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Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage
Guest zerodamage

Best game I've ever played! period.

Edited by zerodamage .gc
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This game is awesome....worth the wait in my opinion...plus this is the first game that I can play with all my settings maxed and it plays so smooth. Im in love. Best game Ive played since the original...and system shock 2 ;)

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This game is far better looking than either Farcry or Doom, I think.


Those games went to opposite extremes (all tropical paradise and all dark corridors) but this game just throws you from one mind blowing location to the next.


The artistry of this game is also superior to either of those two. The world feels lived in. This game has more atmosphere than Doom could ever hope to muster up.


But what really sets it apart from those two games, and most other FPS is the gameplay. Im not that far into the game yet, but it just keeps throwing new stuff at you at every turn. There has yet to be a dull moment.


I would like to hold my judgement till I finish the game but I have a feeling its just gonna keep getting better.



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This game is simply outstanding. I scoffed at the idea of paying $54.99 for a game. But in my honest opinion, this game is worth every penny! The amount of detail, such as pulling the plug out of the socket when you grab the tv, is just amazing. The idea that you can run a high end game on a lower end machine and still have it look decent enough to impress is amazing.


The gameplay itself is so many different experiences. From riding on a train, to walking through a demilitarized city was amazing. It took my breathe away to walk out of the train and see the screen welcoming you. Then, watching the guards go room to room with people not knowing how to react was almost horrifying.


You can compare FarCry, Doom 3, and HL2 all you want. But each game has its own settings and plot. I will say that FarCry just blew my mind with the vast open space that you could adventure pretty much to no end. There were no set paths that you really had to take. You could storm straight in, or go a 2 miles around and sneak in. It is an amazing game, but it also takes a pretty amazing computer to run it. Terrains that big, that look that good take some serious specs. And don't forget that FarCry was the first to have the super highly detailed water.


Now, HL2 has equally amazing graphics. Some textures are more detailed that FarCry. But that is in the nature of the surroundings. Of course walls will have more detail than miles and miles of trees and bushes. And the water looks very nice too. But the gameplay, music, sounds, and interactions are what make this game so wonderful. I am just starting the game and I am already taken away by the plot.

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Graphics are awesome. It seems like I dont get the opportunity to just stop and look around. But I can remember, while zooming on my hovercraft, that this looks awesome. Almost wished I could stop and just stare. Load times were nice cause you could look at textures and details for an extended period of time.


But the gameplay is where it is at. My wife can testify that every chance I get I am picking up stuff and throwing it around. And I JUST got the gravity gun. Cool!!! But I can remember picking up a 5 gallon bucket and tossing it into the water. It bounced around just like a 5 gallong bucket would. It amazed me. By now thought that just seems normal. I don't know if I can play another game that doesn't have a real world feel. Anyone else throw the skillet in the guys' face :D


Plot is ok (so far). They tend to leave you with more questions than answers. But that was the same way in HL. Maybe it is just their M.O.. But it would be cool if they actually had some suprises up their sleeve (like Star Wars). But a weak plot is not even noticed when you have great presentation. And they HAVE great presentation.


I am still not very far into the game and have been blown away several times. Can't wait to be blown away some more :)

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Half-Life 2 is the best game I've ever played...Hey, is this topic beginning to sound Manchurian Candidate to anyone else here?


Seriously, it's absolutely awesome. The graphics engine is phenomenal and it runs so well on lower-end computers...Being a math geek, I would be more amazed at an engine improving efficiency than increasing graphical capability, and HL2 has done both. Also, the environments are, as has been stated ad nauseam already, totally immersive. You are there. I thought FarCry was good, HL2 is on a totally different level. It's better, but so much better as to render it incomparable to other games out there now (the big ones being FarCry and Doom3). Perhaps the icing on the cake? Mob personalities and facial expressions. Just...wow...

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sorry guys I'm not reading your posts cause I'm afraid of spoilers.


But just to let you know THIS IS HANDS DOWN THE BEST GAME I'VE PLAYED on any machine. Great story, Great graphics and just loads of fun.


The only bummer is waiting for another segment.


I'm hoping Blueshift and Opposing force will also have continuations..



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