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Ok, welp, continue at yer own risk... :rolleyes:


I'm proud to share that in the last 9 weeks, I've been able to keep at a pretty intense workout regimine.


No pills or any sort of GNC advertised suppliments....just pure, old-fashioned work. When I started, I called it my boot camp.


What started out as 2 miles in the morning and 2 miles and night turned into 4 at a time, all hiking up and down incline.....then i began to jog, etc...now I'm over 5 miles and mixing in some lifting finally.


All the while I've reduced my food intake. My motto ( I think I posted this somewhere) was to "be hungry."


I'm not done, but I have to say I'm proud and I feel good.


To make this pic even mo' betta...you'll notice somehow I've taken on the unhappy, upset, mopey-looking first pic...and the satisfied look comes out in the second. I guess I should have added a tan in to the second pic too to make it even more drastic.


At any rate, I'm not quite done, but here's how I'm doing:


9 weeks of treadin'

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keep it up skinny stuff!

I'm up to a mile of walk/run intervals. also doing weights training, using light weight and high reps.

its hard stuff to do, esp since i USE to be a smoker...have not smoked in 9 days...wee.

"be hungry" is a good motto! i find that if i write down what i am eating (calorie wise) i will eat less....except for the fact that i about ate an entire pizza last night. :=

well anyways, keep up the good work fatty, i'll have to take a before and after pic for ya'll.

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GC Founder

I did shrink! Well, not my height.... All kinds of variables change the look.


Thanks all.....hoping to implant some motivation in anyone that could use it. I'm hoping to lose 9 to 14 more pounds (which will put me at 185-180).


My playing weight in college was 190...in high school was 180.....although I'm carrying around a lot less muscle than then.


I've also noticed a slowdown....I'm at a wall right now, sitting at 194. Getting to 190 is going to be tough. So, one thing I've done is cut out my large Chai Tea out of my morning commute (some people get latted, I drink Chai Tea) until I hit 190. I've also reintroduced the weights in addition to my tread millin.


We'll see how long it takes me to get there.

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heh, I haven't taken a Before picture yet...but I should soon...before I get skinny



I think I've lost about 2 or 3 lbs since I started...though I slacked off this whole weekend (was on a church trip) and haven't walked yet this week...but I've got a bit of new drive in me...

we'll see if I can hit 225lbs by FF04 (I don't think I will but I can always hope)...that means I need to lose 60lbs by July...yeah...that ain't gonna be easy.

wish I had a treadmill

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I've also noticed a slowdown....I'm at a wall right now, sitting at 194.  Getting to 190 is going to be tough.  So, one thing I've done is cut out my large Chai Tea out of my morning commute (some people get latted, I drink Chai Tea) until I hit 190.  I've also reintroduced the weights in addition to my tread millin.


web searches on this topic:


Some of us are more sensitive to carbs than others; so, cutting out sweets is only half the battle. I've started losing weight again after 2 years of....the world's longest plateau! Last week I lost 4 pounds after losing ten pounds in the previous ten weeks. I understand now that if I want to get to my goal (40 pounds to go...) I have to eliminate all simple carbs. That's the only way for me. That means no breads, potatoes, pastas, sugar etc. I eat only meat, fish, eggs veggies, fruits, whole grain cereals/breads. But I'm down 14lbs. and I feel better than I've felt in the past two years. I believe that you can do much better than the 58lbs. you've lost and I think that carbs might be your problem. Experiment for a week or two.....see what happens.


I got stuck for almost a month. I decided to cut out all fatty proteins and existed on fish for a couple of weeks. I even tried the protein shakes, but the fish tastes better and gives you same protein or more. I wrote out my meals for the day, prepared food at night and tupperwared it all up. Then I bought a huge 128 ounce jug. I came up with this silly rule--i called it 32 P. I just promised myself that I could not eat ANYTHING until I drank 32 ozs of water and it had to be lean protein. That was usually my fish or at times a protein shake. When I treated myself it was the leanest pork chop I could buy! At the end of most days I drank more than 128 ozs and had 120 grams of protein. There was no room for anything else. I only did this for two weeks to jump start the weight loss On Jan. 1st. If you look at my profile you will see I lost 13 pounds only this month, but each of those pounds fell off in 2 weeks. I have gotten slack and have only lost 1 pound this week. You better believe that yesterday I started my silly 32 P program again, it does boost your loss, hope it can help you too!


I've been searching on the web about this, and the general consensus is

that if you eat too few calories your body will go into "starvation mode"

and plateua and hold on to its fat.


Not a thing! You've encountered a "plateau," a normal (and temporary) pause in weight loss. Your body has learned to adapt to your lowered caloric intake and has slowed down your metabolism in order to conserve energy. The solution to getting past a plateau is not to lower your caloric intake even further, but to continue with your current eating plan, and perhaps to increase your exercise somewhat. Reducing your food intake will only reinforce your body's perception that it is caught in a starvation situation. Plateaus seem to be more common in persons who have dieted repeatedly in the past; their bodies have learned all too well to hang onto the few calories that do come in.


good general sites that answers basic weight loss questions:

Site 1

Site 2

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  • 3 weeks later...

GJ Fatty.


I noticed your PC lost weight in the 2nd picture as well...nice.


I started a year ago on my plan. I lost 52 pounds last year but plateaued last Fall for 4 months....it sucked. This year I increased my workout and do the following:


WMF - 30mins TaeBo (no laughing haha), 3 reps of 10 on Benchpress, Lats, Curls, Military Press, Flies, Triceps as well as 75 situps.


T-TH-Sat - 30 mins on the bike, 3 reps of 10 on Dead-lift, Squat, Shoulder shrug, shoulders, back and 75 situps.


I was using small weights to just try and burn fat and tone up but it was not working so I have bumped them up to increasing poundage and my arms and stomach now have definition but I have not lost any pounds since I started but have lost a pant size this year.


Total since I started I have gone from a 44 waist to a 38 waist so that is good and have dropped from 270-215 overall and just worked with my Doc this morning to get more weight to come off and should be at 180-185 by FF04.


I did not want to alter my eatting standards too much but I did cut out all nicotine, caffeine and junk food...including fast foods. I typically start with 2 slices of toast in the AM then a small, light lunch and have whatever I want for dinner (Burger and fries, steak, chicken, etc...) on the grill.

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oddly enough since I stopped drinking soda (haven't had one in 3 weeks) and eating healthier (grilled chicken and rice and whatnot) and walking (now up to running on my treadmill...though it KILLS) I have actually gained 5 pounds...

can someone splain that one? more muscle maybe? (my calf muscles are rather rock solid now)

I actually went from 285lbs to 290lbs...am I still doing something wrong here?

I know I'm still not eating as healthy as I COULD be because it takes more time than I give...but the running/walking daily alone should be helping me lose not gain right?

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I would agree, its probably just muscle, but another thing to keep in mind, especially if you went from pop or coffee to water or juice:


Water weight fluctuates as well Playaa.....I'm gonna guess with a guy your size your weight could probably fluctuate 10 pounds depending on what you have been drinking.

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well...every time I weigh myself I'm within 2lbs of the same weight...but I drink a TON of fluids...like upwards of 2 gallons a day...

one thing that I probably should stop doing is the sweetened tea...not much better than soda and I get 1/2 gallon a day from Arby's and drink it...I should quit that shouldn't I?

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Dont forget...muscle burns fat and carbs while it is just sitting there. Carry a little more muscle...burn a little more fat!


Granted, the keys to weight loss are eating healthy foods until you are satiated...not stuffed and a good cardiovascular workout regimen. (Playaa, does your heartrate elevete when you are doing your powerwalks?) Just walking/jogging is great, but to really maximize the metabolic benefit of a cardio workout...your heartrate should be elevated for the duration of the workout (there are tables to tell you what your target heartrate should be).


Fatty...lookin good mang! A VERY noticeable difference in 9 weeks. Keep it up. You look like you probably carried a bit more muscle at one point and probably know the basics of how to put some more back on. I think adding 3 or 4 pounds of solid muscle to your physique might get you past that hurdle of the next 5-8 pounds of fat you want to lose. Good luck!

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will do boys

well I'm halfway through my half gallon of water...and it's only 2 o'clock in the afternoon...is that good enough so far?

g00t...when I did my walking my heart rate did NOT get up really...now that I have the treadmill and jog on it I get my heart RACING for about 2 minutes of straight running on that thing (believe me, that's all I can do at this point)...but it feels good afterward.

plus we had a party this weekend at our house and we had a bowl of vegetables with light ranch dip...and I had some broccoli with light ranch last night as a snack...was very tasteful and good for me...so I think I'm gonna start eating lots of broccoli, califlower (sp?) and carrots with light dressing as a dip...

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