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Server suggestion - unfriendly fire with all member teams


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Just a suggestion:


when it's all members, we should be able to crank it up a notch. My proposal is that when it's an all member team (which doesn't happen too often), an automatic vote starts which in the case of a 75% positive, makes fire damage the survivors as well.


Or just an option for admins to enable this, if requested by members.


Or am i overestimating you guys' skills? :shrug03:

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The only commons that ever hit Survivors now are the fire hazard suit ones. Literally ever. And even that is just one hit each.


They better be implemented like witches on Expert if that's how you're going to do it.

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I was thinking of something else though as far as score balancing goes. If a team is up by x amount of points, have common infected do +x amount of damage more.


I'll have to tinker around with it though if I can get it to work. I promise to get this feature out by the end of the month!

Wow thanks Jackie!


In all seriousness I would like to see this implemented so we don't have to always whine for a scramble. Plus then I'd have a challenge finally!

Edited by BlackYoshi
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An intriguing Idea. As far as the sub-machine gun is concerned, I'll shoot wonka on site for trying to make it cost 50 points. All jokes aside, If there was a gun i'd replace, it would be the MP-5. The reload time on it is horrendous. the UZI is more accurate. I would recommend either getting rid of it completely, or replacing it with the p-90 or EC-90 (w/e its named in CS) The krieg 550 is only decent with an equipped laser sight. Back to the friendly fire....I think the fire should do twice as much damage to monkie.

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Hey Jackie,


Could you not just set it so that the game's skill level adjusts according to the team's score differential? Say +/- 300 it stays normal, 300-1000, leader is set to the next level up, etc.


Just a random thought.

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Just a suggestion:


when it's all members, we should be able to crank it up a notch. My proposal is that when it's an all member team (which doesn't happen too often), an automatic vote starts which in the case of a 75% positive, makes fire damage the survivors as well.


Or just an option for admins to enable this, if requested by members.


Or am i overestimating you guys' skills? :shrug03:


You are overestimating my skills

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100 points for the infected to turn on friendly fire (without warning the survivors.)


I was totally going to suggest this. I think it's a better option, but almost no one would save to buy it. By the time you could afford it, either the survivors are doing so horrible that you are able to rack up that much points by mid-round which makes buying it that much more pointless, or by the time you get that many points, the round is nearly over. I suggest somewhere around the price of a tank, or maybe 75 points, but not 100.

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I support the friendly fire, love the chaos it will bring to us all!


There's enough buying options as it is. Rather than balancing it with more choices and adding overall more confusion to the menu, make a few changes to the common infected.


Increase the HP and melee stuttering. Damage doesn't benefit them as 95% of the time they get burn to death before even coming close to a survivor. And if most they only land one hit before getting shove away. The special infected are the main damage here especially when it comes to 10 players spawning sporadically. The point of the common infected is to provide distraction and obstruction and those two buffs accentuates them. With higher HP, they can survive gun shots more and not be one shot while melee stuttering will force them to clear the zombie before trying to shoot or else they will never hit the target. Can't mention the number of times I got snipe as a hunter by a survivor who's freshly boom with 3 other zombies whaling on him/her.

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Alternative idea in the same vein. When teams are really one sided turn the damage done by common infected up for the stacked team. I believe this was brought up before and I am not sure if there was a problem with it or not.

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