackieChan


      No more story time for you.

  22. I was apparently reported for walling while playing against a bunch of silver ranked players. gg

    1. oakgyrl510


      Staph it then gawd.

    2. Lookback
  23. I like my women like I like my coffee: used badly in similes.

    1. DiXie



    2. Lookback


      So you prefer the grind to the bump then?

  24. Dat starting price... http://goo.gl/oTWSFg

    1. Thug


      Damn DLores. So overpriced.

    2. Pumpernickel


      That'd be the Knights. Plain design like the Nitro. Wow. Some yellow parts. Whoop de doo.

  25. WOW. GC L4D2 server is ranked #2 on gametracker?!

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