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PC games from the 90's


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What PC game stands out to you that you played in the early/mid 90's. After that post on what video game you played first, I'm feeling kinda nostalgic. I wanna get my hands on a few old school games and bring them in to work. Any suggestions?


Top ones I can think of would be.. Warcraft 1/2, Rise of the Triads, Wolfenstien, Duke Nukem. Their was also I game I played that had a name with the word "Machine" in it... it was a puzzle/maze game and very addicting, I believe it was part 3. Ring any bells??

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Oooh, Oooh! Master of Orion was a great strategy game, and X-Com: UFO defense was a lot of fun, too. As a bonus, both are DOS games, so you can get DosBox (Way more FPS than Counterstrike!) and never have to deal with those stupid extended and expanded memory issues again! Look ma, no boot disks!


5 points to anyone who recognizes the old geezer on the banner of the DosBox website. He's from another good strategy game.

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Quake 2 is what got me into video games. But Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island and the other puzzle games were all games I played at school and STILL enjoy to this day.

and I think the "Machines" game you're thinking of is "Incredible Machines" check here

that is definatly one of the best games ever made that never got enough attention.

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Go back farther to the 80's. Break out Zork and all the old text-based games. I still remember those days of reading the story as you went, having to type N,S,W,E for the directions and "Get lamp", "Light lamp". Those were great games.


From the 90's I remember the fighter jet games that came out all the time. There was also "Legend of Yserbius" an online RPG that was fun. Diablo I, Doom, Quake, Myst, Starcraft, Civilization, Wizardry (a true classic), Ultima, Leisure Suit Lary I-IV, King's Quest I-VI, Mechwarrior, etc...

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Oh yeah! King's Quest...OLD SCHOOL! Also, Police Quest I played to death and in retrospect, it REEKED! I remember that one scene I kept dying, because I couldn't type: open door, get out, pull pistol, shoot faster than it took the badguy to shoot me! :lol:


ROTT was the first game I ever played where I was like WHOA this is cool! And couldnt put it down for weeks. I remember there were dual pistols too :D

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I spent a lifetime playing Wizardry on my original Mac, the old boxey one.


In the 90's, one game that I loved was some text based space trading game, etc....where you'd have allies etc. Anyone remember the name of this? Once we pulled a big mutany and laid mines in the next sector of a dead-end where our entire ex-friend fleet was hiding out (like a dead end, hard to find, etc) I loved that game. You'd mine planets, build up your ships, etc. Played it on a bulletin board in like 1995 or something.

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Their was also I game I played that had a name with the word "Machine" in it... it was a puzzle/maze game and very addicting, I believe it was part 3.  Ring any bells??

This what you're thinking of: http://www.classicpcgames.com/?p=game&ei=I...achine+3%2C+The


Edit: didn't see playaa's link, but this is the part 3 you spoke of.

Edited by Hitman
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I used to play one that was a blast to play with 2 players, called "scorched earth" there wasn't a whole lot to it. Just set the degree of angle on your shot and calculate for wind speed, but man was it fun, and the little captions the dudes said were hilarious.


Police Quest was another one I played, but I always had a problem when it came time to the driving of the police car.


Another that comes to mind would be leisure suit larry, a real man's game!! It's all about trying to score.

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Dude! Day of the Tentacle and Monkey Island rocked. And infogames put out text-based games that weren't Zork that were also good. I'm thinking Planetfall because it was a bunch of fun, but there's a whole bunch:




Of course, the Zorks were still the best.


Fatty, were you talking about Federation? It was a multi-player one, it was even on AOL for awhile. You start off as a stinkin' hauler, become a trader, etc. after a couple of days you own a planet, comabt and the like. That was fun too.

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Swoop, I have a game similar to that called "Tank" I think. It didn't so much have the "wind speed" thing. Basically what you said but if you got the speed to 800 exactly, and if "Rebound" was set, the shot would keep going, burrowing through the ground even, until it hit something...even yourself.


I will look for it to see if I still have the floppy it is on. One problem I had with it though, even on a 433MHz system, is that the CPU ran it too fast. I know there are programs to slow down the processor for older games (maybe even this DosBox util but I didn't see that in the Info or FAQ) but I haven't got around to trying one.

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I remember scorched earth. It was like a shareware game, right? And it ran too fast for me also.


Basically a simplified version of Worms (that was one thing I didn't care for about worms, went for 'fun' but not actual strategy and competition). But you get a group playing SE that actually tried to win and it was a blast.

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Dweez, DosBox has a limited amount of speed control using ctrl + F11/F12 (faster/slower) but I never played with it much. I usually just jacked it up (Playing Master of Orion) because by default it seemed pretty slow. You can also change the framerate / drop frames. It's pretty good, but I never tried it with a lot of games.


Hey, does anybody remember Sam and Max hit the road?

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Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage

StarCraft is what got me into PC gaming in the 90's. Before then, back in the 80's it was King's Quest and Police Quest.

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TIE Fighter <----Loved this game so much

Warcraft II

SNES emulators ;) Chrono Trigger :-D



What got me into video games??

Three games

"Ecology" Its an awsome game that was educational and fun it was a hyperstudio game

"Spelunx" another hyperstudio game

and of course


Myst and Riven Two awsome hyperstudio games!

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