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Nerf the hunter


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I know I'm late on this, but please leave the boomers alone. There is nothing wrong with them. If there are going to be any changes, then the least amount of points for booming a survivor can be 1.5 and NOT 0.5. I don't get how 1.79 points for each blinded survivor is a problem though. There is nothing wrong with the boomer's point system.


There is no need for longer smoker tongues. You're likely going to see less progress by the survivors if smokers are able to pull from halfway across the map. An example would be that area with the open field that is covered in water, and has a ship in the middle of it on the second chapter of the Sacrifice. It would be a little ridiculous to see survivors in the parking lot, who have already crossed that slope, get pulled back down into the field by smokers that are located all the way next to that ship. I doubt the survivors are going to make little progress at that section of the map because of that buffed tongue range. That's if they even make it that far. Allowing smokers to move while choking a survivors will just make it worse. You like it when your survivor team moves forward, but how are they going to move forward when you have the abused tactic of smokers pulling survivors while moving backwards? We're better off without those features.


However, it will be nice for players that use smokers to get more points for dragging survivors. Out of all the special infected classes, I think the point system for the smoker is the weakest/lowest. Heck, I've heard some members here claim that the smoker is the "joke class." I don't know, but I believe more smoker players will benefit from a buff in points.


Zero is right about the hunter nerf. It's likely going to affect the motivation of players, who are masters of the hunter, for the better. I'm getting this vibe that a couple of hunter supporters that posted here miss how competitive games were before hunters were nerfed. Wouldn't you like the competition now that the nerf has already been added? Now you actually have to work a little more to get the tank. Now it's going to be more of a challenge to kill the survivors late into the chapter. Now there will likely be less gaps of the scores; aka "Stacked Games;" since you'll no longer have a tank in 1 team wipe the survivors because of the early Sky Diver achievement, while the other team didn't have that early achievement and thus no early wipes on the first team.


Besides, how many points do you get for a 25 damage pounce? I want to say like about 10 points. If you land those pounces 3 time and get Sky Diver, you're going to get approximately 35 points. LESS if you landed 20-24 damage pounces, but it's not like the amount is THAT bad or anything. You just need like 15-20 more for a tank. Just land a couple of more high pounces and you'll be fine. If this doesn't work out for you, then you can use other infected classes like I said in my previous long post.


If anything, hunter supporters could be more supportive with the nerf. Instead of being bored with games because of the early Sky Diver with the usual early tank wipe, leave the game later, and claim that there is no competition; you're actually going to HAVE more of that competition because it's going to take more of an effort to kill the survivors. Games are more likely going to be close. The nerf lets you play more of your hunter to work for that tank.


If you're worried about survivors making it to the safe room so easily and so worried about them killing bought tanks with ease late into the round, then maybe biles could be raised up to 15 points. That way, players that buy the bile will lose that heal should they get incapped. Getting blinded by biles as a tank isn't the end of the world, but this increase in price will at least give more tank players more of a relief from them.


Overall, the hunter nerf won't be too much of a trouble. I promise you guys it won't :)

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I never meant smokers under a map.  That is an exploit.  I was referring to new opportunities that would be open to a smoke with a longer reach.  I can hide, but in some places I cannot reach the survivors because they don't go near the area.  That is all I meant.

I myself am 100% cool with smokers being offered more of a competitive advantage. As it stands today smokers do not gain any benefit to the current GC system. 0 extra health, can't move while smoking, and they do not gain an advantage from rocketing. I'm myself am open to hearing about smoker ideas and implementing smoker buffs. 

Edited by EliteGandalf
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No I have NEVER EVER said that in the 100 times I have posted in this thread. I'm sorry that new players and bots don't read your suggestions on just side stepping hunters and if you had read my suggestion, you would agree that you would get to hunt MORE of these incompetent bots and new players. If you haven't taken the time to read my posts then please don't respond to them and have discourse over arguments I have NOT made. It distracts from the discussion at hand.

I sorry if I misread your post(I may have in all honesty).


True there will be more pounces, but then people will get annoyed(for a lack of a better wording) and will probably end up leaving the game.




Nobody rages because of hunters, they rage because there are 4 tanks in two minutes of game play, and even sooner if it's only one team getting them.

Edited by zero0
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Well I've been gone for a while to not have noticed a thread like this eh?


Anyhow, here is my opinion.


Personally, I do not care how many or how little points the hunter gets on the server, I'm still going to play him regardless.

Its what I can do with the hunter, not how many points he gets. To me, its the thrill of landing a pounce from such a distance on a moving survivor. Immediately, I think to myself, yeah, I just predicted his movements enough to get that, which is usually followed by a cheer of some sort on my end, whether I vocalize it in the game or not.

Sure I buy tanks when I get the points, but that goes for any infected I use. When I get enough to safely play tank, I use them, because the tank has one of the same features as a hunter. Prediction. You have to guess where a survivor is going to walk to in order to hit them with a rock, or guess their fake and throw it in the opposite direction.


If I had to give my opinion, it would be what has already been said or stated many times. The initial pouncer on a moving or not recently hit survivor, would be higher than those that hit the survivor when it can't respond simply because of the high risk-high reward concept. And no, I didn't read the entire forum, only the first 2 or so pages, so I don't know where that argument has been taken.

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I'm OK with nerfting the hunter and working hard toward getting a tank but it doesn't solve poor survivors play, a.k.a stacked games.


If it was possible to re-balance teams on the fly, say a new player with low ppm or no ppm joins have him go to the winning team or if a good player joins then have him go to the losing team to help then games should in theory stay even skill wise.



If you can do death charge with a  smoker then I'm all for the smoker being able to move, plus getting points from assist on survivors death charge would be good.

Edited by Vilkys
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@ Carlos more or less a well put together opinion. I think with less points awarded for a default 25dp, increasing the price for fire/ biles, etc should be considered. Also offering more damage for pounces greater than the 25dp distance. I'm all for finding a compromise, but lowering the points awarded under 25% of 12.5 (to half precisely) seems to be a bit unfair without any other adjusting.


@ Clony I'd strongly recommend reading the entire thread. So your own interpretation can be reached.

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I'm OK with nerfting the hunter and working hard toward getting a tank but it doesn't solve poor survivors play, a.k.a stacked games.


If it was possible to re-balance teams on the fly, say a new player with low ppm or no ppm joins have him go to the winning team or if a good player joins then have him go to the losing team to help then games should in theory stay even skill wise.



If you can do death charge with a  smoker then I'm all for the smoker being able to move, plus getting points from assist on survivors death charge would be good.


Stacked teams is a difficult subject to deal with. People rotating in and out of the server and such, there is nothing we can reliably do about that.  Any re-balancing on the fly can cause more problems than it solves.  One thing does help new players, simply experience in the server.  It's also not exactly fair to just bounce players from one losing team to another either or vice versa. The hunter problem is easily solved with simply adjusting the points as I have suggested.

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Smoker has to be sneaky like the hunter has to find good pounce points without relying on invisible walls?

pretty much. a boost in speed would definetly help it.




No I have NEVER EVER said that in the 100 times I have posted in this thread

i think he meant to say that nerfing it any further would pretty much make the hunters pointless.

but yeah, people oughta calm down a bit and think a bit more before typing

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i think he meant to say that nerfing it any further would pretty much make the hunters pointless.

Nerfing the hunter in terms of points allocated for a given action does not render a hunter useless. The amount of damage done by the pounce should remain the same. Sometimes you play a class, not for the points it generates, but how it helps the overall team. I charge a person healing to stop the healing knowing that I will get killed in a sec and not get many points. I smoke a person just to set them up for the death charge. Points are not the end all be all of this game. I think people lose perspective because of the almighty points.

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GC Coalition Member

we need a team player server and a hunter mentality server


the hunter should get points for the amount of damage he inflicts  not how high up he can get .

just like the boomer booming them get so many point's just for getting bile on the survivors with No damage dont at all

Edited by Mercman
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Nerfing the hunter in terms of points allocated for a given action does not render a hunter useless

i know helping the team is a priority, but at least for me getting enough points for witches and tanks is the fastest way to kill the other team and help mine. even though i suck at tanking...

and i meant pointless in the sense that it would be more profitable to use any other infected even when in places that the hunter would be ideal for, in the point making sense that is




Points are not the end all be all of this game

are they not to you guys?

i mean teamwork is great and all but i feel like 100% of the beatings a team gives to an equaly good (or even better team) is because of the buy system. i feel like whithout it most maps would end up whit all 10 survivors making it to the saferoom (except for those in which we get new people that get absolubtly destroyed lol)


maybe thats why there are so many conflicting opinions in this thread? you guys dont need to rely so much on the buy system while for some of us IT IS the 'game maker'

it would certainly be interesting to see a 10 vs 10 match whithout it... aniway, im just rambling.

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I don't know about you, but I enjoy a good game where it is carried by great team work. I actually don't prefer games carried by the few that get the early tanks.


That I guess raises another difference in people. Some prefer the quick kill off the survivors and others prefer a good evenly matched game that is more of a nail biter. I have very fond memories of games where we make an awesome last minute push to kill the survivors as they are entering the safe room.


So in my opinion, I think it is boring watching a very talented few who get the quick tanks end a round early.

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Some prefer the quick kill off the survivors and others prefer a good evenly matched game that is more of a nail biter

good point, i do enjoy the strugle to win against good teamwork.

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the hunter should get points for the amount of damage he inflicts not how high up he can get .


Higher the pounce, higher the damage.


Why there's still complaining if the hunter already got nerfed?

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Another super rage game in the books ...........................due to hunter stack............please nerf the hunter


I believe I was in this game. I remember a few people raging, and that's quite unfortunate.


Sure there were a lot of hunter users in my team, and we used it really effectively, so there was a lot of incaps because of that.

But keep in mind, we didn't buy tanks.  The tanks you guys faced was a scripted tank given to Carlos. Our team had faced that scripted tank too in the previous round. If you disregard points here,  the hunters high pounced and incapped a multitude of people because they were standing in the open (with a mostly members game). Your team literally got pounced to incap before the tank showed up. Even if you were to nerf hunter points, the damage would still be the same.  I'm not trying to come at you, but do you want to nerf the damage of hunters? That's what it sounds like. Otherwise a scramble or swap so there wouldn't be a 'hunter stack'. 




Either way, hunters have been nerfed. What more do you want to nerf? Perhaps we are all looking at this the wrong way. Including me. I want to remind everyone and myself to always look at the bigger picture and not let the heat of the game be the sole factor of our judgement.

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I apologize for being cruel to your team as the scripted tank. I could have just refused to heal at all. That way when I die, you guys could have enjoyed your survivor round a little longer. I've been in your position many times before. It's better to die in a round gradually rather than instantly. I guess I was more brutal to your team as a tank because of how poorly I performed in my survivor round. I was disappointed in myself and took it out on your team. Anyways, my bad for the "stacked" game :/

Edited by Carlos
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I'm going to do this:


Temporarily nerf the Hunter by an undocumented amount (only I will know what it is unless you do the maths) and see people's reaction to it.


I think the majority doesnt want to nerf it to begin with, but are nice enough to settle with the already reduced points. further reduction without a consensus doesnt really resolve the issue of imbalance, especially like one above mentioned as 'scripted'


I have a feeling if this goes bad, the tank will be ask to remove all together 


I remember all the high flyers used to populate server 2, leaving server 1 with a more 'friendly' environment  to play at when servers were more populated

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7.1 per 25 damage plus whatever damage you can do after that can total 10.35 per pounce, it can go much higher but that depends how long it takes a hunter to get cleared.


So 5 pounces of 25 dmg to get a tank or 8 if you want 80 plus 3 achievements = 95 points, that still won't help poor survivor play. It'll take long to get that much points but again it depends how well survivors do in the round.

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7.1 per 25 damage plus whatever damage you can do after that can total 10.35 per pounce, it can go much higher but that depends how long it takes a hunter to get cleared.


So 5 pounces of 25 dmg to get a tank or 8 if you want 80 plus 3 achievements = 95 points, that still won't help poor survivor play. It'll take long to get that much points but again it depends how well survivors do in the round.

 ouch.. i will go for 10 before getting a tank if no one else get it to help.

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