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Buy Plugin/Server Update Notes


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Can you increase the cost of laser sights for balance? At least, making it the same price as the gun, I think.

Or disable laser sights from buy menu. Most people rely on that. I can't play boomer or hunter if someone has really good aim. My rocket boomer can only go after chargers. And as a hunter, I have to turn my head back or buy a heal halfway while pouncing.

Survivors can have heavy guns easily but the HP of infected is still the same. That's really hurt :(


You don't always have to rocket boom.

Edited by TestCharacter
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Survivors can get lasers within seconds of leaving saferoom, sometimes even before leaving it!  Some maps you can have survivors start the round with lasered AKs and plow ahead a decent distance before infected can build up enough points to slow the momentum.  I don't think increasing lasers to cost 5 points is too unreasonable.

Edited by MeJohnny
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Can you increase the cost of laser sights for balance? At least, making it the same price as the gun, I think.

Or disable laser sights from buy menu. Most people rely on that. I can't play boomer or hunter if someone has really good aim. My rocket boomer can only go after chargers. And as a hunter, I have to turn my head back or buy a heal halfway while pouncing.

Survivors can have heavy guns easily but the HP of infected is still the same. That's really hurt :(

You don't always have to rocket boom.

Yes, exactly! You could just boom the old-fashioned way. It's fun being sneaky :)

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I can't play boomer or hunter if someone has really good aim.

Ban everyone with good aim! The only solution.

You should be safe from banning then.



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Don't spawn from the front?


Did the jockey achievement "Giddy up" ever worked? I have gone entire rounds throwing jockeys like crazy and I have yet to get it.

Edited by Vilkys
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I never knew a giddy up achievement existed, interesting. 

The laser sight point increased would be amazing and although some players may not be effected because of their 'mad skills' most people might have to wait  a bit to get theirs.

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Laser sights are fine, nice cheap easy way to increase accuracy. If you bump them, then you have to pump everything else. Just IMHO.

That's exactly the problem. They're too cheap and that's why they've degenerated from a perk to somewhat of a necessity. I can shoot an AK ok without lasers. I'd sooner buy ammo than lasers and they cost the same. Fireworks got spammed and now they've gone up in price. Lasers are too cheap and now they're too prevalent. A modest bump in price won't kill the server. The skill ceiling has risen, overall, in the two years I've been playing here. We can afford to raise prices on laser sights. That's my opinion even though I buy them. Raise prices on my babies the Molotovs.

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On the flip side, it would be increasing the margin of skillwise between the good and the bad players. Since good players typically have a easy time acquiring laser right at the start of the round, average or bad players will have trouble even getting close to it. So with this laser increase, it could essentially put a further strain on the average players who already have trouble another setback. I suggest a way to give the team lasers as some sort of item drop rather than increasing it solely for a single buy.


Though I'm afraid that what you said is true, laser which use to be a perk are in fact a necessity now.

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On the flip side, it would be increasing the margin of skillwise between the good and the bad players. Since good players typically have a easy time acquiring laser right at the start of the round, average or bad players will have trouble even getting close to it. So with this laser increase, it could essentially put a further strain on the average players who already have trouble another setback. I suggest a way to give the team lasers as some sort of item drop rather than increasing it solely for a single buy.


Though I'm afraid that what you said is true, laser which use to be a perk are in fact a necessity now.

It would force players to adapt and the more high skilled players we have the lesser the strain on those of us who had to babysit them early on in their server life. It would deter them from losing valuable shooting experience since you don't have to "aim as hard." A lot of people, unfortunately (?), who are new to server are new to the game and haven't developed game sense and I think lasers would add to that in the sense they can prove they can point a gun in the general vicinity of an SI and get lucky versus having to actually track and predict where one might pop up and make changes in aiming to compensate for various factors.


I think it's time to bump up the price. We can more than handle it.


Architect, is this idea per a player's infected and survivor round or does the scaling effect reset? Something to think about.

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I think lasers would add to that in the sense they can prove they can point a gun in the general vicinity of an SI and get lucky versus having to actually track and predict where one might pop up and make changes in aiming to compensate for various factors.


I played a bit really recently and people still run at you spraying to save you instead of crouching and trying to aim...

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I think lasers would add to that in the sense they can prove they can point a gun in the general vicinity of an SI and get lucky versus having to actually track and predict where one might pop up and make changes in aiming to compensate for various factors.

I played a bit really recently and people still run at you spraying to save you instead of crouching and trying to aim...

That amongst other silver 1 annoyances are for another thread.


Quote "12:17 AM : I dont think I am gonna be any good without laser to be honest."-long time member. See what I mean?

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i am ok whit raising the laser's price.


it would make the start of maps less of a pain whit all the green survivors.





I think lasers would add to that in the sense they can prove they can point a gun in the general vicinity of an SI and get lucky versus having to actually track and predict where one might pop up and make changes in aiming to compensate for various factors.


I played a bit really recently and people still run at you spraying to save you instead of crouching and trying to aim...


i always run and shoot, i'll more than likely will run out of anmo midway trough killing the SI, plus theres the hordes.

Edited by anzul
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What about a progressive cost? The faster you get points, the higher things cost?

Not only is that an extremely complicated system that newbies wouldn't understand, it would completely uproot the point system. 


Quite honestly though a 2 point or 3 point price change isn't drastic enough to cause players to rage but it's enough to nerf the aim for better pounces and booms. Nobody really complained about the fireworks I assume the people would have a similar reaction.

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Calling people out? First, you shame us with your videos and now you insult me by suggesting I am using a crutch? I have said in my previous posts that I can shoot an AK without a laser sight. (AK drawbacks here) is the reason why I pair the two. For the AK, it's a must for longer range shooting. Depending on how I'm doing, I'll even pair a SMG/Uzi with lasers and keep tier 1s the whole round... unless there's an AK.


I use a static cross hair. I generally don't require the use of lasers.

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 Doesn't matter to me personally, because unlike Pump, Architect, or Abusement, I don't need no damn lasers!


Oh noes, I've been called out. Such tear. Much sad. 

I'd put a laser on everything if I could. Deagle + laser would be a dream come true. 

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