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The Passing


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GC Coalition Member

leave ALL the campaigns in the rotation .If you dont like it  ( or cant be a boomer/hunter) come back  when there is .

And yes its true  people leave swamp fever because they cant be boomers

its a shame we let a few  decide what campaigns to play because of the special infected they cant use and their ppm suffers

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Or you can participate as admin for once and actually do votes for us people that want a map vote/skip vote etc... just because YOU like the next campaign or finale doesn't give you the right to keep it when most the server is asking for a vote. Theres multiple admins that do this for the same reasons.. Get rekt m8's. I rest my case *drops mic* no hard feelings. I'm a personal hardcore mercman fan myself.

Edited by EliasPerez
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GC Coalition Member

Or you can participate as admin for once and actually do votes for us people that want a map vote/skip vote etc... just because YOU like the next campaign or finale doesn't give you the right to keep it when most the server is asking for a vote. Theres multiple admins that do this for the same reasons.. Get rekt m8's. I rest my case *drops mic* no hard feelings. I'm a personal hardcore mercman fan myself.

do you cry about everything that doesnt go your way?

Quite frankly idk


Like i said before  just because a few dont like it doesnt mean we shouldnt play it

Edited by Mercman
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There should still be a vote even if a few people ask for a vote of whatever sort. And if people agree with you not to change the map they would vote no. Ez pz. Why be a admin if you're not gonna do your job?

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Children - let's not deviate from the original topic which is about Passing, not about voting.  Granted Passing is kind of difficult because it's only 2 campaigns - likewise so has crash course - they both have long maps and are tedious because - a couple of hunters and a decent boom - wham you got a tank.  

However, some maps are not on rotation for one main reason :   They empty out server.


The negative side of voting for a map - people want to choose their favourite map all the time :  mercy, centre, carnival etc - this becomes even more tedious playing the same maps over and over again - so once in a blue moon when Passing comes up, would be nice to play to break the boredom.


If you feel there should be a map vote - have the maps that are not regularly played including Passing on the vote :  'swamp, Crash Course,  Cold Stream".


Each Campaign has their own death choke points - survivors need to negotiate and expect combo attacks - infected need to time them - unfortunately some new people are going to play their own game and this is the main point of annoyance - we got to try and help, but as Peanut said "If people are wondering off, shopping, exploring and they get caught in a place that could kill th team trying to rescue them, then leave them for dead".


I put plenty of map votes up - I even turn on all talk and ask if members want a map vote - most of the time all I get is silence - don't blame the admins.

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Lets try to keep this a bit more civil.  Lets not blame and call people names in here please.  All the regulars (players and admins) are friends and have a good time in the servers.  Lets try to keep it that way.  If anyone has a specific complaint about an admin or vice versa, send it to me through the website as a complaint or as a message (try not to send through friend chat, its a pain for me to handle things that way).  Even if it is a minor thing, you can send anything you want to me.


What Maestro says makes sense.  If votes are put up all the time, only a few maps end up ever getting played.  I know some admins put up votes more than others.   Admins don't need to put up votes all the time, but should remember they are there to help make things enjoyable for everyone.  If most people want a vote, try to put one up.  An admin can also put up votes for less played maps too, to try to keep more variety.  If you want to put up "passing, swamp fever, cold stream, hard rain" thats fine.


I would generally include the intended map in the vote. 

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 the server is already dying day by day lol... just add swamp n crash course back to the rotation.. it clears out server aiight but usually after a while people start joining in again.... ask people who play a lot (maestro, merc, elias, etc) they would tell u they miss playing those maps as a lot of us do


i think most of the server would agree w/ me... if not u can go ahead and make a poll rn to see if they want those maps back in the map rotation or not




Why be a admin if you're not gonna do your job?

you spittin facts

Edited by Shafee
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Speaking of Cold Stream, I should probably give this map a chance. I know I've been strongly against it these past couple of years here, but I ended up playing it fully last month for the first time in like forever. Let me tell you: I think this map has the potential to be in my positive list of good maps (even if that game last month was a bad one since it was 1-sided). Cold Stream just MIGHT be up my alley gameplay-wise.

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GC Board Member



participate as admin for once and actually do votes for us people that want a map vote/skip vote


IMO a vote should go up (Skip? Yes / No) if any single person wants to, vote shows majority. This settles the issue of "some" people not wanting to skip/wanting to skip and replaces it with "most" people.

just because only one person says it doesnt mean only one person wants to.

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