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Wish Mo Luck!


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I applied to a classified ad with Frischkorn Audio/Visual weeks ago, and last night I finally heard from them. They want me to come in today at 3PM for a preliminary interview. (wOOt)


Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this as it's something I have some decent experience with and can really open the doors for me. Wish me luck!


(and no calling them and warning them about the axe murderer coming in at 3... :biglaugha: )

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I applied to a classified ad with Frischkorn Audio/Visual weeks ago, and last night I finally heard from them. They want me to come in today at 3PM for a preliminary interview. (wOOt)


Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this as it's something I have some decent experience with and can really open the doors for me. Wish me luck!


(and no calling them and warning them about the axe murderer coming in at 3... :biglaugha: )


I need a better job >.> g/l with this bro - hope its all positive.

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a math test  what kind of test? lol  ti-83 plus?  i cheat by playing tetris all day lol! :wiggle2:

Worst. Cheater. Ever.


The way most people "cheat" with calculators is by storing formulae and the like. Not all people consider this cheating. My college physics profs both allowed the use of a sheet of paper with anything on it during an exam, so did my high school physics teacher. My high school physics teacher even told us to program our calculators to solve problems if we knew how.


The bottom line is that if you don't understand the material using the calculator is not going to help even if you try to "cheat" with it, all it will do is help you remember formulae and conversion factors.

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a math test  what kind of test? lol  ti-83 plus?  i cheat by playing tetris all day lol! :wiggle2:

Worst. Cheater. Ever.


The way most people "cheat" with calculators is by storing formulae and the like. Not all people consider this cheating. My college physics profs both allowed the use of a sheet of paper with anything on it during an exam, so did my high school physics teacher. My high school physics teacher even told us to program our calculators to solve problems if we knew how.


The bottom line is that if you don't understand the material using the calculator is not going to help even if you try to "cheat" with it, all it will do is help you remember formulae and conversion factors.


I need some for accounting and stats.... oh I HATE MATH WITH A PASSION of a... THOUSAND FIRING TMPs!

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I've never been a fan of any field that makes you memorize much stuff. I've been going in the Comp Sci direction for years now and I don't think I've memorized anything. Realistically, once I get out there, nobody is going to expect me to get my work done without looking at the documentation for whatever I'm using anyway. (And no if you're thinking this... they don't even let you bring a calculator to a lot of CS tests.)

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I've never been a fan of any field that makes you memorize much stuff. I've been going in the Comp Sci direction for years now and I don't think I've memorized anything. Realistically, once I get out there, nobody is going to expect me to get my work done without looking at the documentation for whatever I'm using anyway. (And no if you're thinking this... they don't even let you bring a calculator to a lot of CS tests.)


Heh... yeah comp sci should be my major but.... I dunno... even though I'm a computer tech right now... I don't feel the need to be in the subject in college. I'll do it when I give up. aren't CS tests taken on computers? my first computer class did... but it was intro to computers and I never showed up except for the tests. and you turned in your homework via internet. I never showed for lectures at all basically it was another trip through highschool computer courses.

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GC Alumni
I've never been a fan of any field that makes you memorize much stuff. I've been going in the Comp Sci direction for years now and I don't think I've memorized anything. Realistically, once I get out there, nobody is going to expect me to get my work done without looking at the documentation for whatever I'm using anyway. (And no if you're thinking this... they don't even let you bring a calculator to a lot of CS tests.)


Heh... yeah comp sci should be my major but.... I dunno... even though I'm a computer tech right now... I don't feel the need to be in the subject in college. I'll do it when I give up. aren't CS tests taken on computers? my first computer class did... but it was intro to computers and I never showed up except for the tests. and you turned in your homework via internet. I never showed for lectures at all basically it was another trip through highschool computer courses.

At UMass most of the CS courses have nothing to do directly with programming, and the few that do generally still give handwritten tests. None of the classes I've been in have been in the same room as a computer, except for laptops that people bring and usually a machine the professor uses to run the overhead projector.


PS: Hijacked! But seriously good luck 'Mo!

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good luck with your job interview mo.


Coming Straight from a 5 year CS graduate last may...

most of my test were not directly related to programming, but I did have to write some psuedo code occasionaly. And no, I never had a test on the computer. And yes we could bring calculators. Being in the networking concentration, I had to know alot of stat. The calculator came in very handy. CS is tough, but when your done with it, you will look back at last years work and say man, that was sooooo easy....


I'm a programmer now and yes, I have loads and loads of manuals, books, internet, senior programmers..... I have all the resources I need.

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Well it went really well...I left 2 hours early becuase their offices are clear across town and I'm never late. I got there in 30 minutes :bang::bang::bang: So I did what any self respecting Canadian would do...I went to Timmy Ho's, got some Timbits and waited in my car up the street from the place as not to be too suspicious...


The two gentlemen interviewing me really seemed to like me, we had some laughs and talked a little industry ( := I'm so glad I'm a closet geek...too many people to tell not to take advantage of me here so I'll just pass dirty looks to all of you...you know who you are)


Anyways, just as I was getting up to leave I thought of asking if I could make sure to get the days around July 7th off...decided that's better left until I actually get the job :biglaugha::biglaugha:

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I always hated that 2 and 3 interview crap. They drag you along the whole time and you end up not getting the job. :D

The one thing that makes me really optimistic was that they said I would be hearing from them within the week on whether I would actually need to come in for a second interview...but never mentioned anything like "or if the position has been filled" so I figure I'll have to go in for a second...or get the job.


That and when they mentioned all the resumes and interviews they had to do (Thursday was the first of 3 days of interviews) they both rolled their eyes and looked like they wish they didn't have to...almost as if they wished they could just give me the job and go back to whatever they needed to be doing


I guess I should mention that I have 3 years experience with one of their competitors in the exact same position :D

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................. o yea.... luck.

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