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No Renewal From Me


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I've been hearing about the 'good old days' ever since i first stepped foot on the left 4 dead server, which was months before i even joined GC. People like to be over-nostalgic. This server is amazing, but it's always had its difficulties.

there are no 'good old days'. There are days in the past where it was better to play than it is now, but also days where it was worse.

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Votekick was being abused even when admins were on.



I used to think we needed votekick as an option, but eventually I changed my mind, when I saw it used incorrectly too often. There are certain players who are great with the rules, they were calling votekicks when it was needed, but there are too many others who kick people for the wrong reasons. Also, we do ban people based on screenshots and demos. I just banned one yesterday from someone sending me a copy of the chat log from the console. Keep them coming.



If that's the case, you could just white list those you trust, if you abuse it you lose it, while also disabling it while an admin is playing.


Not having the ability to votekick has made the server very un-fun at times. I've been on there with multiple people rushing off, ignoring comms & chat and generally not caring at all. At that point I try looking for an admin, but if there are none around, what do I do? My only real option is just to stop playing until one is. I'm playing in Europe/London time zone (fully aware that this is a US server). The only admin who's usually around when I play is Maestro until it gets later into my evening and Merc and Peanut appear.


I know your looking for more admins, and if they're active then it solves this problem. But it's the times when no admins are around are when it really sucks. My current solution is to only go on the server when an admin is playing, just because I don't want to have to deal with the disaster zone it is when one isn't there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The server is actually great. I have been not banned for some time now. :) I actually like the new group of admins as a whole and the gameplay is pretty good with some epic rounds lately. I think some people lost interest for what every reaon, but we have some pretty good players now like Cloney, Joker, Jimn, etc. It would have been really nice if a few of the older guys stayed, but they did not which I can see the nostalgia. But I have tried to make session and others come back and I dont think they will. Oh well. The server is much better today than 2 years ago. Serious.

Also, it seems the Admins have a new policy and are very lenient. To me, thats very good. I like it.


-Gary A

Edited by Garychios
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While I'm sure some members left because they grew tired of the game, others, like myself, left because of the way we were treated. I don't intend to come back until I feel like admin abuse is actually taken seriously rather than the default response being "oh well ban is expired now anyways kbai."

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Leone, First, I am glad you posted. Miss ya man. Where ya been??



Now.... I think Jackie or Sans has put a stop to that. I know what you are talking about, probably the same reason I was denied my application because those admins dont like me because I dont conform to their agenda and got into fights with them. Heck, I been banned before!!


Certain admins were abusive and are no longer around becuase they dont like the game anymore or have been told to stop by the Jackie or Sans, because now the server Admins are rather nicer. I think the server has a breath of fresh air now. But who listens to Turbo anyway. He is just a thug from NYC.

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Hi Leone,


Even though I haven't been an admin long, I often keep an open mind to everything. I don't side with any admin if he/she is wrong. If they did something wrong, then they are obligated to apologize. An admin is not about dictating policies, but rather keep the server balance.


I didn't become an admin because of power or anything, but rather want to keep the community balance so everyone can enjoy it. Jackie has made a rough detail guideline for us admins to follow.


If you feel any admin has overuse their power, please pm to Jackie or san'.

Edited by Protomanx13
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I just told you where I've been Turbo - staying away! It's true what you say though - why in the world would anyone listen to you? ;)


Anyways, proto, my issues probably went back to well before you were an admin, and you shouldn't feel like I meant my last post to disrespect you in any way. Considering Turbo actually vouched for admins (wat) perhaps I'll come back and give L4D2 another shot here soon.

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hey leon

not sure if u remember me but i gave the server a try tonight and it was pretty fun. i gave myself a challenge to get turbz since he made a post a few days ago asking about the whereabouts of ppl he liked to play with before. its that love tap

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I just told you where I've been Turbo - staying away! It's true what you say though - why in the world would anyone listen to you? ;)


Anyways, proto, my issues probably went back to well before you were an admin, and you shouldn't feel like I meant my last post to disrespect you in any way. Considering Turbo actually vouched for admins (wat) perhaps I'll come back and give L4D2 another shot here soon.

No, I am not saying you are disrespecting me or anyone, but more like I want to assure you that stuffs like these shouldn't happen and no one should feel intimidated by it.

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First of all, I want to validate your feelings of frustration. You have every right to experience your emotions. I understand your feelings and want to help. Let me know if you want to talk it out Bro.


Seriously, I have always liked playing with you Vlad. Come back often please.

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  • 1 month later...

Votekick was being abused even when admins were on. Also, we're actively trying to add new admins. Just yesterday there were three new apps posted.


And as far as new players joining that were unfamiliar with the server, did anybody try to help them? I know when I first joined the game not many people were sharing info with me. I am thankful that I was in Vent with Tirtul and Chick and they helped me out.


GC is, always has been, and always will be a community that is friendly and accommodating to new players.


My opinion on scrambles might be slightly jaded based on thousands of losses in CS over the years. Or maybe I don't care about winning, I'm playing the game with people I like, and playing for fun. It's not competitive, it's not a league, it's a public server for fun. I don't mind losing a CSGO match 16-1, or 10-0 in the pub. On that same principal I didn't mind losing a campaign by a large margin either.


Maybe everybody needs to step back and ask yourself this: Am I trying to have fun with friends, or am I just here to win?


Or perhaps we just disable the scoreboard and then we don't have to worry about winning and losing.

Very well put. I do think there is a differense in evryone trying and losing, vrs couple of greifers costing competetive chaos leaving the rest of the team at a severe disadvantage.

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