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GC Standards


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GC Alumni

I was playing on map night last night, and at one point someone (a GC member) asked how to do something (IIRC facetiously, e.g. "What button do you press for headshots?"). Myself and someone else (another GC member IIRC) both suggested the answer was F10, at which point an admin said that was against the rules (not trying to get anyone in trouble or allege misconduct, no action was taken).


I would certainly agree that trying to get someone to press F10 is not conduct that GC should tolerate, but in my own defense there were 20 or more GC members in the server at the time, and I think all the rest of the players were regulars.


Anyway the point is that I later took another look at the GC standards (the one you see by mousing over "Join") (thinking I'd missed something or forgotten), and there really isn't anything there that would address this kind of thing. If there's a more exhaustive set of rules somewhere else, please let me know. So my question is, are F10 jokes right out, or is it only a problem if someone is actually trying to trick a noob into quitting the game?





I should also note that the admin involved only warned the other player, whom he said had already been warned before on the subject. This is probably the only reason it was even brought up in the first place.

Edited by mookie
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Wow, you mean THATS why my game crashed all those times?!




Never knew f10 jokes were out. Used it just last week. Someone asked how to enable the 'flamethrower'. It was funny, they were knowledgable enough to know the F10 joke but were actually serious about there being a flamethrower.

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I was the one that said F10 jokes aren't appropriate.


The simple fact is that, even though most people that it's just a joke, someone may not know that and they try it.


How would you feel if you asked an honest question, someone responded with this, you try it, and suddenly you're booted out of the game?

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When I first started CS:S, after 1.6, I fell for the F10 joke. I had a question aboot console and someone told me to hit F10 to bring up the in-game menu. It wasn't funny, because at first I thought I broked the program.....and I got skeered :(

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Did any of you know that if you TK everyone on your team you win the ultimate challenge and get promoted to super killer, which is just you as your own team with noclip on and a para with infinite ammo...


oh and f10 just mutes any csls playing at the time


*watches as everyone on a GC server quits their game*


(ima gonna get it i know)

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How would you feel if you asked an honest question, someone responded with this, you try it, and suddenly you're booted out of the game?

I can tell you. I fell for that joke, just as you describe, when I first started playing CS (this was a non-gc server). I was a bit deterred. I have never been back to the server, of course the fact that I don't know the IP, and I play on GC servers would be the reason for that..... but still.

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I fell for it once... right when CS:S came out... after that I went on a rampage to try to get ppl to feel the sudden emptiness of knowledge I had when I realized what happened.


I agree 100% it should not be tolerated.

I'm here to help, not try to get ppl to leave the server just for a laugh.

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Lol can't believe I'm about to admit this but we are all being candid. So source comes out. I like many here start playing and enjoying the heck out of it. Someone new to the game asks some question and some "clever" guy says just hit f10. So I think to myself hmm, must be some new source thing. So I go on for the next half hour or so wondering why my f10 did not have the said reaction. My game did not quit. Simply nothing happened.


This requires some background. You see as an old habbit from back in the 1.6 days I had my quit game bound to the END key. Makes sence to me. So when I first started cs source and did my keyboard configuration I natually bound quit to END so that's why nothing happened when I hit f10, the END key bind trumped it.


So anyway the saga continues.... I think it was about a month that went by that someone in one of the .gc servers that I was familar with did that joke (I honestly don't remember who, I'm not protecting anyone here), so I asked him what it did and I finally found out. And it dawned on me what an idiot I was for that whole time. I actually tried to figure out what was wrong with my f10 key for like the longest time. Thought it was a problem with my keyboard, checked windows, changed out keyboards.


I'm such a dunce....


anyway, that's my f10 story.

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How would you feel if you asked an honest question, someone responded with this, you try it, and suddenly you're booted out of the game?

I can tell you. I fell for that joke, just as you describe, when I first started playing CS (this was a non-gc server). I was a bit deterred. I have never been back to the server, of course the fact that I don't know the IP, and I play on GC servers would be the reason for that..... but still.

I fell for the F!0 joke back in 1.6. I laughed. I thought it was funny. Now I say things like hit F!10 for aimbot, wallhacks or cash hacks. I think taking an f10 joke is part of cs and everyone should be a little less sensitive to the plight of the nublets. If it were't for F10 jokes I would know you could quit that way.

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