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Nerf the hunter


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I want to just say this.  This whole conversation is going no where, and just annoying both sides of the spat.  Something was done to adjust the hunter, though obviously you don't agree with it Jackie.  Just lock this conversation and let's see what the adjustments do to game play.  

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I want to just say this.  This whole conversation is going no where, and just annoying both sides of the spat.  Something was done to adjust the hunter, though obviously you don't agree with it Jackie.  Just lock this conversation and let's see what the adjustments do to game play.  

Thing is though no matter how much it's nerfed, it won't stop people from complaining about Hunters.

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I could nerf it into oblivion if you guys truly want that.  Whatever makes people whine less about it.


My suggestion was to nerf it by half from where it originally was. So if it was 12.5 make it 6.25 or as close as you can round it.  Try it for a couple of weeks see what happens to the games.  More consistent play, less raging (especially from new players).  Longer roundtimes, closer scores, etc... less stacked games

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How much more do we need to nerf the hunter?

I would change it back to somewhere between 12.5 and 7.1. Otherwise, hunters are starting to become useless in the game with points only being 7.1. So now there are less people playing them [maybe people wanted that to happen?] Now, people have begun constantly booming to tank recently, now being the fastest/easiest way to buy a tank. And if you thought hunter pounces were bad, boomers are just as annoying especially if half the infected are booming and blinding the team 24/7.

To those who have never actually tried high pouncing, it's more difficult than it looks. Mainly because the hunter needs to pounce the person in the right place at the right time. You do have to take time to get used to using hunter. You can't just simply go up to a high pounce area and expect to get three high pounces on your first three tries. I may get six high pounces in one chapter, and the next I may only get one. 

In my opinion, it does not fix stacked teams. Even with hunters nerfed, in a previous game, the survivors were still destroyed with tanks nearly in the same spot as they would of been if hunters weren't nerfed. Maybe in a few campaigns, nerfed hunters may be a slight advantage and get through the game a little better; however, dropping the pts to 7.1 just makes them unplayable and useless now. 

I use hunter a lot, but I also always use other classes to get points for a tank, or just to help the team out. I have to admit that 12.5 pts was a little to high for hunter pounces, but 7.1 is just too low. If my opinion matters or not, maybe set them around 9 pts since 10 pts was still an issue for players. 

Bill Loney  :spin2:

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GC Coalition Member

i agree with zero


Maybe the hunter metality will go away I sure hope so.


These "good" players aint so "good" with out hunter pounce points. Maybe they will become team players?   I doubt it but ya never know

I hear the same old story how hard it is to pounced   I have to laugh at that  try being a smoker

I miss the old days when the team tried to kill the survivors  not see how many points they could get.

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I think you guys need to see some of the math behind the damage the hunter can do, forget points for now.

This is going to state the obvious but putting things into perspective can sometimes help.


The survivors have 100 health. A hunter can do, at max, an instant 25 damage to a survivor. Immediately the survivor has lost 1/4th of his health, just from the impact.

When on top of a survivor, a hunter does 5 damage in very quick intervals, I believe it is every .5 seconds, leading to some heavy damage if left unchecked for more than a few seconds.

Now lets put two parts together.

The hunter hits a survivor for 25 damage and then immediately begins his normal attack leading to an almost instant 5 more damage, which is now 30 points of damage sustained in a very short amount of time. This is already close to 1/3rd the survivors health in 1 or 2 seconds.

Forgetting about how many points that hunter just got, you yourself who just got pounced lost anywhere from 1/4th-1/3rd of your health in just a few seconds.

In addition to this, you probably already have another hunter heading your way from the sky, at least on this server, which will do another 1/4th-1/3rd of your health before you even have a chance to swing or shoot.

The amount of damage done by a hunter is greater than that of any infected, yes even the tank which is only a 24 damage punch or rock which is excluding the props he can throw, and can kill faster than any other infected aside from the witch.

After just two pounces, be it chained or apart, the survivor can already be slow with the third pounce having a chance of incapacitating or guaranteeing he is slow.


Regardless of how many points the hunter will earn, he is and always will be one of the most damaging non-tank infected there is, which will still make him one of the more valuable infected to have, able to knock down a survivor at 1/4th his health without a sound even being heard by the survivors.


However, on the downside, the hunter has low health, compared to his infected counterparts, tieing for 3rd to last with the smoker. So, for as much as he can do, if spotted he is almost as good as dead because the survivors can either shoot his measly health down, just move out of the way, or if you feel ballsy enough, can even try and deadstop him.


So unless Jackie will do anything to the actual damage a hunter outputs, which I hope he won't to keep it vanilla, having multiple hunters on the other team, regardless of points, is always going to pose a great threat, which can slow down the survivors and allow the other infected to gain points in his stead.

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Otherwise, hunters are starting to become useless in the game with points only being 7.1. So now there are less people playing them [maybe people wanted that to happen?] Now, people have begun constantly booming to tank recently, now being the fastest/easiest way to buy a tank. And if you thought hunter pounces were bad, boomers are just as annoying especially if half the infected are booming and blinding the team 24/7.


Um, tanks being bought early in a round because of early sky diver achievements were more annoying than those boomers you're referring to. At least rounds are likely going to be longer now. It usually takes longer to get a tank if you're trying to boom the survivors. If half of the infected team is booming and blinding the team 24/7 like you say there is, then it's going to be a little tougher to get your tank since the amount of survivors getting blinded will divide the point distribution among those boomer players. It gets more competitive to blind the survivors when you have other boomer teammates trying to blind them too. You just need to be patient when it's your turn to boom them.


Besides, I don't see why blinding the survivors 24/7 is a bad thing. I usually hear/see players say that they want their teammates to boom the other team more. A survivor team that is mostly blinded makes it easier for your infected team to ambush and attack them. Isn't that what many players ask for when they play infected? Blinding the survivors makes your teammate's' jobs more easier to hurt them.


Boomers might arguably be the fastest/easiest way to get a tank as of right now, but you can't really compare how annoying this is compared to the many Sky Diver achievements before the hunter nerf. I think it takes longer to get tank as a boomer, which is good because this prevents short/boring rounds from occurring for players that actually do want to get the chance to play as survivors. I say it's a good thing that apparently less players are using hunters. This gives them more opportunities to use the boomer, blind the survivors, and have your teammates do their damage to the biled ones. I see survivors being blinded 24/7 as an improvement over the less recent days when they died by tanks quickly over a few high pounces. Trust me, boomers now are not nearly annoying as hunters were before the nerf.


The hunter nerf has been available for barely a week now. Give it a month. Then you can judge how effective it has been by that time.

Edited by Carlos
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Clony's post made me remenber that i should just play hunter, and how cool it is to land 25hp pounces.


and zero's posts made me realize that making the other team rage using hunters is as good as beating them.

Edited by anzul
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My main problem with hunters is the people who spam them when we need spitters/chargers to try hold back their advance. 

What I'd like to see is:


1) Change max points for a high pounce to 7.5.

2) Add in 5 point achievements for the first 2 high pounces per player.  (So the first 2 high pounces will give 12.5 points total, same as now.)


That way a high pounce spammer would get the following point progression: 0 -> 12.5 -> 25 -> 32.5 -> 40 -> 47.5-> 55. Meaning 6 high pounces for a tank (compared to the current 4)

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we should disable tank purchase in the first 3 minutes of the game for carols, so we can keep everything else unchanged!

Ah, I get it. That will be one way to make it easier for you to get the Untouchable achievement.


Lol I'm on to you! ;)

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I remember there was this one person who got a tank before the survivors barely made it out of the safe room.... 

come on, you cant posibly blame that on the infected lol


lordbaby's idea isnt that bad actualy, this would also give the survivors further incentive to move up faster.

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Clony's post made me remenber that i should just play hunter, and how cool it is to land 25hp pounces.


and zero's posts made me realize that making the other team rage using hunters is as good as beating them.


I may just be reading this wrong, but why would you want to make the other team rage??  With that attitude you will be playing by yourself.  I don't want the other team to rage. I want them to play more.  I want both sides to have a good time, even if they don't win the campaign.  I don't know about you, but when the teams and classes are relatively even and the scores are close, that's a great game and although I'am a little competitive and like to win, I can still have a good time of it when I lose.  I don't feel the need to "beat" them, "rage" them, or dominate them in any way, it's just a game and it should be fun.  Those kinds of people are called psychopaths, and the server and the world is better without them.

Edited by zero0
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OOH BTW... I was playing in the server tonight.  People were getting sky-diver, but it wasn't outside the saferoom door and I know there were pouncers playing.  The rounds went longer, people had more fun, no rages, but some people had stuff to do.  I was on the losing team and it seemed like we simply got outplayed by better teamwork on the other team...............the way it should be................or someone's trolling me.  Either way it was noticeably better..............or everyone was half asleep.

Edited by zero0
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I have to agree with Zero on this Anzul.  That comment is for players who don't belong in this community.   We don't need psychopaths.  Usually I find people who play like that usually don't have much going in real life and tend to live at their computer and try to bring others down with them.

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